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Everything posted by maskershake

  1. that little bit with bo at the end got me, good stuff
  2. good game by the bball team tonight! hope they keep improving

  3. I'm glad Brandon is starting to put his game back together. Hope it continues. And I hope these guys stop missing class!!!
  4. If I were him I would leave just because of the rumors. It's crazy out there! If any of the rumors were true he would not have started the CCG.
  5. We lost fair and square. No question about that. Hold on to the damn ball
  6. Still have time, just please run some innovative plays and execute with no turnovers! Can we do it? I sure hope so
  7. At least taylor looks.like he will be able to scoot if he gets a chance
  8. Not to take away how good he is, just want to be clear. He probably isn't used to being thrown at this year haha
  9. I watched several highlights of they year yesterday, just to help fill the week, one thing I noticed is Prince has dropped 3-4 picks. Hope he's got his sticky gloves on this game
  10. oh i completely agree. maybe in the history of the NCAA is slightly overstating it, but he is the best kicker the leagues seen in a long time. but if you HAD to find a reason to excuse him from awards, that the only thing i can rationalize I thought he was the most accurate kicker in history. Least thats what I heard on the movin' pictures
  11. This is getting pretty pathetic. He can't show up to give the girls their trophy? I'm not even sure what to say about that.
  12. I like how these guys get to comment on this but they really have no idea of what happened to cause Bo to get after Taylor.
  13. yeah, don't get too crazy out there or they might move that student section up even further
  14. I think it's funny. Whether we are getting hosed by the refs or not, I think it would be pretty damn funny and they would get some time on air. I say do it.
  15. makes me feel better someone from the outside sees the same thing
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