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Everything posted by HuskerInLostWages

  1. Imagine 2009 D with 2012 O! Alabama would be shaking in their boots with those. I'd really love to see it.
  2. When will we get a good Defense AND a good offense together? Either one or the other just sucks every year and we can't seem to get a complete team.
  3. You guys see the DE when he realized that AA didn't have the ball? He just turned a bit and saw Tm running and thought "I done screwed up".
  4. When does Bo bench Maher and bring in Bondi? This is getting pathetic.
  5. Great, now Maher can shank it for 15 yards this time. maybe we just let AA kick it.
  6. Wow, does Compton run like a 10 minute flat 40 yard dash? He's slow as hell.
  7. krc, it's not alright yet, our defense needs to pull their heads out of their collective asses and stop tripping over their own feet.
  8. TM hit that right on the money. Damn good pass and catch.
  9. Didn't get to go to the game because the wife got sick, now have to watch this. So far looks like it will be a long day.
  10. Way to go Maher and Whaley. Both should be seeing a lot of the bench, especially Maher.
  11. Yeah, I saw this too. But what exactly does it mean to "pass the ACT"? I would really like to see what his actual score was. It probably means that he got a high enough score to get into the schools that he's interested in. So with a 2.6 GPA, what score would he need? Anyone know? His GPA and ACT aren't linked, at least at UNL. If you have a passing GPA and a 22 ACT score I'm pretty sure you can be accepted to UNL. It's not UNL's to worry about. You have to have a certain score that goes with your GPA in order to qualify by NCAA standards. Same goes on with the SAT's, so if you have under a 3.0 you need like an 800 or better on them, or at least thats what it was when i was getting ready to go to Creighton. I basically had to fill out my name on the SAT's in order to qualify with my GPA.
  12. We'll have to see whose going and all try and meet up before the game, then after.
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