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Posts posted by Lorewarn

  1. 1 hour ago, knapplc said:

    This is a basic, up-front feature of Twitter.


    What's he going to expose next, Dark Mode?



    People are going to LOSE it when they find out they can add a pound sign before a word to make it categorized and searchable as a "hash tag"

    • Oh Yeah! 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    That’s one way of looking at it, but not reality for some in the center. When the right went full MAGA whacko far right, centrists on this board (and I would think most) didn’t go farther right. 



    I think he's talking more about the politicians and their policies.


    Take Obamacare for instance. That was essentially a Republican idea in the 90's, then with the right going whacko and trying to provide something centrist policy-wise, it's actually pretty right-wing and still was called socialism.

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  3. 38 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    You’re not making sense. 

    you’re saying, a lot of bites are centrist so governing as a centrist is bad because the party moves away from centrists, to the extreme, to get away from the centrists where the votes are. 



    He's saying if your strategy is to be firmly in the median/average between the two parties, and one party starts shifting the overton window while the other stays still, then the third way/centrist has to start moving that way too to maintain being in the middle.


    So if the left side is at -50% and the right side is at 50%, the centrists try to stay at 0. But if the left side stays at -50% and the right side goes up to 100%, now the centrists are shifting to be 25% to the right.

  4. 5 hours ago, DevoHusker said:

    Right wing, left wing, whatever...





    I'm fuzzy on the timeline but was the vaccine only available to people classified in certain at-risk categories at that time or was it available to everyone?


    Either way, the tweet is dumb and misleading and shouldn't be up.

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  5. 30 minutes ago, Dr. Strangelove said:

    I get what you're saying, but it's just way more difficult for them. Their voting coalition is broad, so any issue is stretched and framed in a way that quickly sounds stupid.


    Student loan forgiveness - which I think is bad policy to begin with - has to be framed as "social justice" or a way to close "racial wealth gap" or "female wealth gap". The narrative has to check all the boxes for their minority and female voting base, and as a result alienates their Union Blue Collar bloc. If they don't reframe policy as some form of "social justice" their base will be upset and Congressmen/Senators will be primaried by somebody who uses that messaging.


    Lastly, what progressive folks need to understand is that passing what they want simply isn't going to happen. They need to immediately face that reality. The geographic nature of our electoral institutions is simply not going to allow the Warren/Sanders wing of the party to get what they want. Democrats are essentially going to have to go back to Clinton/Obama policy positions, however, their electoral position is so apocalyptic I'm not sure they can do anything that will yield tangible results.



    It's a complicated game but they're certainly not putting their best foot forward and constantly shooting themselves in the foot by A) not being willing to be louder and more pissed off about issues and B ) trying to be everything to everybody (except somehow some bases that they could make a dent in but choose not to even try for).

  6. 42 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    Dems have media outlets that lean their way.  However, they don't have the complete machine of disinformation working like the Repubs.  So, let's say the Dems are going to do everything they can to be honest about issues and push for these issues that supposedly a majority of Americans want?  How do they get around the disinformation to gain more power to get it done?



    You don't even need to stoop down nearly as low as the Republican Outrage Machine™‬ to do so much better in this regard if you're the Democratic party.


    Let's take one easy example. Veterans. In isolated environments dems have good talking points about helping veterans, but so does the GOP. So what do you do? You can lie and spread misinformation everywhere, or you can just get better at telling simple truths and telling them loudly.


    "The GOP does not support veterans. Veterans, every chance they get republican politicians vote against your health and safety. We're trying to make sure you're set up for a good life after you serve this country but these people are making it impossible. Every time we try to extend your health coverage they try and block it. We have a bill ready to guarantee you are protected, but they keep trying to stop us from getting it through and stopping you from being able to be healthy."

    • Plus1 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Dr. Strangelove said:

    They can't do anything to enact those policy proposals because they have to win elections by impossible margins to get the majorities needed to enact them. 



    Enacting would be great, but that's not even what we're talking about here. 


    This convo started with knapplc saying "voters are tired of Democrats sitting on their hands", and a tweet expressing that voters need to see fight and conviction. This is about the marketing and visibility game.


    The Democrats are constantly losing the messaging game, which is one cog in the machine that leads to their awful election results. One guaranteed way to make sure you won't accomplish something is if you don't even try. Reframe the narrative. Put things to votes so you can point to people voting against it. Come up with new talking points. Fill the media with the benefits and the messaging of your goal. Create the impression that you are trying like hell to actually get this done and the people not on board are the ones standing in the way of voters having their student loans forgiven or better access to healthcare or whatever, instead of accepting defeat in the public eye by either ignoring or being weeks late in addressing the misinformation and spin from your opponents. 


    Progressive folks want to see some actual teeth to progressive politics.



    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, BigRedBuster said:


    And, what specifically would that look like?



    Not simping for bipartisanship when there's none to be found and actually start working on things that are supported by a majority of Americans and that they promised, and being loud about the opposition in the way when they can't get them through, for starters.

    • Plus1 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, RedDenver said:

    Yes, that's exactly my point.


    Yeah, it's why I said you need to consider the context since the phrase can have multiple meanings. Notice that the second definition you didn't bold doesn't suggest violence.



    The first definition doesn't inherently imply violence either.

  10. 33 minutes ago, ActualCornHusker said:

    Then I guess you won't mind applying the benefit-of-the-doubt precedent to your favorite cheeto either when he says "We've gotta fight like hell", especially when he explicitly instructs people to remain peaceful...




    Maybe that'd be easier to do if there weren't years of evidence of Trump encouraging or failing to discourage violence at rallies and on social media. 


    "these THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd and I won't let that happen... when the looting starts, the shooting starts"


    "When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, 'Please don't be too nice. When you guys put somebody in the car and you're protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over [their head], like, 'Don't hit their head and they've just killed somebody, don't hit their head.' I said, 'You can take the hand away, OK?'


    "Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!" - in reference to a politician who bodyslammed a reporter for no reason


    "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise,"


    "He's walking out with big high-fives, smiling, laughing," Trump said. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you."


    "Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it."


    "See the first group I was nice, 'oh take your time'. The second group I was pretty nice. The third group I'll be a little more violent and the fourth group I'll say 'get the hell out of here"


    he was a guy who was swinging, very loud and started swinging at the audience and the audience swung back and I thought it was very, very appropriate.”

    “He was swinging, he was hitting people and the audience hit back and that’s what we need,”


    "I love the old days, you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out in a stretcher, folks. Oh, it’s true.”



    For benefit of the doubt to work you kind of need some doubt.

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  11. So basically Elon Musk wants to run twitter the exact same way it is now, with nebulous censorship for rule violating posts that include suspensions, deleting tweets, and shadowbanning tweets/accounts by hiding them in the algorithms, but the only difference is he doesn't believe in permanent bans.


    Wow what a victory for free speech you guys this is incredible we're all going to be very happy with this new approach.

  12. 2 hours ago, TGHusker said:

    This has been an area which makes too much sense to be ignored. If we are too ever find the middle ground you have to start here if you are pro-life. Doesn’t it make sense to stop abortion at the point it wouldn’t be needed?? This seems to be the easiest point to find common ground but some have a all but nothing attitude. 



    It ends up being the hardest point to find common ground because one side essentially adopts the position that putting any barrier in the way of the potential of life being made is tantamount to murder...


    except only in select arguments that conveniently only put the burden on women.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 30 minutes ago, knapplc said:


    Certainly. I think there's only a small fraction of people who don't think there should be limits. I agree with between 1-20 weeks, with exceptions for DNCs or other medical complications threatening the life of the mother or the baby. Most people are in that camp, I think. 


    I think Nebraska is currently at 22 weeks? 



    Yep, outside of an extremely small minority even the most ardent pro-choice people have no problems with limits on the timeline.


    @ActualCornHusker's graphic is true, but fails to contextualize the other side of things. America is a country of radical people and ideas in both directions - while we (currently) have some of the most lax abortion laws, we also have some of the most extreme fervor against comprehensive sex education, access to contraceptives and related healthcare, etc.


    Somewhere within 12-23 weeks is the sensible, smart, safe and just place to land. Places like Texas are absolutely barbaric and horrendous in how little of a window they give to women.

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