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Everything posted by TarheelTrojan

  1. With Nebraska's great tradition and all where did this "Herbie" come from? I liked the old guy. He looked mean and tuff. Herbie looks like a Teletube. You have got to do something about your image. And yeah, it would be funny seeing Tommy Trojan get scewered, by this inflatable, even from my point of view. I like it when mascots get together and stage such stuff.
  2. No kidding. Who missed the boat on this one? Yup, somebody's going to hear about this oversight.
  3. Regarding the quote, ""the Pac-10 is second because of USC", I would like to point out that the PAC 10 (not USC) went 3-0 against the Big 12 last year. Besides our win against you guys, Cal destroyed A&M, and, in the forth quarter, Oregon State exploded on Missouri in their final game. The PAC 10 is not a one team conference. Thats like saying the PAC 10 was a one team conference in basketball in the 1970's because of John Wooten's 10 national championships. The reason the NCAA basketball regionals are the way they are today is because "good PAC-10 teams" couldn't get past UCLA because the regions were then purely based on geography. Because of UCLA's dominance, not because the rest of the conference was weak, the NCAA changed the basketball regions and seedings. Good PAC-10 football teams can't get by USC, not because they are poor teams, but they have to play USC every year. Think about it, except for Pete Carroll's first 12 games(including two losses to K-State), and the loss to Texas in 2005, the only teams to beat USC has been PAC 10 teams. Auburn couldn't do it at home, Arkansas couldn't do it at home, Va Tech couldn't do it at home (well almost home). You guys get a chance to do it in September. But until someone outside the conference beats USC, lets not say those teams in the PAC 10 are weak. Because it saying that, you are saying you are weak also to based on that analogy. Yours is a specious argument. Regards, TarheelTrojan I understand what your saying and I don't nessecarilly agree with husker jack but he might have been saying that because of USC they where number 2 in mandels rankings and the pac ten wouldn't have been that highly ranked of a conference with out the powerhouse that is USC. fun to have you posting and great post Never thought of it that way. I could see that.
  4. Regarding the quote, ""the Pac-10 is second because of USC", I would like to point out that the PAC 10 (not USC) went 3-0 against the Big 12 last year. Besides our win against you guys, Cal destroyed A&M, and, in the forth quarter, Oregon State exploded on Missouri in their final game. The PAC 10 is not a one team conference. Thats like saying the PAC 10 was a one team conference in basketball in the 1970's because of John Wooten's 10 national championships. The reason the NCAA basketball regionals are the way they are today is because "good PAC-10 teams" couldn't get past UCLA because the regions were then purely based on geography. Because of UCLA's dominance, not because the rest of the conference was weak, the NCAA changed the basketball regions and seedings. Good PAC-10 football teams can't get by USC, not because they are poor teams, but they have to play USC every year. Think about it, except for Pete Carroll's first 12 games(including two losses to K-State), and the loss to Texas in 2005, the only teams to beat USC has been PAC 10 teams. Auburn couldn't do it at home, Arkansas couldn't do it at home, Va Tech couldn't do it at home (well almost home). You guys get a chance to do it in September. But until someone outside the conference beats USC, lets not say those teams in the PAC 10 are weak. Because it saying that, you are saying you are weak also to based on that analogy. Yours is a specious argument. Regards, TarheelTrojan
  5. You are right. We won't see one until fall. Maybe. Even then, it might not mean anything. This staff has never made updating the depth chart a high priority item. That explains why I could not find a depth chart anywhere. I am used to SC posting their's at the end of Spring Practice. It is usually 85% - 90% of what the season opener will be. After the first two games, it changes again, usually regarding backups. Thanks for your help. I'll wait until fall!
  6. I like to see the match ups with our upcoming formidable opponents, and I need a spring 2007 Husker depth chart. Can anyone direct me to where I can find it? Thanks.
  7. I agree, "anything can happen", what a match up of two great traditions!
  8. http://timothyofmurrieta.wordpress.com/
  9. I forgot probably the most important attraction you would like to see if you like doughnuts. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts started in Winston, and their HQ is SW of downtowm. Wake is NW of downtown. Also, Winston is in an area we call the Triad, (Winston-Salem, Greensboro, and High Point). Greensboro & Hight Point (furniture capital of the world) are about 10 miles from Winston. Greensboro and Winston are NC's 4th and 5th largest cities respectfully.
  10. We don't need a good d-front. Just an athlete to play the rover. Oh, ironically. Most defensive coordinators studied Charlie's defense in the 1980's and caught up to us. Using the rover in the defense will stop alot of "stud" players who kill us. Use a "player" who follows a "player" from another team, that would be a good thing. I thought that the mid 90s was when Charlie's defense actually became the "in thing" since we finally had the speed that was necessary to stop the Florida teams. Back to the topic, the 3-4 needs big tough lineman that can demand double teams every play to allow the linebackers to make plays. I don't think we have that with this years team, as Turner would only be double teamed on pass plays where his speed is a factor. Suh may demand it for about 50% but I don't think he would demand it every play the whole game. The other lineman haven't even proved they can beat a single person off the ball let alone demand a double team every play. A lot of people may think that the front three are not that big of a deal to the defense since they don't get a lot of sacks or tackles but they are more important to the whole defense than the speedy linebackers are. http://www.trojanfootballanalysis.com/usc_...nt_defense.html Here is a link explaining how USC's 4-3 defense last year was often confused (by me and others) as a 3-4. I gives good insight into the 4-3 as played by USC and the USC defense you will be seeing next September. Enjoy.
  11. I'm not a Husker, but I have been welcomed here as an "outsider". If I can say it, welcome aboard, you are with good people.
  12. I live in Durham, NC 1 1/2hrs to the East of Winston (we don't call it Winston-Salem normally). The Wake campus is west of downtown Wintston. Just south of downtown (nice skyline with RJReynolds headquarters) off business 85 is a place called "Old Salem". It is a miniture version of Williamsburg, Va. i.e. historical live reconstuction, fun stuff about the Revoulutionary War. Also north of Winston (about 25mi) is a state park, Pilot Mtn., that was used by the South in the Civil War. I am not familiar with the watering holes and eating places in Winston. If you want to experience NC BBQ, my favorite place in Winston is Little Richards, off Country Club Rd, near Wake campus. This place in vintage early 1960's. NC has two styles of BBQ (generally 8 recognized nationally- Memphis, Texas, etc.) and this style is my favorite, "Western Style", If you are used to KC style, this is totally different from what you are used to, but it is unique to the western part of the state. If you want more info on the specifics of the BBQ, I could tell that later. When I drive through there, its about 20 min. out of my way, but if I have the time I go. True NC charm. Good Ole' boys and all.
  13. Um NU and USC won't be undefeated going into this game?! Do you think USC is going to lose to Idaho or something? There's no way we lose at Wake. You are nuts my friend. Hello overconfidence, nice to meet you. My bet is Wake will be one helluva game. Amen cmb23. I felt the same way last year before the UCLA game. I am still in shock. Anything can happen.
  14. I will say that Jones' pre-game comments had the Trojans up for him. Cal has a big mouth guy, DeSean Jackson, like that and he got planted in our secondary early in our game last year. If either of them talk like that this year, you just have to wonder. That kind of stuff doesn't help your team. You're right, next year's SC receivers (Patrick Turner and Vidal Hazelton) are bigger, faster, and more physical than Jarrett and Smith.
  15. I'm with Husker In Hawaii, this is funny stuff, but also an insightful observation,
  16. It'll be one game or 3 games. I don't think Callahan can get away with letting him come back just in time for the USC game. He's either out one or out until after 'SC. The media will be all over him if that happens "re-instating a star player for a big game" always draws harsh criticism. I'm hoping NU will do the right thing for Purify and the University. But from my selfish point of view, I want him to play against USC. Why? Because when we beat Auburn at Auburn, Cadillac Williams was hurt and couldn't play. When we beat Va Tech in Landover, Md, Markus Vick was hurt or suspend or both and couldn't play. Till this day I hear people from those schools say this is the only reason they lost. Pitiful. If USC wins Sept 15th, I want Purify on the field. No excuses.
  17. What you are seeing is the difference between a class act, and one without class. Unfortunately, there are more UGA's out there than Nebraskas. This would be swept under the rug at most universities and their fans. Thats why I am a big Husker fan, and respect the program immensely. I feel honored that we are playing you guys. I wish we could extend this contract indefinitely.
  18. All this talk about the 3-4 has gotten me thinking about what I saw last year with SC and I didn't recognized it until you guys starting saying what you are saying. I feel so dumb (you don't have to jump in here) because I think we were playing the 3-4 often last year but disguising it as a 4-3. PAC 10 coaches are always saying what a good job PC does disguising his defense, and I think this 3-4 stuff is part of what they were talking about. Here is how they did it. They would line up in a 4-3 and #10 Brian Cushing would drop back into pass coverage. He never went to a three point stance so it was difficult to tell if he was rushing or dropping into coverage. Dallas Sartz, linebacker on the opposite side, would do the same. Our linebackers were so fast and DBs so good in coverage we didn't need help from DE's dropping off. This wasn't about having the DE drop off in traditional coverage to help the CB. Brian was all over the field; zone as well as man-to-man. He's big enough and strong enough (6-4 245 lbs) to get to the passer, but also fast enough to cover. He was the defensive MVP of the Rose Bowl. I feel like a goof. At times we were probably running a disguised 3-4 and I didn't see it. Perhaps NU is looking into something like that. I think your LB MeKeon could make it work like Brian Cushing does for us. McKeon really stuck out to me from last year's game.
  19. Thanks Nigel87, Hoyaman, Huskergirl, and Hastingshusker. Your info has been helpful, and perhaps if I can get tickets at the $100 to $150 range I can get there. Its guys/gals like you that give Nebraska football your great reputation. Kudos!
  20. I know losing your entire D-Line is a huge loss, but it doesn't make sense to change your whole defensive scheme because of it. Filling in the holes with four replacements is far simpler than changing assignments for all 11 guys. As you alluded to, NU's excellent linebackers can cover for a weak D-line. If you do have a change, I think it will be for other reasons. For example, our D-Line will be better next year than last year' s and it includes a returning All-American. However, the same rumor is going around at SC that they are considering switching to the 3-4. Two entirely different D-line situations, but the same rumors for two different schools. Perhaps the coaches see something developing at the college level where the 3-4 just works better against the newer high powered offenses. If NU and/or SC are seriously thinking of going to the 3-4, I don't think it will be based on your talent level at any give year on the D-line. TarheelTrojan
  21. Thanks for the additional info on Kevin. Thats even more impressive. I know everyone in Hastings is proud of him. Lets remember his family & friends for their huge loss, and be thankful for men like Kevin. TarheelTrojan
  22. I don't know if this is the venue for this post, but I just have to say it to someone. You decide. If I offend someone or this is out of place, forgive me. Hastings Patriot Since I have been reading and posting on various Husker blogs over the last several weeks, I have found myself noticing things related to "Nebraska" catching my eye. I was reading the local (Durham, NC) newspaper, and I spotted an article about the death in Iraq of a Hastings, NE soldier, Lt. Kevin Gaspers. He was stationed nearby me at Ft. Bragg, NC. I just felt a connection. I saw where he was a student at the University of Nebraska, and I just knew he was looking forward to the USC-Nebraska game as much or more than you or I. The thing that really impressed me was that 1,400 people showed up at his funeral. People don't got to funerals for people they don't care about. At age 26, Kevin positively effected more people than most of us will our entire lives. Obviously I didn't know Kevin, but I know he was a man of character. "Character" is something I have always associated with the Nebraska football program. So, next September during the USC-Nebraska game, whether I am there in Lincoln or here watching it on TV, when the Huskers make a big play, or score, or (heaven forbid) win, I am going to whisper, "Kevin did you see that?" And I just know he is going to say, "Yeah, I got the best seat in the house!" Thats going to be the way I honor Kevin Gaspers and his companions. TarheelTrojan
  23. Sorry; didn't mean to be a dick. When I saw this topic, I genuinly wanted to see an outsider's opinion of the Big 12 -- and I guess I was just thinking out-loud that there's possibly an alternative reason as to why you were empathyzing... (pardon me for reading that as respect) But you're right, Nebraska has never beaten USC... good thing my team is 2-0 against you. Look at my Avi. But anyway, back on topic.... I hate the media to. TOUCHE! Actually my example, poor assumption on my part, was that you can pick any or real imagined motive of another person. I do respect Nebraska more than any other school than SC. That is one reason I am getting the know the huskers leading up to the game. By the way, I was stationed in Junction City, and spent a lot of time in bars at Manhattan. K-State was the first college campus I ever stamped foot on. A part of my memories are still there. Is "K" hill still there? Respect. Empathy, Regards, Tarheel Trojan
  24. Sad but true. Its everywhere Pac-10, ACC, Big-10, Big East, etc. and getting worse. Just as our society's standards slide, so we must expect it from the individuals in that society. It's almost impossible to weed out the bad apples (if that is the case here), throughout football land because there are so many bad apples today. Paris Hilton is a good example of the rot in our society. Its so sad when you want to be associated with a class organization.
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