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Pasadena Husker

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Everything posted by Pasadena Husker

  1. has been fantastic. if Reese comes along this team is going to win a lot of series and i like their chances come tournament time.
  2. wow, Sharp just said that it was 31 deg right now. i thought they couldn't play if it was below freezing. i'm obviously not correct. still, can't be fun to play in that cold of weather.
  3. correct, unfortunately i am on the West Coast so those games that start early in the midwest on Friday are right in the middle of the work day. have to glance at my phone every once in awhile as i'm trying to concentrate on my job. if they win I notice i become more productive. when they lose i'm really pissed off and my work suffers.
  4. Hope we get this one. only able to follow the stats feed on my phone, but Waldron's pitch count is only at 92 in the bottom of the 8th. That guy is fantastic
  5. Really starting to like this team. Two great starting pitchers for the weekend and like the new additions. This weekend's series with Minnesota should be good. Think we'll finish much better then the preseason pick of 8th in the conference.
  6. geez, that sucks. i was hoping that could play a doubleheader on Saturday as it looks like the weather won't be too bad. i suppose the cancellation has more to do with travel issues prior to Friday.
  7. well deserved. watched the game on Saturday and he looked in total control.
  8. yeah, i've watched both games this weekend and am really liking this team. Baylor won't make the College World Series, but they have some good players and will do alright in the Big 12. Would be great to sweep them on their home field.
  9. Beautiful, great win. so close to a no hitter, but a 1-hitter against Baylor ain't too bad
  10. nice piece of hitting by Schwellenbach here we go
  11. another blown opportunity. bases loaded with 1-out and Hallmark strikes out and Schwellenbach grounds out.
  12. Fisher is just making Baylor hitters look stupid today. the dude is dealin'
  13. nice to see that 2-strike hitting with men on 2nd and third.
  14. is anyone else watching the Facebook live stream of the game? i thought it was funny that in between innings the PA announcer requested that people stand up and show their best dance moves, the camera panned around the stadium focusing on the different people, and hardly anyone was moving except for the kid in the husker shirt. i get it that Baylor is a Baptist university and their scared that dancing can lead to people screwing standing-up, but that was really pathetic.
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