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Everything posted by AgMarauder04

  1. Now SoonerFans.com is saying JD Quinn. In other words, no one really knows.
  2. ESPN Article on Blowmar and BlowU Wuh oh! Now ESPN's got it!
  3. I'm watching TexAgs for more developments. By the time the first post was on here, there were 3 threads with a combined 50 replies over there! Seriously, that is where Big XII South Football is discussed more than any other board.
  4. According to TexAgs posters, it's only soonfans.com, their message board speculating on Peterson as of now
  5. Another Article And another article. The Big XII South Race just got a LOT more interesting!
  6. Sooner Article Here's your proof. Rumblings are the other one could be Peterson!
  7. This game should be fun to watch. Still can't believe that Vince "my-knee-was-down-on-the-pitch-but-they-didn't-catch-me" Young got lucky in that damn Rose Bowl last year.
  8. He was on the radio this morning on my way to work. Just thought he sounded like a real good guy, puts his family first, and a real hard worker.
  9. We (Husker Girl and I) are in Houston. We are for sure attending the A&M game, probably the OSU game, and hopefully at least 1 in Lincoln.
  10. A&M DOES have more student seats than almost any other stadium...like 30K or something.
  11. A&M selects ONE game a year to be the official "Maroon Out" game. For history buffs, the LAST time we beat NU was the FIRST Maroon Out. It's always a big game for us, and we pick the biggest home game of the year for us to serve as it. More than anything else, it is a sign of respect from the Ags. It's truly an experience to behold. If you can make it, you won't regret it.
  12. I would consider Nebraska the closest thing College Football has to "America's Team." Y'all don't have the arrogance of a Texas, OU, or USC. Just a good ol' fashioned hard-working, blue-collar, heartland team.
  13. Good for y'all! Now y'all can bring in someone who can truly help the program. BCG was a godsend to us after our own inept coach got canned. Maybe a new coach could bring Nebraska roundball to the national scene.
  14. TexAgs Thread regarding NU Fans There was a quote about how great NU fans are that is being discussed on my "home" message board. Thought you guys might like to read it. I'm always looking for stuff on there about NU. I like to see what other people (on that board it's Aggies, Longwhorns, Red Retards, and the Land Theives, since it IS the RIVALRY board.) have to say about the 'skers. When the NU-A&M game approches, I invite y'all to join up to throw some friendly smack
  15. Heh...at an Aggie Football Game, it's a tradition to kiss your date whenever the team scores.
  16. It really is. My girlfriend's (she is the reason I'm a Husker fan, as she, her dad, and her mom went there, her sister goes there, and her brother will go there) family is having me buy them tix to the A&M game, and I think it will be a great experience for all. And as far as the team, I really think A&M is the Big XII Wild Card this year. I think we could either be really good or really bad. I don't think anyone really knows how good we'll be.
  17. You guys KNOW I have to throw down on this thread The BIGGEST difference in our team is we FINALLY have a leader the WHOLE TEAM looks to. No more washout Reggie McNeal. McGee is a talented QB, but more than that, he is a LEADER. We face the same situation as far as breaks go. Our game with tu is on national television, like yours against CU. And we have the breather. Nebraska is a huge, circled date on our calendars. IT will serve as the official "Maroon Out" game for the year. The 12th Man will be there in force. I honestly think this game could go either way. I don't expect a spread more than 7 points. I think this will be an epic one. I can't WAIT!
  18. Yeah, I think so. His job is on the line. There are enough wealthy A&M alumni who will donate his buyout clause to the Athletic Department. Also, if nothing else, I bet there will be a lot less people who are buying season tickets if we have another crap year...and we need the attendance to cover our bases for the rest of the Athletic Department. Bill Byrne has done a great job with all his HC hires so far, and most Ags I know would love for him to work his magic again. There is only so much patience we have. We're reaching the end.
  19. This is his make or break year. It's year 4. I know people are expecting 8 or 9 wins, and most think he needs to win 2/4 out of NU, tu, OU, and Tceh (no, that spelling is purposeful...there's a pic online) What makes it worse is that in 2 years our basketball team went from 0-16 in Big XII to 2nd round NCAA Tournament. So, yeah. He's got to show us something this year.
  20. Nah, glad you liked it. IT'd be funnier if I was joking. I guess I'll have to fall back on my NU backup to have any type of hope...or even... *sigh* Aggie Basketball. Wow, that sounded wierd.
  21. yeah, its so hard to win there, even aTm hasnt been able to do it the past couple of years.. You're not wrong
  22. Ramonce Taylor is going to some podunk school no one's heard from. Since they've still got 2 of the best RBs in the country to back him up, tu won't suffer much
  23. lol, yeah, for more reasons than one. We've got some posters on TexAgs like him...just gotta learn the boards
  24. YEah, mebbe I did overreact. What can I say, I love my school and don't like others talking bad about it
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