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The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. What the fack kind of 4th down call is that? The coaching staff has gone full retard.
  2. Jesus Christ! How do you give up another big pass up the middle?
  3. This has been Steinkuhler's best game as a Cornhusker, by far.
  4. That's scary, I'd much rather play against Persa than the backup.
  5. We might as well get used to playing down to the level of our competiton. It doesn't appear as though it's something that's going to change anytime soon. It's baffling, do these kids realize they only get a very limited number of games in a college career? You'd think it would be easy to get up for every game.
  6. God is the universe, and physics is one of the sciences that describe god. That sounds more like Spinoza's concept of "God" than the Judeo-Christian concept of a fatherly god that concerns himself with the actions of human beings. They're not one in the same.
  7. Yes, every religion topic ever created on huskerboard. Peoriahusker, trust me, this will be the last time you engage in a religion debate on huskerboard. You can create a title that says for believers only please and it will turn into an atheist vs. believers pissing match. I have my faith, you have your faith, Landlord has his faith and many others on this board have their faith. That is all we need. Really? Just go through every topic about religion in this forum and it will be this EXACT thread in every single one like knapplc has said. Pascall's wager, The Dude saying something about a magical sky fairy, and everything else in this thread. I believe this is only the second thread I've mentioned the magical sky fairy. Which is an accurate description of the monotheistic god of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, ect. It's a description that perfectly captures the absurdity of the concept. I'm glad my first usage of it struck a chord with you. Just goes to show our opinions can have an affect on people, and shouldn't be censored.
  8. ...but not too much Burkhead. We don't want to offend people.
  9. Yes, every religion topic ever created on huskerboard. Peoriahusker, trust me, this will be the last time you engage in a religion debate on huskerboard. You can create a title that says for believers only please and it will turn into an atheist vs. believers pissing match. You say that like it's a bad thing. Society evolves through information, and religion is by far the biggest form of misinformation in society. Debunking misinformation is paramount in the advancement of the human condition. That is your opinion, nothing else. If you don't believe in the "sky fairy" that's fine. It's your choice. Yes, it's my opinion based on the *fact* that religion is the biggest form of misinformation in society. Isn't expressing our opinions kind of the point of message boards? We do ourselves and our future generations no favors by remaining ignorant to reality. It's called progress.
  10. Yes, every religion topic ever created on huskerboard. Peoriahusker, trust me, this will be the last time you engage in a religion debate on huskerboard. You can create a title that says for believers only please and it will turn into an atheist vs. believers pissing match. You say that like it's a bad thing. Society evolves through information, and religion is by far the biggest form of misinformation in society. Debunking misinformation is paramount in the advancement of the human condition.
  11. I think people tend to dislike him because he's the most overhyped player perhaps in the history of sports.
  12. This reminds me of one particular morning when I was waiting on the school bus. It was December 1992, the night before we were bombarded with a terrible ice storm and I was shocked that school wasn't canceled. As I stood on the corner of an intersection that sat atop a steep hill I thought the bus must have gotten stuck somewhere, because it was several minutes late. Although it seemed like an eternity because the howling wind was bitterly cold. I was just about to give up on the bus and go back inside to read Calvin and Hobbes books for the rest of the day, right when I noticed the bus at the bottom of the icy hill. So I waited and watched as the bus struggled up the hill. As it almost reached the top it began to skid backwards down the hill. The bus driver locked his brakes, but there was nothig he could do. The bus was out of control and careening down the hill. There was nothing the bus driver could do. The bus driver knew there was nothing he could do. I knew the bus driver knew there was nothing he could do, I could tell by the look in his eye that he knew there was nothing he could do. But, being a man that took pride in his work, he desparately tried to stop that bus. Just as it looked like the bus was about to crash into a house at the bottom of the hill, it came to an abrupt stop. It got high-centered on a boulder that the homeowner kept in his yard as a part of his landscaping. I just kind of smiled a crooked smile and went back inside to read Calvin and Hobbes books for the rest of the day. Anyways, the point of the story is physics exist, and Noah's Ark is bullsh#t. Never was a Calvin and Hobbes fan...on a serious note, let me ask you a question..hypothetically...what if i'm wrong, there is not true one God, the Bible isn't accurate and its all crap...what happens to me? whats my downside? now, let me ask this, if you're the one who is wrong, there actually is one true God, the Bible is accurate and there is a Heaven and Hell...whats your downside? also..how does physics exist..how did it come about? oh, and GO BIG RED I guess your only downside is that you sound a little crazy when you say things like the bible is an accurate document, when in fact that's complete nonsense. My downside would be I burn in hell for the rest of enternity if I don't believe in an invisible, magical sky fairy. Seems like a pretty heavy punishment for something very trivial. Some all-loving god. If a god does exist, and is responsible for all the death, destruction, pain, suffering, starvation, disease, child molestation, ect. ect. in the world, then he certainly doesn't deserve praise. also..fuggin' magnets..how do they work? The chart below lists some documents, how many known original manuscripts, and the time span from the first known manuscript and when the document was authored. Author No. of Copies Time Span Caesar 10 1.000 years Plato (Tetralogies) 7 1,200 years Tacitus (Annals) 20 1,000 years Pliny the Younger (History) 7 750 years Suetonius (De Vita Caesarum) 8 800 years Homer (Iliad) 643 500 years New Testament Over 24,000 25 years After looking at the chart above, which document do you believe is the most trustworthy in being accurate regarding being closest to the original? Homer's Iliad does not even come close to the New Testament. Time span is critical when determining if the manuscript is close to the original. The longer the time span, the more of a chance of error. The first New Testament manuscript has only a 25 year span compared to 500 years for Iliad. Yet many of our readers would read Iliad as the gospel before the Bible. We should also mention that of the 24,000 New Testament manuscripts they are 15 different languages and they all are accurate in their translation. Let's look at one more point regarding the accuracy of manuscripts. It is the concept of textual variations and textual corruption. We will compare Iliad with the New Testament. The Iliad has about 15,600 textual line variations compared to the New Testament which has about 20,000 textual line variations. Not bad considering there are over 23,000 more manuscripts of the New Testament than the Iliad. The Iliad has 764 lines of textual corruption whereas the New Testament only has 40 lines of textual corruption. So, which is the more accurate document? *This data is from "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell 1979. There is a newer edition of this book which probably has even more powerful proof of the validity of scripture. As time allows we will update this page, better yet, why not get the book and read it yourself. It looks like I completely misunderstood what you meant by accurate document. Carry on.
  13. This reminds me of one particular morning when I was waiting on the school bus. It was December 1992, the night before we were bombarded with a terrible ice storm and I was shocked that school wasn't canceled. As I stood on the corner of an intersection that sat atop a steep hill I thought the bus must have gotten stuck somewhere, because it was several minutes late. Although it seemed like an eternity because the howling wind was bitterly cold. I was just about to give up on the bus and go back inside to read Calvin and Hobbes books for the rest of the day, right when I noticed the bus at the bottom of the icy hill. So I waited and watched as the bus struggled up the hill. As it almost reached the top it began to skid backwards down the hill. The bus driver locked his brakes, but there was nothig he could do. The bus was out of control and careening down the hill. There was nothing the bus driver could do. The bus driver knew there was nothing he could do. I knew the bus driver knew there was nothing he could do, I could tell by the look in his eye that he knew there was nothing he could do. But, being a man that took pride in his work, he desparately tried to stop that bus. Just as it looked like the bus was about to crash into a house at the bottom of the hill, it came to an abrupt stop. It got high-centered on a boulder that the homeowner kept in his yard as a part of his landscaping. I just kind of smiled a crooked smile and went back inside to read Calvin and Hobbes books for the rest of the day. Anyways, the point of the story is physics exist, and Noah's Ark is bullsh#t. Never was a Calvin and Hobbes fan...on a serious note, let me ask you a question..hypothetically...what if i'm wrong, there is not true one God, the Bible isn't accurate and its all crap...what happens to me? whats my downside? now, let me ask this, if you're the one who is wrong, there actually is one true God, the Bible is accurate and there is a Heaven and Hell...whats your downside? also..how does physics exist..how did it come about? oh, and GO BIG RED I guess your only downside is that you sound a little crazy when you say things like the bible is an accurate document, when in fact that's complete nonsense. My downside would be I burn in hell for the rest of enternity if I don't believe in an invisible, magical sky fairy. Seems like a pretty heavy punishment for something very trivial. Some all-loving god. If a god does exist, and is responsible for all the death, destruction, pain, suffering, starvation, disease, child molestation, ect. ect. in the world, then he certainly doesn't deserve praise. well, can you prove it isn't accurate? not on this thread obviously, but can you? and make no mistake about it, he's nota sky fairy! Well yeah, there's tons of evidence pointing to the fact that it isn't a historically accurate document. There are things in it that are accurate I'm sure, but suggesting it's an accurate account of how we came about is absurd.
  14. This reminds me of one particular morning when I was waiting on the school bus. It was December 1992, the night before we were bombarded with a terrible ice storm and I was shocked that school wasn't canceled. As I stood on the corner of an intersection that sat atop a steep hill I thought the bus must have gotten stuck somewhere, because it was several minutes late. Although it seemed like an eternity because the howling wind was bitterly cold. I was just about to give up on the bus and go back inside to read Calvin and Hobbes books for the rest of the day, right when I noticed the bus at the bottom of the icy hill. So I waited and watched as the bus struggled up the hill. As it almost reached the top it began to skid backwards down the hill. The bus driver locked his brakes, but there was nothig he could do. The bus was out of control and careening down the hill. There was nothing the bus driver could do. The bus driver knew there was nothing he could do. I knew the bus driver knew there was nothing he could do, I could tell by the look in his eye that he knew there was nothing he could do. But, being a man that took pride in his work, he desparately tried to stop that bus. Just as it looked like the bus was about to crash into a house at the bottom of the hill, it came to an abrupt stop. It got high-centered on a boulder that the homeowner kept in his yard as a part of his landscaping. I just kind of smiled a crooked smile and went back inside to read Calvin and Hobbes books for the rest of the day. Anyways, the point of the story is physics exist, and Noah's Ark is bullsh#t. Never was a Calvin and Hobbes fan...on a serious note, let me ask you a question..hypothetically...what if i'm wrong, there is not true one God, the Bible isn't accurate and its all crap...what happens to me? whats my downside? now, let me ask this, if you're the one who is wrong, there actually is one true God, the Bible is accurate and there is a Heaven and Hell...whats your downside? also..how does physics exist..how did it come about? oh, and GO BIG RED I guess your only downside is that you sound a little crazy when you say things like the bible is an accurate document, when in fact that's complete nonsense. My downside would be I burn in hell for the rest of enternity if I don't believe in an invisible, magical sky fairy. Seems like a pretty heavy punishment for something very trivial. Some all-loving god. If a god does exist, and is responsible for all the death, destruction, pain, suffering, starvation, disease, child molestation, ect. ect. in the world, then he certainly doesn't deserve praise. also..fuggin' magnets..how do they work?
  15. This reminds me of one particular morning when I was waiting on the school bus. It was December 1992, the night before we were bombarded with a terrible ice storm and I was shocked that school wasn't canceled. As I stood on the corner of an intersection that sat atop a steep hill I thought the bus must have gotten stuck somewhere, because it was several minutes late. Although it seemed like an eternity because the howling wind was bitterly cold. I was just about to give up on the bus and go back inside to read Calvin and Hobbes books for the rest of the day, right when I noticed the bus at the bottom of the icy hill. So I waited and watched as the bus struggled up the hill. As it almost reached the top it began to skid backwards down the hill. The bus driver locked his brakes, but there was nothig he could do. The bus was out of control and careening down the hill. There was nothing the bus driver could do. The bus driver knew there was nothing he could do. I knew the bus driver knew there was nothing he could do, I could tell by the look in his eye that he knew there was nothing he could do. But, being a man that took pride in his work, he desparately tried to stop that bus. Just as it looked like the bus was about to crash into a house at the bottom of the hill, it came to an abrupt stop. It got high-centered on a boulder that the homeowner kept in his yard as a part of his landscaping. I just kind of smiled a crooked smile and went back inside to read Calvin and Hobbes books for the rest of the day. Anyways, the point of the story is physics exist, and Noah's Ark is bullsh#t.
  16. Once you're a member of the 400 Point Club you get to call one play in Nebraska's bowl game.
  17. If he did actually exist he was an Arab Jew.
  18. There are a lot of people who identify themselves as ethnic Jews. Something like 17% of Jews in America are actually atheists.
  19. That... or it was agreed USA would be out of Iraq by 2012 when Bush was still in office...
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