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Everything posted by HuskerPharaoh

  1. Or a linebacker is out of position Or a lineman gets called for a false start Or we take a delay of game on a third and short Or... okay, your right...we would be passed out on the floor before each team got through their first drive...
  2. Or how about every time a pass play ends up going to the dump receiver instead of the primary receiver?
  3. I know, but this is the 2007 Cornhuskers -- not the 1997 Cornhuskers.
  4. Hey, now "I Bleed Red" is the next coach
  5. Ya, I could go edit it out if I wanted... There. I just did. Now a non-issue.
  6. I am impressed with what Grobe has done in the ACC with Wake Forest, but I still lean to Johnson. Navy is respectable most years. IF Johnson can put together a staff that can recruit well for his system, I lean towrds him. Grobe on the other hand has to do recruiting, so he has a track record to look over. Either is probably a good choice, but I will take Johnson.
  7. MANCRUSH= Sarkisian MANCRUSH#2= Bo Pelini Not a Gill fan for HC, but why is it that Sarkisian is getting a bye for never being a HC but it was always used against Turner Gill. Turner Gill wasn't qualified. and now that he is head coach we can see why. He cant even turn a LOW level team around. I understand his ties to nebraska, but we need a solid coach. Are you kidding?!? Gill has turned Buffalo from a cream-puff bottom 10 to a team that has a 3-1 record in his conference and recently beat Solich's Ohio team. He has proven he can coach. Might not be right for Nebraska, but he can coach.
  8. Stated something similar in another thread the other day. I wonder that myself EXCEPT I think Callahan in a control freak and possible a micro manager himself. I do think that Dr. Tom would be able to be a mentor as an AD, but Callahan might be beyond that at the moment. Callahan has loss of support by the fan base and his recent press conference comments probably hammered the nails in the coffin.
  9. Looks like Woods is a de-commit now according to Rivals.
  10. I was actually back there when Edwards was still at BYU and we had some coach named Ron McBride -- you might have heard of him...probably not...
  11. He had a rumor -- if it is true...great. If it is not...so what. Hope he does not gloat (don't think he will) if it is true and hope he is not bashed if the change does not happen as he outlined.
  12. I hope not, and if I am, is there some medication I can take for it! And anyone associated with BYU...that's tough for a grad of the 'U' to accept. so you are a UTE alumn? I am -- hence my passion for the sproption game that Meyer ran at Utah So gotta watch out for the BYU guys -- though it is not like this is the HC job at Utah -- hiring him there would be like a
  13. Watching and cheering from the begining...probably cussing by the end.
  14. I don't know if I am more surprised of the number of Cornhuskers as NFL captains or the lack of Sooners?
  15. I hope not, and if I am, is there some medication I can take for it! And anyone associated with BYU...that's tough for a grad of the 'U' to accept.
  16. COACHING EXPERIENCE: 7 years YEAR TEAM POSITION BOWL 2006 USC Asst. Head Coach/QBs Rose 2005 USC Asst. Head Coach/QBs Rose 2004 Oakland Raiders Quarterbacks - 2003 USC Quarterbacks Rose 2002 USC Quarterbacks Orange 2001 USC Offensive Assistant Las Vegas 2000 El Camino JC Quarterbacks CHIPs For Kids Okay, here shows off my lack of knowledge again -- bowls games for junior colleges!?! Had no idea these existed.
  17. Yeah, but how old is the HC for the Pittsburgh Steelers? Age is relative. Pelini is only 7 years his senior. Some/a lot of people wanted him as our HC 4 years ago which would have only made him 36. Understand, but I also read that people where dismissing Major Applewhite because he is only 30. Now three years can make a difference, but usually a coach that young starts at a mid-major doesn't he? How old is Lane Kiffin??? He is coaching in the NFL!!! Lane is 31. But he is the exception in the NFL. Not ruling Sarkisian out as a good canidate, just asking the question. Also, do we really want some else who has been affiliated with the Raiders?
  18. MANCRUSH= Sarkisian MANCRUSH#2= Bo Pelini Whoa there Sparky! I believe we understand -- you like the guy!
  19. you stay classy No doubt. Anyway, I can't blame the kid. Yea it sucks, but he's gotta re-evaluate considering the current situation. And please, Husker fans, it's the lamest thing EVER to say "well we didn't want him anyway!" after a kid changes his mind. Blaine changed his mind. Good for him. Hope he does well. How many of you have had a manager quit or fired? Doesn't that change your outlook with a company (maybe better/maybe worse). No different in this case, except it's about the football and education. Thank him for his interest, wish the kid well, and let's see who we can get to replace him. It's not like we do not have time to recuit another QB.
  20. I am going with Lee. I think we are going to have a new coaching staff and we may need a slightly more mobile QB. Not sure if Witt fits that mold as well as Lee does.
  21. Yeah, but how old is the HC for the Pittsburgh Steelers? Age is relative. Pelini is only 7 years his senior. Some/a lot of people wanted him as our HC 4 years ago which would have only made him 36. Understand, but I also read that people where dismissing Major Applewhite because he is only 30. Now three years can make a difference, but usually a coach that young starts at a mid-major doesn't he?
  22. Guy is what -- 33...not sure he ready for a HC position at a top tier college yet.
  23. Hey, it is not like he is pulling a John Freeman! Let the kids go where they are comfortable. The changes at NU will have this affect. Oh well, it happens...
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