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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. Herd immunity at 60 to 70% would be a disaster so don't go off thinking I'm saying it's a solution we should be considering. Go vent on somebody else. Are you then in the camp that everyone will get this? If you can't provide some facts that everyone will get this then please quit acting like you know Jack squat about this. Here's some interesting data. It's just information so don't go all ballistic, ok? You never get anywhere with science if you draw conclusions before all the facts are in.
  2. Did I say it did? I was laying out all the possible ways, that I have read, that this ends, none of which include "everyone will get this." FWIW It's too soon to know if herd immunity will happen or not. And yes, natural herd immunity would be a friggin' unmitigated disaster if the threshold is in the 60 to 70% range. I agree it doesn't "work". But it could happen with the course our current leadership has us on....in about two or three years and untold deaths.
  3. Where are you getting this info.? We'll reach herd immunity at 60 to 70%, or a vaccine will be developed before then, or it'll burnout before either occur but to say everyone is going to get this is a take I keep hearing from time to time but I can't find any source backing it up.
  4. Got It!! Thanks...that worked!!
  5. Phone...will do Trying on my phone...will do
  6. Christ on a Cornpicker https://mobile.twitter.com/ProjectLincoln
  7. https://mobile.twitter.com/ProjectLincoln
  8. https://mobile.twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1280547679395819521
  9. All I see is the URL on my side. Copied and pasted two ways, twice. Is it showing up as embedded?
  10. https://twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1280547679395819521 https://twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1280547679395819521
  11. https://mobile.twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1280547679395819521 https://mobile.twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1280547679395819521
  12. Should be easy enough... I go to the tweet, hit the drop down arrow, click embed Tweet, copy, then try to paste as plain text here and all I get is code. See below. Do I need to paste into the link menu? <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is the thread where I break down my interpretation and conclusions of how COVID infections work<br><br>I have asked <a href="https://twitter.com/MLevitt_NP2013?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MLevitt_NP2013</a> his opinion on this analysis and he said it aligns with his thinking<br><br>Long thread coming up<br><br>Appreciate RT if you find it interesting</p>&mdash; Gummi Bear (@gummibear737) <a href="https://twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1280547634382606339?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Nope that didn't work either http://<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is the thread where I break down my interpretation and conclusions of how COVID infections work<br><br>I have asked <a href="https://twitter.com/MLevitt_NP2013?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@MLevitt_NP2013</a> his opinion on this analysis and he said it aligns with his thinking<br><br>Long thread coming up<br><br>Appreciate RT if you find it interesting</p>&mdash; Gummi Bear (@gummibear737) <a href="https://twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1280547634382606339?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">July 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  13. I'm not sure any more ignorance could be packed into such a short post. Well done.
  14. Contact tracing isn't a joke. It's our culture of "me, me, me" that's the joke.
  15. First this is biology. Nothing is constant in biology. The virus changes, our resistant to it changes, our knowledge changes so of course advice is going to change. It's the best we can do with a novel virus and coming down on experts because they didn't, and still don't, have all the answers is shortsighted. Masks are a piece of the puzzle. It would have been better if everyone had jumped on the bandwagon a month ago but they didn't. What masks can do is help get the r factor down below 1 and the spread will slow. Once the cases are at "manageable" level then a robust testing and contact tracing system can be more effective. There are other countries that have done just that. And they have their lives back for the most part. But if we do nothing about getting the r factor under control and allow this to continue to spread will-nilly, then you're right, there won't be football. As to people b!^@hing about giving our best effort based on the available science...f them. We're a society of spoiled brats. You don't give a brat the time of day.
  16. Wrong again. Vaccines typically trigger a stronger antibody response so the end result is not the same. Unless you're going to say my bank account is the same as Warren Buffet's.
  17. We're to take the epidemiology advise of someone still trying to figure out the quote function??? Classic..
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