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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. So bring a lawsuit. Run for office and make it your priority. Start a grassroots effort to get the issue on the forefront What do you want me to say or do that I haven’t already?? Gerrymandering is illegal and shouldn’t happen. Both parties do it and unfortunately it doesn’t get called out enough. Reform needs to take place. We are on the same side here yet you continue to try to argue for some reason I can’t comprehend. And while we come together on gerrymandering, let’s add in term limits for both houses of Congress so we can actually get things accomplished in DC
  2. Please enlighten me on what “deep secrets” I have claimed to know. I have never claimed nor said I am trying to save you from yourself or your thoughts. I just pint out all of you and knapps lies. Be more truthful and I will respond less. It’s ok to say GOP sucks/ you disagree with policies/ Trump is a bad President. Just don’t make up blatant lies. @KnappIctried to say Schiff is a bastion of Teuth when it comes to Russia and that couldn’t be any further from the truth and I point that out based on INDEPENDENT IG reports and Congressional Testimony written in articles. Just cause you hate the source doesn’t make it incorrect. you being in a cult is a you problem not a me problem so not sure why I’m involved. Looks like you could use some therapy because it obviously seems to bother you still. And I’m not making light of mental Therapy. It works well as members of my family can attest. Get mad and angry all you want, but burying your head in one side of opinion and refusing to acknowledge facts can be a harmful thing. Learn a little about about Group Think and the reason it’s bad. And it certainly doesn’t help move conversation forward. In closing, most of you have tried gaslighting, using strawman arguments, or flat lying about stuff I never said. At least you tried once to respond with specifics When refuting. I re-posted the link for you. I assume it showed up the second time. Your last post is just a bunch of conjecture, blabber, and complaining about everything and hoping made sense yet pointing out nothing specific. That might work in a cult but not with me.
  3. What??? If someone believes a party in control has gerrymandered districts, then they need to bring a court case forward. This isn’t rocket science. Why do you keep bringing this up to me. Gerrymandering is wrong and I believe both sides of the isle try to re-district as much as they can to help their own cause and take it as far they can before crossing that line. Some go too far and get caught. It’s stupid.
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bostonherald.com/2020/05/17/disinformation-from-schiff-media-damaged-america/amp/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.fresnobee.com/news/local/article238275723.html https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/adam-schiff-transcripts-russia-trump-collusion-wsj https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/11/us/politics/fisa-surveillance-fbi.html At this point you are just being a clown for no good reason. You are dying on a hill you don’t need to die on. and yes IG’s are non partisan. Horowitz was sworn in under Obama.
  5. Yes I read both articles. WAPO doesn’t much reference Schiff it talks more Nunes. You clearly have no idea what I did or didn’t do and you continue to us that M O and continuously lie about someone. You reference the Federalist as lies yet can’t debunk a Federalist article. That’s interesting. not sure if you realize it but Barr doesn’t have an IG. The department of justice does and they are nonpartisan. Yes. Devin Nunes exposes the lies and FISA abuse. That’s a good thing no matter who did it. Your refusing to accept facts just because you don’t like someone. Think about what your doing here.
  6. Ya sorry about that. Didn’t mean to imply you were for it. Just picked a post to reply to to get my thoughts down. I apologize that it came across that way
  7. BTW Schiff keeps Lying also recently said Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation and Yet the FBI says it has a hunter Biden laptop and it is not Russian disinformation.
  8. Yes I read the article. Sounds like you didn’t. Too bad. Read the IG report, listen to Comey and McCabes sworn testimony about the Steel Dossier and how it relates to FISA warrants. your articles and the Democrat memo are trash and were debunked by the Inspector General report
  9. Why should student loans be forgiven? Why should those who never went to college subsidize the financially illiterate who took out more loans than they can afford to many times get a degree that has little financial upside? Do those of us who saved for school, worked during school, or paid off any student loans get a tax credit at the same time? I would be for eliminating the interest if that helps, or allowing people to declare those loans on a BK filing. Maybe hold the Education institutions responsible for the balance of those loans and not the taxpayer as a solution. rewarding people who go some private liberal arts college and racking up six figure debt when they could have went to CC college and a state school shouldn’t be a priority IMO.
  10. Pretty crazy that you are this clueless about current affairs. You linked to 2 article written in 2018, PRIOR TO THE IG REPORT ON FISA ABUSE, that the Federalist article is about. Your links are trash with incorrect information. If you would like refreshed, I’m sure you can find a CSPAN link to those hearings.
  11. Hehehehe. Biden literally told reporters he went to an HBCU. He lied about his law school class rank, he lied about Obamacare, he had to stop running for President because he got caught for plagiarism. it’s a pretty funny ad. Good to know you don’t have a problem with liars either. and yes Trump lies constantly too about pretty stupid stuff.
  12. It’s also funny you never said it wasn’t accurate. Tells me all I need to know about you. Maybe they should.
  13. https://thefederalist.com/2019/12/16/ig-report-proves-adam-schiff-has-been-lying-about-spygate-since-the-beginning/ enjoy
  14. Incumbents win re-election over 90% of the time because of name recognition and safe election districts. Studies have shown that the general public is dissatisfied with And have a negative view of government in general but not necessarily their own elected official. They don’t win because election laws are constant being re-written.
  15. If Trump ran into unapposed in primary, I would support him over Biden. If Trump ran against DeSantis, James, Scott, Hawley, then I support one of them. Hmmmm...That clear enough. the Mueller report does not make the claim that Trump coordinates with Russia to win the election. It also clearly states the outcome was not affected at all by any actions of a Russia. Hopefully you caught the Senate Mueller testimony hearings like I did. you need to take the polling places argument on a case by case basis. In GA, each county runs their own polling places. Fulton county is not Republican. GA also has laws on how many voters per precinct. PA is a commonwealth and each county seems to have their own sets of rules. This populace counties are Democrat counties. and I will ask again.. when did I say gerrymandering didn’t exist? You all love to make stuff up. When re-districting gets to the level of gerrymandering, lawsuits happen and courts get involved. See PA
  16. Keep on lying. I picked that article for a reason. It’s NBC, not FOXNews, it clearly states she said for any reason and she said Biden should be ready to contest in court.
  17. So you are gonna both sides it now? Don’t you complain to me for that.
  18. I didn’t look up the full quote and went from memory. It was even worse than I thought.
  19. If Trump publicly declares for the 2024 election I will let you know what I think. I don’t do the anonymous source thing. I am legitimately curious on how Russia helped get Trump elected. I am aware of $200,000 in Facebook advertising. Are you talking about the lack of poll locations in the Atlanta area? gerrymandering is illegal and rightfully so. Courts of law decide those cases when re-districting falls outside the law. and Adam Schiff is a bald faced liar.
  20. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/hillary-clinton-says-biden-should-not-concede-2020-election-under-n1238156 She is quoted as saying Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstance. Any is an absolute term.
  21. Who gets to Re-district is a consequence of elections. That is legal up to the point where a court of law says it was done in illegal terms and those district are then re-drawn (see Pennsylvania)
  22. You constantly flat out lie about things I didn’t say or post. That’s unfortunate.
  23. Show me in any single post where I said gerrymandering does not exist.
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