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Everything posted by ribsfan

  1. ... you realize he was joking right?
  2. He was on there yesturday, and yeah there is a ton of husker stuff up there... so I'm guess thats a good sign. He really should have his privacy settings up higher, haha... we shouldn't be able to look this stuff up that easily.
  3. Oh I'm sure he is. I was for months before I finally decided. Hell... I didn't even have coaches constantly calling me, pressure from family/friends for me to stay close to home, or press calling me about my decision. And he probably has a girlfriend too, pressure from her alone would be enough to drive you crazy.
  4. hahahahaha can't beat that animation.
  5. Yeah, being a junior in college, this is completely normal. I don't go to UNL, or actually anywhere in Nebraska, but I promise you he was probably just trying to go visit a friend, or girl, and couldn't do so with out writing a different name, probably because of some dumb rule. I admit him yelling at an RA is pretty bad, but everything else shouldn't get anyone riled up.
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