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Everything posted by Bradr

  1. I was recently reminiscing about these appetizers I had last year. They were mini rye toasties with some sort of dip or spread on them. Tasted just like a reuben. Obviously normal ingredients apply to some degree: sauer kraut, 1000, corned beef, etc Anyone ever made these or know what else that spread had in it?
  2. Fair enough. Huskerboard: Your 24 hour News, Football, Dirty Jokes, Cooking, Hunting, Fishing, and Oogling Daily Skin resource. Edit: That should be the new tagline for the next banner incarnation.
  3. Doesn't that law apply to the Civil Rights of citizens though?
  4. Yeah. Just a freaking joke . . . that happens to be very offensive to women. If I offended you, I apologize, it was not my intent. I simply posted this because I received it as a chain email forward, and it made me laugh. I shared it to make some other people laugh too. If you aren't one of these people - sorry. If it belongs in a different forum, needs a disclaimer, or is inappropriate for the board, pm me and we can discuss the particulars. And anyone who takes this too seriously need to lighten up a bit. These pictures no more reflect the physical appearances of the two political bases, than generalizations about football fan bases reflect the groups as a whole.
  5. Something about this just doesn't seem right. A city choosing to boycott goods and services from another state based upon said state's federally granted right to create its own laws? And then some of the legislature expressing interest in attempting to lure away conventions and jobs, based on that law that they find disagreeable? Me thinks that California, at this time and place economically, should be fostering any business relationships it can get. Not severing ties... Linky
  6. Need to win someone to mow the lawn tonight. Motivation is low.
  7. Does this kind of remind anyone else of the assassination preceding WWII? The first shots have been fired, and now all hell is going to break loose as conferences begin scramble. The question I have is what will the perception of Nebraska be if we are the ones that begin a total upheaval of college football (or are perceived that way by the general public)?
  8. Ha, pretty good one from my grandfather in Tennessee.
  9. If you watch the tv series "Lost" and "V' you will think this is hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2umUC_T6xg0
  10. Exactly. He'll get dizzy, fall, knock over (like a domino) the two girls he was with, and they will fall into your arms. The technique is strong. It wins every time.
  11. My great grandparents were German speaking northern Prussians and Frisians. They moved here for a better life for themselves and their decedents. I have no problem with that. I have no problem with traditions either. I love ethnic bierocks just as much as I love barbacoa, tortillas, and horchada. I celebrate St Pattys day when I'm not Irish, and I celebrated Cinco De May last weekend and will celebrate at another party this weekend when I'm not Spanish. What I have a problem with here is not the people. It is the attitude towards lack of assimilation. America assimilates cultures and makes them its own. We integrate and it has worked for a long long time. But when a culture steadfastly and stubbornly refuses to assimilate, I have a problem with that. When I hear about any group that wants special attention in schools, who draws attention to itself for the sake of attention, who makes demands that include the group and not the whole, I get upset. I'm going to guess that my great grandfather who was trying to assimilate, did not grab his nearest German flag, have his kids (my grandparents) skip school, and then march down the street denouncing the locals for displaying their pride in America. No, because he was an American at that point. He decided that when he moved here. And here a group of people who, if anything, are expressly avoiding assimilation. Not only that, but I detect a sense of loathing towards America from these people. And that can go towards not only the latino community, but towards a lot of people in the US these days. Be thankful for a chance at a better life and if you don't like it, get out. Don't decry when we display our pride towards our country and that country's symbol, our flag. Especially when that flag represents the very sacrifices that have created this great country and the liberties that hsve been earned - a country that these people (rightfully so) wish to be a part of. That is BS of the most epic degree. That is when and why I say either with us or go home.
  12. This will teach you everything you need to know grasshopper. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56ww--j17sE
  13. I have seen some "attractive" reasons for attending Clemson...
  14. And now there are concerns of gang violence/retaliation against these kids. And over 200 hispanic kids skip class on Saturday to march to school district headquarters while chanting we want respect" and "si se puedes" -- "yes we can." Have a border patrol agent walk up to each of these kids and ask: "Are you an American or are you a Mexican." Answer #1= "Go back to school, speak English, and get over it." Answer #2= "Welcome to sunny Tijuana, capital of Mexican drug war violence. You are now deported from the United States and can enjoy all the sites and sounds of your chosen country. Have fun, and no hasta luego."
  15. Does the central US even consider California a part of the US any more? I mean ideologically I don't think they can get any different from the mainstream mid-western culture. This is a glaring example of misplaced priorities we see all too commonly in California these days. This is our national flag for goodness sakes. And this Politically Correct crap has got to stop. Let the damn US kids wear their flag shirts and the damn Mexican kids wear their flag shirt. Let them have some pride dammit. I can understand a faculty's interest in preventing hostilities, and I know teenagers like to stir the proverbial pot. But whoever is starting fights is the problem, not the flag on the shirt. Someone had a post once that kids should just have uniforms, and all this sh@it would no longer be a problem. This looks like a distractingly peaceful solution to me: (if perhaps slightly unrealistic...)
  16. The main Omaha farmer's market is in the Old Market area (~10th & Howard) every Saturday. They had their first day last weekend. http://www.omahafarmersmarket.org/ There is another one at village point, but they were overpriced and very commercialized. The Omaha farmer's market is definitely your mom and pop farmers from the surrounding area. Prices can vary, but if you get their early and shop around you can get great prices. I have bought enormous red and green peppers for $.50 each. Those are usually $1 or more and undersized at the store. As with any market, there are people there trying to rip you off too. Particularly the flowers. They aren't cheap. On the other hand, there is a greek bakery that is quite expensive, but I would pay in my first born for their apple fritters and baklava. Soooooo good.
  17. +1 Not to mention outrageously cheap. I bought a 5"x5" bin of jalapenos - probably around 20 or so - for $2 at the Omaha farmer's market. Same thing goes for tomatoes, onions, and peppers too. Never been to the Lincoln one, but can only assume similar prices and quality. Speaking of quality, there definitely is taste difference between farmer's market produce and store-bought. Try making a salsa with a store bought tomato, then with a farmer's market tomato. No comparison.
  18. The whole thing is pretty over rated. I'll sniff around the organic area when I'm avoiding hydrogenated oils or corn syrup, but otherwise everything is waaay too overpriced and under-portioned.
  19. I have 2 from being in weddings and very rarely do I ever use them. same with flasks they just collect dust Then dust them off and go to some more hockey games dammit!
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