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Everything posted by gobiggergoredder

  1. Scientist recently conceded that if there were a nuclear war only two things would survive......cockroaches and Rex Burkhead.
  2. There is no such thing as Tornados. Rex Burkhead just hates trailer parks.
  3. Rex Burkhead is a frequent donator of blood at the Red Cross. Just never his own.
  4. When Rex Burkhead has surgery, the anesthesia is given to the Doctors.
  5. Rex Burkhead does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. Rex Burkhead goes killing.
  6. As a child, there was only one puzzle Rex Burkhead never cared to finish. He already formed all 7 pieces. The puzzle was named Pangea.
  7. Rex Burkhead once won a game of Russian Roulette with 6 bullets in the gun.
  8. I don't see it happening, but I would hate to play Ohio State again.
  9. When Rex Burkhead does a push-up, it is the Earth going down and not him coming up.
  10. When the boogieman goes to sleep, he checks under his bed for Rex Burkhead.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFZrNSa3b8g&feature=related Seems like a pretty passionate kid. You can see what the problem is with the OWS movement at about minute 8. Some freeloader that doesn't add to society in any way whatsoever says something to the effect "Hey man...if you wanna protest police brutality, come over here man". They have no agenda.
  12. Valid points, but he has to do something. The republicans are a disaster, but here is where I deviate. I think Cain is a Independent taking Republican money. I think the onslaught that Cain is facing right now is actually coming from the Republican establishment. I believe they feel they will have a more difficult time with their agenda with Cain. In my opinion, the establishment thinks they are better if Romney or Perry loses than Cain win. That being said, if Cain makes it through, which I really have no idea. Truth be told, I have my doubts...I think he will destroy Obama. I know no one will believe this, but I was going to start a topic two weeks ago, "When will Obama invade Iran?". I wasn't ready for the abuse.
  13. If I read this right your expecting Obama to send in the troops to Iran. Because it is an election year and currently behind in polls? You read it correctly. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but nothing this guy does makes any sense. Look at the timing. This has been going on for years. Why now?
  14. Election is coming. He's behind. I kind of expect this to be honest.
  15. Good for you, that you haven't been subject to economic injustice. That your job hasn't been outsourced, and that you have not lost your savings, your health care, or your home. However many people have lost those things, and see the control that the wealthy have over our politicians and the laws and regulations they have pushed for. In addition I see our hawkish foreign policy as another outcome of the wealthy owning our government. As a former member of the automotive industry, I got hit pretty hard a few years ago. In October of 2008, I started laying off 2-3 people every month. In December, I was told that my number would likely be coming soon. By January, I was laid off. While I was gone, the company stopped the pension program and the 401K match. Is it ok if my opinion is different than yours?
  16. Really? In what way are they claiming that OWS has anything to do with that decision? I agree - seems like pure capitalism to me. Business decision to do it, wiser business decision not to do it. I didn't know the OWSers were concerned with the BofA fee. Maybe I should read up on that more? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1111/67339.html http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/01/us-bankofamerica-debit-idUSTRE7A04E120111101
  17. Word. If they are stacking the deck, making it impossible for me to acquire security and comfort, then I would see it as much more of a problem. But the 1% aren't preventing me from gaining wealth. I could conceive of a brilliant idea tomorrow and become wealthy. I could continue to earn a modest but comfortable wage in my current career. If they're not attacking my (and your) ability to live, why do I care how much money they have? This is one of the reasons why I don't understand this movement. What is the goal? What would be a "win?" Best Knapp post I have ever read. I'm not rich. I do OK and I'm fine with that. I currently work in a role that a lot of people don't want to do and I have really terrible hours. I am compensated well because not many want to do what I do. That is my choice. Don't take away the incentive to become rich or we are in big trouble. I have been around several people that are filthy wealthy in my time. Either I don't have the skills that they have or I don't want to do what they have done. Because of that, I'm not jealous. They don't owe me anything. The graphs mean nothing to me. As I have stated in other posts, I think a big part of the income gap has to do with the loss of manufacturing jobs in a America. No longer can a 18 year old high school graduate get a $40K job right out of school that has good benefits and compensation. Those jobs are gone. What we really need to do at this point is try to understand why that is. The quick response is 'Greedy CEO's'. Yeah, I do believe that is a small part of it, but there is a lot more to it. That is simplifying the problem, but it has a lot to do with it. It is unfortunate that we have a society that so quickly says X=Y. I actually think we have become lazy. We don't make any effort to look at the root cause. The rape and age graph on page 2 is just embarrassing....I hope that was just a poor attempt at humor. Most graphs and stats can be portrayed anyway anyone wants them to be. A new medical study comes out everyday about something that may or may not be associated with breast cancer. Dr Dean O'dell was the best at disecting these so called 'stats'. It's too bad he isn't on the radio anymore. He was my favorite 'Lefty' to listen to.
  18. I find it ironic that I have seen several outlets reporting Bank of America's decision to drop a new fee as a victory for the 'Occupy Wall Street' group. In my opinion, it is nothing short of Capitalism. I actually think it's a great example of how capitalism should work.
  19. Last year after the Tea Party won the mid-term elections, I predicted that the violence would start in Spring of 2012 as people would be fed up by terrible govermnent and no good outlooks on the horizon. What has encouraged me, not that violence will be avoided, but by the prospect of OWC candidates winning local and state elections. Are suggesting that violence is associated with the mid term elections and/or the election of tea party backed candidates? Who might these OWC candidates be?
  20. It's not fake. It was on right at the end a couple of times. There was another one that was as funny and I hope someone can dig it up. It has something to do with Holtz and a quote. It said something like "That's the troof".
  21. They will already have had lunch finished up by 10:30 AM. This could hurt the possibility of a nap though.
  22. All I know is that I'm glad Beck is figuring out a way to get the ball into the hands of Bell, Abdulah and Enunwa. Enunwa is an absolute beast. There were a couple of catches that he should have had, but didn't make the play. That block (which they called a hold) was probably one of the most impressive legal assaults I have ever seen.
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