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Everything posted by Sparker

  1. You guys are all jumping the gun here... he doesn't say per year. I don't think they have that kind of money. Maybe a 5mil raise over 5 years to put him close to 3mil/year. Am I wrong?
  2. 1. I think every coach hates recruiting? 2. You can use arms to tackle?!?!!? SOMEBODY ALERT DIACO! Our guys have been using their shoulders with their hands limp at their sides or just falling down and hope the opposing players trip on them.
  3. Do you have any men in the house? Ask them lol https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95464?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en
  4. Its against board rules to have multiple accounts for this exact reason. Someone posts under a throw away name for rumors so their normal reputation isn't harmed.
  5. I'm willing to go up to 20mil/year. make it happen please, thanks.
  6. I think the issue was higher than that with Perlman. IMO, that was a big factor of why TO came back. He knew he could be a buffer between football and Perlman, and stayed as long as he could. I think for TO to be involved he would have to be 100% confident in Bounds, Green, and Moos.
  7. Not exactly her last 4. I don't know why they banned her or if it is just a temp ban. These are the posts that I assume got her finally spanked. She knows about the sock so probably a duplicate account, because "Jessica0" hasn't been around long. She is clearly grabbing attention with the "update soon" and then no update post. To top it off, she says she doesn't even care about this board because 247 is her home. So, imo she can gtfo, and the mods gtfo'd her.
  8. This should be called stream of consciousness mega thread.
  9. Read her last 4 posts in order. Someone said maybe she had two accounts. I think she just pushed her luck one too many times. I've heard pizza crust works pretty good for the bread. If you have trader joes near you they have the right dough.
  10. Damn, ATS representing the Frost N avatar! Fastest fan flip ever.
  11. I bet Jessica1 is available if she wants to come back.
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