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True Blue

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Everything posted by True Blue

  1. here are the applicable elements of the crime in question. Nebraska State Statute 28-319 1st Degree Sexual Assault Any person who subjects another person to sexual penetration without consent of the victim. 2nd Degree 28-320 Any person who subjects another person to sexual contact without consent of the victim. The argument here is sexual contact vs penetration. Until we know exactly what happened we will not know the appropriate charge. Regardless, it happened and I too am hoping Coach will dismiss the player. This will not be tolerated and he should not reap the benefits of being a Husker.
  2. "Barring any setbacks", what an avenue for escape should this not end up being true. The only sports authoruty I would beleive at this time would be Dave Weber. He knows not to throw speculation to his audience.
  3. So much time has elapsed since those Husker greats donned a blackshirt. Winstrom has retired with 2 super bowl rings, Alberts has been let go at ESPN and Jason Peter has dropped 200 pounds. That was an amazing compilation and it should be forwarded to every top notch high school defensive player the moment our new coach arrives.
  4. It hurts momma....when will the pain go away. Please make it stop.
  5. wonder if Bo Pelini is watching this game, waiting for a phone call?.... and the voice on the other end telling them what a job he has ahead of him
  6. Our only hope now is for the fans to start acting like CU fans typically do and Hawkins stand by his word and march the team off the field. Someone please start throwing snowballs.
  7. With the worst of them our defense stacks up with...understatment
  8. I'm going for a walk and when I come back there better be an explanation for this pathetic performance.......
  9. I respect Matt (nice catch) Davidson in the booth so much more when he gets fired up like this
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