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Everything posted by sdhusker82

  1. thanks red out. So there i was winning right then i got interrupted. So i just went on and continued winning. then the Thread was locked...
  2. i remember when i did 325... of course it was only for warming up

  3. what the hell? how do you get a +6 reputation? give me some points i'm sittin at a -2 and look like a real douscher

  4. haven't seen a roster or anything, just wondering if there are any huskers playing
  5. you think you can come in an win redout? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTEKGCFwGEs
  6. You loser haha. I would never do that....Maybe I should add Ankrah and Burkhead since they both sit near me.....that practically makes them real friends right? my friends lived in the same appartment complex as Mo Purify and Terrence Nunn so i added them on facebook
  7. if we get him an cooper somehow at the same time i think the universe might explode
  8. thats poorly edidted fro. everyone knows it said sdhusker
  9. when is kevin durant getting a puppet for nike commercials? screw kobe n lebron
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