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Everything posted by Stu

  1. Bellyshirt unis win championships.
  2. Nothing wrong with Vizio. Had my 37" for years, it's LCD, and it's always worked like a champ with great picture. Upgraded to a 70" Sharp recently. No complaints there. Picture is Sharp. Pun totally intended. I feel like Barney Stensen when i fire it up at night, it's so freaking bright. The 3D works great, though I've noticed some movies didn't do as good a job on the 3D production on Bluray, when it comes to 3D you really need to take what you are watching and who made it into consideration. I've got video games that look FANTASTIC in 3D, and some look aweful, same with movies. Remember you will have this TV for years, so get something you really want. Don't hold out if you find something that's a little more expensive than what you planned on spending, in a year or so you might look back and wish you would have coughed up the extra dough. Another thing, when you're at NFM, if you buy a new TV, ask them about getting a deal on a TV stand, or subwoofer, or extra 3D glasses. You can save hundreds if you pick up accessories at the same time. Get the free delivery, and if they say they can't get it to you when you want it, be persistent. My salesman called the delivery guys and managed to get it to me the next day. They delivered the TV, stand, subwoofer, but somehow forgot the chics and booze. Oh well, you can't get everything... Have fun and good luck!
  3. Watched this last night. I really enjoyed it. David Cross is such a fool in this. Very funny.
  4. Watching "Worls Most Dangerous Drug", it's about meth users. -insert original post here, now deleted by myself. Documentary starts with two Nebraska kids. edit: uh oh http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Primetime/story?id=549455&page=1#.UDWRvKOdLLw
  5. I love David Cross, never heard of this but I'll check it out. I reached my quota for positive votes, but David Cross is one of my favorite comedians from the last 15 years or so. His work on Mr. Show and his older stand-up routines are legendary. I actually haven't checked that out, GSG. Gonna have to give it a look for sure. Been watching a little Portlandia. It can be pretty solid, and I'm only 2 epi's in. Only 6 or so total on Instant though. Do you guys watch Modern Family? People tell me it's funny, but I'm kind of annoyingly picky when it comes to shows that I like. Just wondering if you guys think it's worth renting the DVDs on Netflix and watching the series. This bit was like 8 years or so before Miracle Whip tried to "hip" up its product, and every time I saw one of those ads I always thought of it. (Linked but not posted, couple f bombs.) EDIT: Never mind, I can't seem to figure out how to post the link without the actual video. It was David Cross on advertising to teens. Hilarious. Modern Family is a great show, very funny and safe to watch around the kids. Plus Sofia Viagra is nice to look at. Hulu Plus has them all for streaming, 8 bucks a month. I rely on Netflix and Hulu Plus for all my TV viewing, only subscribe to cable when Football season starts.
  6. Haven't started it yet, but I've heard it's good overall. The storyline is a bit 'meh' (biggest complaint being that they recycled existing environments--nothing new, save for some of the baddies you face), but the vampire/werewolf skill tree additions are great, and new dragon shouts, spells, weapons, and dragons (random Legendary Dragon spawns after level 50?) are added to the overall game, so that's a good thing. Oh, and there are some additional options and people that show up at the Thieves Guild and Companions Hall. And you can now change your character's appearance for some septims, too, now. I don't know if it's $20 good, but it's good, worthwhile DLC. After the Fallout 3/Fallout:NV debacles on that platform, I'm shocked anyone still buys Bethesda games on a PS3.
  7. I played that game for PS2. How does it play now a days?I beat all of the levels in a couple of those games. I remember there was an arena one or a fight arena and a one where you where teamates with a bunch of robots. Wish I had that game for Xbox. It plays great, lots of action and explosions. Graphics are fantastic, I play it on the PS3, got the game for free since I joined Playstation Plus, I have so many free games downloaded, I've probably only played a quarter of them. Never played R and C before, but I might have to check the rest out after we get done with this one.
  8. Playing the new Rachet and Clank with my 7 yr old boy. It's a freaking riot. Great control and very bright and crazy graphics. Makes for a very enjoyable bonding time with the boy.
  9. I almost threw up at the first part... I think you might have made it so i will never get this surgery................... that was rather grotesque, but i still think it would be worth it. i hate glasses and i hate getting an eye exam every year just to buy contacts. I used to hate those yearly check ups too. Check your PM, i'll tell you how i used to avoid those checkups...
  10. Yeah, that happened to me for like two seconds, it was like watching a very faint fireworks show for a little bit. Sorry if I freaked anyone out, just was giving my honest experience with this. I can see so good now I wish I would have had this done years ago. I can already tell it's worth every penny. The procedure sucks, and so does the 4-6 hours following it, after that it's smooth sailing.
  11. Well guys i had it done yesterday around 1. Painless my a$$. they have to suction your eye, get it to pop out a bit prior to the lazers. "Ok now you shouldn't feel a thing here..." *schlick* I then let out an F bomb with my outdoor voice as my left leg shot up. Surprised the heck out of the doctor. He said "you felt that?" Damn right I felt that! Felt like someone grabbed my eye with a needle nose and gave it a little twist. In goes about a dozen more numbing drops and it was much better. Lazer part was cake. I could smell by eye burning, creepy but didn't feel a thing. Whole thing was probably 15 minutes for both eyes. So i get home, and my eyes get really sore, I can barely open them, agony. I'm tearing through the medicine cabinet searching for nyquil, which sucks cuz it's dark, and i'm wearing sunglasses, at this point light is my enemy. Finally find the triangle shaped bottle and take three swallows. I pass out for around 6 hours and wake up feeling MUCH better. Dry eyes, i can see great but it's hazy, i compare it to wearing really dry contacts. Follow up was at 8 today, I now have 20/15 vision, better than i ever had with glasses or contacts. Haze is slowly decreasing, taking a lot of eyedrops. light is ok now. In a couple months everything should be clear, no more star bursts at night or haze. All in all, it's pretty sweet not having to wear contacts, and getting to wake up to sharp vision is new and fantastic.
  12. Breaking Bad They have all the seasons up now, except of course the first 3 of this season. Great show.
  13. Sounds too techno-ish for my tastes. I'll be looking forward to what they come up with though.
  14. My wedding and loans made me wait also. Just some info, they do have 0% payment options. I'm going with 18 months, which will be $239 a month. I've paid off my car, bike, only have mortgage and student loan left for debt, so it finally fits me financially. Got it scheduled for next wednesday, have to wear glasses for 5 days prior, get some prescription eyedrops and I should be good to go. Minn Husker, you wouldn't be the first who doesn't want his eye cut open. I hear there is no pain, just some discomfort. I'll report after I have it done. I'm really looking forward to it. Been waiting 10 years for it.
  15. After some more searching around, I found that 4500 for both is about right. The place I went to does it all with lazers, including the eye flap, no cutting with a blade what so ever, this is the safest and most reliable eye surgery available with less complications. I guess you get what you pay for, new tech = more expense. VA Husker Fan - Just started a new job with health benefits, don't have any FSA saved up yet, but it's a good idea for anyone else who is looking and has saved up.
  16. This thread can probably be deleted or locked or whatever. Got one hell of a deal from a very generous Huskerboard member!
  17. I hear his price went down since he got parkinson's.
  18. I've been wanting to get lasik surgery for a long time now. Finally finished school, paid for the wedding, got a house, I finally feel comfortable putting down the dough on getting my eyes fixed. Had my consult appointment which was super thorough, which is good. Then they hit me with the price, 2250.00 per eye. $4,500 total cost. WOW, I didn't think it was THAT expensive, but no one tells you that on their website. I want to know WHO has had this lasik surgery, is this a good price? If not, where should I go? If you feel comfortable, I'd like to know what generally costs you, if yours was less. I was really expecting something around 3200-3500 total cost. Thanks Guys! Stu
  19. I've boycotted Husker football ever since they broke tradition years and years ago. Until they bring back leather helmets with no face guard and put the goal posts ON the goal line where they should be, I'll never cheer for the Huskers. This is 'Merica G*d D@mm*t!!! Seriously this isn't even a big deal, let alone a medium deal, it's a deal that I forget in my front pocket and accidentally wash it. If you are a person who is truly upset about this, than you... well... you are someone who doesn't like High Fives. Or laugh at farts. It's one game out of the season. GBR!
  20. Bought a squat/bench rack and needs weights to fill it. Be nice if i could get a curl bar too. If you have any weights sitting around please PM me! Thanks, Stu
  21. I play a ton of games, and have never seen or heard of that one. Continuing through my backlog, I've beaten Dead Space 1 and 2 over the last couple weeks and am running Just Cause 2 now. Same here, never heard of CMBB. You playing Just Cause 2 because you got it for free on Playstation Plus? Been a TON of free good games on their for PSN Plus members, other day I downloaded almost 300 bucks worth of games for nothing.
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