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Posts posted by teachercd

  1. 1 hour ago, admo said:

    No.  Don't ever watch it.  The 2nd film looks just as dark as the first.


    I had high hopes when it came out and saw it at the theater.  It's just so psychologically depressing.  J Phoenix gets beaten up.  Then later he gets kicked when he's down again.  Then again.  And again.  And somehow the writers are telling the audience "I don't think you get the message, so we are going to do it some more, and have J. Phoenix bathe his 60 year old naked mom".....   


    Phoenix does this stupid thing where he weeps, then burst into hysterical psycho laugh at different times.  He has a therapist.  He's poor.  He works with other ugly clowns.  But those clowns want to steal from him and beat him up.  Meanwhile there is a lot of Frank Sinatra music playing.... so it must be hip and cool.  2 hours later he becomes the Joker.  And he get's invited to a late night talk show and stabs the talk show host in the neck (Robert Dinero).  20 minutes later the movie ends.  And that was the only time this week little POS ever showed any kind of violence or meanness.  So I guess he snapped finally.  


    The movie is dark and depressing.  It's overacting.  You don't think Joker.  You just see Joaquin Phoenix being a wimp.   And the writing is creepy and wants you to feel it.    


    Def not a Joker movie.  Just because at the end he is wearing joker costume and painted face.  But the other 2 hours is disgusting and dark and awkward and creepy.

    This is what I thought.  Seemed like an art house type movie that made it big because it already had a name attached to it.

    • Plus1 1
  2. 2 hours ago, JJ Husker said:

    I agree that any meat or fish product may have bones. And I also don’t care for our overly litigious society but this specific case is a good example of why people need to be allowed to sue for damages when warranted.


    The whole hot coffee thing was ridiculous. Of course coffee may be hot but a person will heal from some minor burns. Getting a bone jammed in your throat and almost dying from a product advertised as boneless….um, you might have a legit lawsuit on your hands.

    This always cracked me up!

  3. 13 minutes ago, commando said:

    lol....there are literally videos of people getting arrested yesterday at the riots.    i posted a link about 200 people being arrested 2 days ago for their pro hammas protest.   maybe some people don't want to see those arrests and just say that only right wingers get arrested...but it's not true and most people know it.

    Hopefully the pro-hammi idiots (yes, they are real) are all sent to go serve with the hammies.

    • Fire 2
  4. 8 hours ago, Decked said:

    Reminds me of freshman year football when coach would take my measurements and add 2 inches plus 15 lbs lol



    I coached at a school where the lying got so bad that we had a big old sign in the locker room




    Hahaha!  HS programs for the FB team are like tinder...all of a sudden no one is under 6'0 tall

    • Plus1 1
  5. 35 minutes ago, Moiraine said:



    Not sure that I agree on abortion. My mom’s a white evangelical in her 70s. She knows loads of others who think abortion is the most important issue and they want it to be illegal. Age and religion are a huge factor here. And my mom wants abortion to be illegal with exceptions also, but it’s not the #1 factor for her and she can’t stand Trump and would never vote for him.


    But there is a large negative correlation between age and education. Both women and men in their 60s and 70s would be less likely to have a college education than younger people, and older women even less likely than older men. 

    The fact that abortion is an issue at all is insane and that men have ANY say in it at all is insaner.  


    Everyone knows it should be legal, it should be free, it should be no questions asked, it should be for any age that the female is with zero parent involvement, ever.  



    • Haha 1
    • Worth a Look 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Dr. Strangelove said:

    The voters of California need to embrace building more houses.


    The voters of California really, really do not want to build more houses.


    The voters of California care more about increasing housing prices than they do about making their state better and addressing the homelessness problem.


    It's about time these people start being seen as what they are. The protests on elite college campuses were based on ignorance, but hopefully public opinion shifts even more heavily against them.

    50% ignorance and 50% a$$h@!eness


    It is sad that the public opinion of those ignoholes has not shifted even more.

    • Plus1 1
  7. 5 hours ago, nic said:

    State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said Thursday that "something is seriously wrong" with the way anti-Israel protests are unfolding in the nation's capital.

    "Something is seriously wrong when you see people marching through the streets of Washington carrying Hamas banners, literal, literal Hamas banners, carrying the Hamas flag down the streets of Washington, D.C. When you see people spray painting on fountains in Washington that Hamas is coming, when you see them displaying signs calling for the death of Jews, when you see them burning American flags, it's despicable," Miller said.

    "It's hateful. It runs contrary to the values of this country, I think especially when you consider what that flag that we saw being burned yesterday stands for," he continued. "And one of the things that stands for is the right to protest, the right to make your views known, make them known peacefully."

    "I would say to anyone that is burning an American flag while spray painting pro-Hamas graffiti in Washington to stop and think for a moment about what would happen if they were protesting Hamas's rule in Gaza," Miller added.

    "And it's not a question that you have to look very hard for an answer, because we know, because we've seen in the past when people have protested Hamas' rule in Gaza, we've seen how Hamas has responded. They responded with brutal crackdowns, with arrests, with violent repression. Fortunately, that is not who we are in this country," he concluded.

    All fake...didn't happen, not a thing.  Nice try

    • Plus1 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


    Someone recently told me that you can do this in Oregon. That was news to me. 


    My dad's mind was fine till the last two weeks of his life, but he'd become confined to a wheelchair and was pissed off most of the time. The thing he hated most in life --- asking for help --- was his 24/7 reality and a huge burden on my equally elderly mom. If he had full control over a peaceful exit, I think my Dad would have taken it. 

    I would imagine it is the worst part of all of that stuff...having to ask for help or needing help.  


    This was one HORRIBLE example that I read about



    • Plus1 1
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  9. While I would be shocked...USC also has zero fans and no one really talks about them all that much.  


    They got that splash hire with Lincoln Riley but he is also sort of a dud when it comes to being "cool" and he is not winning a lot.


    USC has a very odd history.  Take away what PC did and they basically have been as lame as Michigan for the last 50+ years or so.


    Prime would make them super popular and super hated, both work.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Decked said:

    Who needs teeth 

    So years ago I had a student and his Dad was the head of SWAT, so he would come in and speak to the kids and always bring those before and after pictures of addicts, the teeth always gone!


    One time after his presentation I was bulls#!tting around with him and I go "Hey, why don't you have any before and after pics of steroid users" and he laughed and goes "Cause they look better in the after picture". 

    • Plus1 1
  11. 4 hours ago, TGHusker said:

    Thanks - I have lost around 15 lbs just by eating better since the first of the year.  I try to exercise 3 times a week  - but don't do as much weight lifting. - swimming and walking.  At age 68 it is just hard to burn the middle tire off.  

    So one thing to remember is that there is no way to "target" where you lose weight, you think girls want to lose their boobs when they get skinny?  They don't.


    Keep doing what you are doing, it is clearly working.  


    Adding in any type of weight training will help.  

    • Plus1 1
    • Fire 1
  12. 1 hour ago, DevoHusker said:



    This is fake.  I have been told OVER AND OVER that no one is a Pro-Hammy.  Even so far as posters claiming that "everyone is against the hammies, we don't need to keep saying it"


    Shocker...Teach is right again.



    • TBH 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Madcows said:

    Can anyone explain it to me like I'm 5 on why I can treat my dog with more compassion and dignity than I can my Dad? 5 years ago, our beloved corgi Frankie was diagnosed with Lymphoma.  Talked to our primary vet and got a second (and third opinion) from another respected vet in the community and all told us that unfortunately it was not treatable, and we should find the appropriate time soon to do the humane thing and let her cross the rainbow bridge. Skip ahead 3 years. two years ago, my Dad was diagnosed with dementia, most likely being Alzheimer's. There is no cure, it is just sitting there watching him get worse and worse, unhealthier by the day.  The moments he has clarity and remembers his situation and who we are, he begs us to end everyone's suffering and to kill him. The amount of emotional and physical toll this has taken on my Mom is just as heartbreaking. Knowing we can do nothing but watch him slowly die makes me so mad. So, can anyone give me the logic on why I can end the suffering of my pet and let her cross with dignity and not have to suffer, but I have to watch my Dad suffer, my Mom suffer and we all have to watch as he loses every shred of who he was and the dignity he once had?

    I am not sure about here in the USA but other countries you can go to court to get that done.  I am guessing here you can't but who knows.

  14. 5 minutes ago, MyBloodIsRed16 said:

    All my friends will only drink Tito's.  I dont get it.  I just stick to smirnof.  I've chsllenged them to do a taste test to see if they could tell the difference between Tito's, grey goose and smirnof but they wont do it.  Afraid they wont be able to pick out their beloved Tito's

    I would personally not be able to tell the difference from any brand of vodka.  My guess is most people can't but I think most people pretend that they can.


    I know it is "illegal" but I am sure plenty of bar owners, at one time or another, have switched out some booze and poured in some cheaper stuff into an expensive bottle.

    • Plus1 1
  15. I mean, a prison visit is really not that hard to get set up.


    I have done a dozen of them.   You email, you set up your date/time, they give you a dress code form, they ask for your name(s), you get there, they make you sign in, they count out off, they frisk you (LOVE that part), you leave all your s#!t in a locker and they count you again and they mark your hand with invisible marker.

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