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Everything posted by huskerXman

  1. http://en.wikipedia...._global_warming Well, then.
  2. yeah, well then.. Even Science can't agree with science. because we know if this was found to be a fraud a lot of scientists would no longer have their cash cow.
  3. Fairly simple in my view. Tax cuts means these CEO's will be able to grow. How many companies do you kno i am guessing huge tax cuts. but nothing they could not survive after the first four years. here is why one billionaire likes romney: Sheldon Adelson: Investigation Into His Casinos By Justice Department Is Top Reason For Backing Romney he is not one of the ceo's threatening employees, but i think he demonstrates who romney would represent and their invested interest in him. http://www.sourcewat...erican_Progress not biased at all..
  4. http://www.dailymail...t-prove-it.html
  5. Good thing this is exactly what I've been saying this entire election then, huh? Meant to edit my post to say it wasn't direct at you, more to those that play sides. They are only helping to destroy this country.
  6. I guess I don't equate one parties spin on an issue with a blatant lie. Most of these issues can be explained from either side by using different studies etc. Heck, even the debate last night looked like a draw to me and many others but there are some who claim it was a huge victory for Biden and yet others who claim Ryan won. Does that mean somebody is lying? No, it doesn't. So, just because you can trot out a list of articles claiming that Biden won or that Ryan lied, doesn't prove anything. I am sure you believe the dems talking point that Romney's economic plan has to result in middle class tax increases. They arrive at that conclusion through some simple math but they fail to consider how it could be possible. Romney has only provided a framework within which to make policy and that framework includes a promise to not raise taxes on the middle class. The democrats consistently fail to acknowledge that eliminating tax loopholes for the rich does in fact increase tax collections from the rich. But that doesn't stop them from claiming Romney is a liar. The main problem is that too many people can't think outside the boxes they have created for their beliefs. If you are trying to convince me that the democrats or Obama are more trustworthy or more truthful, well, that issue is already settled in my mind. And besides that, I was not judging the debate solely by who may have been more truthful. From what I witnessed (mostly style and etiquette) it was a virtual draw. Biden's smirking, interruptions, and mild cases of rudeness were offset in my mind by a lackluster and rather boring performance by Ryan. People can call my perception wrong all they want but that doesn't make their perception of what transpired any more valid than mine. I didn't see a clear win by Biden and I didn't see any more or less spin by either side. The only point that I felt either one of them got nailed on was when Ryan claimed it had been done before, Biden retorted that it had not, Ryan gave the Kennedy example, and Biden's only defense of his own false statement was "Oh, now you're Jack Kennedy". If that is how some determine a debate winner, well good luck to them. You're going to swallow the Republican story hook, line and sinker, we know this. No amount of proof, fact-checking or explanation will change your mind. Romney's economic plans have been widely, bipartisanly, debunked. Continue to believe what you believe. I'm not concerned with changing your mind. Which is no different than those that support the dem party. it would be wise for people to stand up to both parties and say NO MORE! Otherwise this country is done, mark it down. We can't sustain this kind of behavior much longer. They (both sides) will destroy this country (doing a pretty damn good job of it now).
  7. Noted. I recorded your recommendation in my handy-dandy notebook. I would hate for you to get suspended or worse for defaming someone.
  8. I want the coach of my team to "aspire" to the following: Undefeated seasons, every season Division/Conference/National Championships, every season Graduate every single player. Scholarship and Walk-on, every year. FYI, Devaney nor Osborne accomplished this. Nor Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, "Bear" Bryant, Bobby Bowden, Frank Beamer, Bill Snyder, Rockne, Barry Switzer, Woody Hayes. NO ONE has ever came close to accomplishing this!!!! Yet, our coach Bo Pelini (along with any coach worth a paycheck) aspires to this level. To "disqualify" Bill Callahan, or any other Husker coach (because they didn't "aspire") is dangerously stupid... No it isn't, Cally was nothing you want in a college coach. Yes, any coach worth his weight will aspire to that level.. thanks you made my point. You don't have a mentor that has a college career like cally did. That is why you don't include him in this type of comparison. No point in continuing this..... Have a good Saturday (p.s.: I'm sure Cally and Cosgrove "wanted" to lose those games and mess up the program. From the sounds of it they really enjoyed your death threats) If I were you I would be careful when it comes to defaming another person on this board.
  9. I want the coach of my team to "aspire" to the following: Undefeated seasons, every season Division/Conference/National Championships, every season Graduate every single player. Scholarship and Walk-on, every year. FYI, Devaney nor Osborne accomplished this. Nor Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, "Bear" Bryant, Bobby Bowden, Frank Beamer, Bill Snyder, Rockne, Barry Switzer, Woody Hayes. NO ONE has ever came close to accomplishing this!!!! Yet, our coach Bo Pelini (along with any coach worth a paycheck) aspires to this level. To "disqualify" Bill Callahan, or any other Husker coach (because they didn't "aspire") is dangerously stupid... No it isn't, Cally was nothing you want in a college coach. Yes, any coach worth his weight will aspire to that level.. thanks you made my point. You don't have a mentor that has a college career like cally did. That is why you don't include him in this type of comparison. No point in continuing this..... Have a good Saturday (p.s.: I'm sure Cally and Cosgrove "wanted" to lose those games and mess up the program. From the sounds of it they really enjoyed your death threats) lol, what a chicken sh!t post.
  10. I want the coach of my team to "aspire" to the following: Undefeated seasons, every season Division/Conference/National Championships, every season Graduate every single player. Scholarship and Walk-on, every year. FYI, Devaney nor Osborne accomplished this. Nor Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, "Bear" Bryant, Bobby Bowden, Frank Beamer, Bill Snyder, Rockne, Barry Switzer, Woody Hayes. NO ONE has ever came close to accomplishing this!!!! Yet, our coach Bo Pelini (along with any coach worth a paycheck) aspires to this level. To "disqualify" Bill Callahan, or any other Husker coach (because they didn't "aspire") is dangerously stupid... No it isn't, Cally was nothing you want in a college coach. Yes, any coach worth his weight will aspire to that level.. thanks you made my point. You don't have a mentor that has a college career like cally did. That is why you don't include him in this type of comparison.
  11. the numbers game makes me laugh as well.. because it is so stupid and makes no sense whatsoever. Well, I guess it makes sense to those that only care about that stuff. A good coach is not defined by his record alone. They didn't include Cally for a reason.. he was never a husker coach, not like those that were used. I didn't think it was that hard to figure out. The 3 used ARE Nebraska football, and are what you want your newest coach to aspire to be.
  12. Some just might think that.. I have more faith than I did after reading the article, but talk (articles like this I mean) is for the fans... actions on the field speak louder than words. SHOW ME COACH!
  13. But my statements don't fit with the other post that you quoted . . . Why? because you say so? Biden won only to those with preconceived notions about Ryan/Romney.. i.e. biased
  14. I didn't say anything about "without question" If you'd like you could look a few posts below that one where I said that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You're certainly entitled to your opinion. I never said you did.. I was merely pointing out the bias in your opinion... according to the other post I quoted.
  15. No . . . it's fine. I suppose it's easier for a certain type to deny defeat. Plus they can always retreat to the echo chamber rather than face reality. In fact, that's exactly what I expect if Obama is re-elected. Obama didn't really win. Voter fraud. ACORN. Soros voting machines. Etc. It's all rather sad from the outside looking in. LOL...I'm not the one coming on here as soon as you can claiming victory. I said it was a draw and it appears through polls that more people in this world agree with me. Maybe you should take off your donkey glasses and not be so biased. Only a biased person would believe one side, without question, won that debate last night. Biden being a condescending asshat is a side note to all of this. Of course, people who aren't blindly convinced that the Dems are winning everything already knew that. And yet, you ignore your own hypocrisy. Biden did not do anything different than Romney did in the debate as far as interruptions and talking over the other person go. Yet, we sure as hell don't see you ranting and raving like a lunatic about Romney being disrespectful. Maybe you should take the teabags out of your mouth and not be so biased. Only a biased person would believe one side, without question, won that debate last night, in spite of the provided linked data that suggests otherwise. Agreed.. Well...
  16. Fixed it for you. You have to get really specific with the URL you use. Should work now. thanks man
  17. Do you know him? Have you ever meet him? From what I have "seen" his attitude is no different than what most show on this board. You don't have to believe me big guy. Take it fwiw. I'm not going to slander one our former players on the basis of things that havent made it into news headlines. But there are some examples. haha, I don't? Whew, good deal! I will take it fwiw... nothing. I didn't ask you to slander him (slander is spoken, libel is written), I merely asked if you have ever even meet the guy. From your post, I take it you haven't or if you have it was in passing.
  18. I wouldn't say "laughing at the issues" as much as "laughing at Ryan's lies". of course he is not laughing at the issue but the pubs will use it nonetheless. It was rather ignorant of him to behave that way, I mean, he is the VP for crying out loud.
  19. This is funny.. Biden thinks so anyway. Hmm, I am doing something wrong, I can't seem to embed this video?
  20. Do you know him? Have you ever meet him? From what I have "seen" his attitude is no different than what most show on this board.
  21. A fraud? WOW.. human and makes mistakes? yes
  22. No one is unbiased. Don't look to others to figure out who won a debate. haha, I wasn't. EDIT: deleted a portion of my post above; I had the wrong post.
  23. To your Urban video.. Urban apologizes to the guy in my above video.. hmm, I can't seem to embed this video.. and to your point.. Who cares how others act? I expect the NU coach to act and behave a certain way.
  24. From the above quotes.. how many are truly unbiased?
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