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Everything posted by GSG

  1. Denard Robinson makes T-magic look like a quad-amputee
  2. Ha thank you this brightened my mood a tad. The sound sucks though cuz some foreigner uploaded it
  3. His 50 yarder last week would make a 65 yarder..... I think
  4. I wish this announcer would stop dropping the "Cal had 4 sacks last week" line
  5. He couldn't run my drunk ass over if he had 10 yard head start.* He went OVER not THROUGH. *Note: this an extreme exaggeration. I'm not that drunk.
  6. Rex looked like straight up Superman flyin on that one. But sersiously, our offense f'ing blows huge donkey dicks
  7. Is Marrow eligible or not? We need a power back. Rex is not it
  8. I already finished the bottle of vodka.... Is that bad?
  9. Howard Griffith says we have a championship defense. No sh#t Sherlock
  10. Maybe because that sounds really gay. It is. He has a f#cking remote for it. His players think it's creepy because he'll close it behind them without getting up from his desk. Sounds like Saban is a:
  11. Why doesn't Bo have the automatic door opener/closer like Saban does?!?!?!
  12. Over. Kyler Reed 2.5 catches I'm hoping for over, but I'm gonna say UNDER - 1 catch. Over/Under - Number of beers I drink during the game: 8 Over/Under - Husker penalties: 5
  13. Saw my dad on the sideline of the TCU game. Bastard....

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