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Everything posted by tflynn

  1. I see that the new seating on the north side of the stadium is about to be completed. does anyone know if their trying to finish it before the season so that it is accessible. it would look weird having 5 thousand empty seats inside a packed stadium.
  2. i don't know what the point would be to keep it a secret. if they are going to report why hide the fact? I wouldn't count on it.
  3. I seen a pic of the new field and was wondering if the big screen TV on the north side will be put up this year or if it won't be put up until next year. it would be great to have up this year with everything else goin on. great recruiting tool.
  4. Has anyone heard any word of the maine game being on PPV. What chances do u think we have of it being on PPV.
  5. But how long can the coaches let him try running back, before he loses to much ground in the secondary? I wish he would just start on defense right from the beginning of fall practice cuz i think he could see significant playing time right away if he did that, however the longer he stays at running back, the less reps he gets on defense which decreases his playin time? do u think the coaches have a time frame they would like to see if he can make it or not and then move him, and if so what time frame would u say.
  6. I'm wondering how long Leon Jackson can play offense in the fall before it will hinder him from being able to play defense. usually learning is most significant in the fall and if he spends most of those days at RB, I'm wondering if their will be to much to make up if he does switch to DB to see significant playing time. I really think somebody with his athletisism needs to be on the field, however i feel DB would allow him to see the field faster. Is DB easy enough to learn that if he does change to defense after the season, will he have enough time to learn schemes etc. to play.
  7. Everything I hear from nameless I'm guessing its ricky thenarse.
  8. I'm a new member and just was wondering what the dollar amount below the name is and how it corresponds to the number of posts.
  9. Are there any drills similar like the 7 on 7's that lineman partake in during the summer. anybody have any updates on summer workout info regarding our o line and d line recruits. Also I read something awhile back where Brooks may have to redshirt because he is a little raw. anybody else know anything about this or what r ur opinions of him come the season
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