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Everything posted by Moiraine

  1. I'm confused. How exactly does an election reinforce your desire to not belong to a congregation (which I have no problem with). But, tying the two together is somewhat odd to me. 87% of born again Christians who voted, voted for Trump. I see no need to spend a lot of time around that. I'm perfectly fine with my 60-40 average Nebraskan tilt.
  2. I will admit to scrunching my eyes, pronouncing that "too-bee-long-toon", and looking that up in the dictionary. I'm the Gary Johnson of English professors. My phone was undersensitive or my fingers were cold.
  3. I'm a born-again Christian who doesn't believe in the merits of belonging to a congregation and this election has reinforced that, with 13% of BA Christian voters not voting for Trump. I mean, I can see trying to belong to one and getting my voice heard, but not with an 87-13 split.
  4. Someone said she's up by 100k, so big deal but she's currently up by 2.5milliom in California with only 68% counted. It would not be surprising for her lead to be over a million by the time all the counts are in.
  5. We talked about this a bit yesterday or the day before. The districts are where the overwhelmingly Republican local governments can gerrymander. If we can have strict laws on the border drawing it might be a good idea.
  6. Oh good another person who doesn't understand probability.
  7. I don't understand what people mean when they say rural America has been ignored. What specific policies are you talking about that adversely affected rural Americans to a larger extent than non-rural Americans? Losing the vote doesn't count.
  8. Funny and depressing. Guessing Romney was ahead at the time. Now Clinton's going to beat Trump in the popular vote. Sigh.
  9. Think that got dropped a couple days ago. The claim by the accuser is that it was due to harassment she received from Trump supporters. Knew that that one had been dropped, but thought it was another one that popped up. I'm not 100% on the whole story but I think this has all been the same person. The case got dropped in CA and moved to NY (this was a few months ago) and I heard that it was dropped again a couple days ago.
  10. Think that got dropped a couple days ago. The claim by the accuser is that it was due to harassment she received from Trump supporters.
  11. Clinton is leading the popular vote with 67% of California votes counted.
  12. Unfortunately none of this is true. The market crash happened in 2008 before the election. It's Obama who got/gets all of the blame for it, from Republicans.If anything goes wrong it will be blamed on whatever man gets elected after Trump. I didn't attempt to place any blame where it rightly may belong. I'm not saying you're doing that.
  13. Unfortunately none of this is true. The market crash happened in 2008 before the election. It's Obama who got/gets all of the blame for it, from Republicans. If anything goes wrong it will be blamed on whatever man gets elected after Trump.
  14. I don't think people are saying your daughters were failed because a female didn't win. It's because a misogynist sexual assaulter won.
  15. The Republican Party now controls the entire government. They still have issues with the 18-44 year old voters. Their huge voting block (babyboomers) is going to dwindle. If I were an important Republican I would do everything I could in the next 4 years to legalize marijuana nationally and not undo any of the gay rights rulings. They need to reach that age group and I think both of these things would help with that.
  16. The wall will be Obama's promise on Guantanamo.
  17. Yeah, that oughtta make up for the impending crises we have coming. What Crises? avoiding WWIII with that sweet No Fly Zone in Syria and her calling Putin the "New Hitler"(obviously greasing the American people for another war just like Bush did with his rhetoric). An economic crisis like we have not seen before as Trump attempts to repeal our trade agreements and default on our debts. Foreign disputes with any nation whose ruler doesn't meet his every obnoxious demand. Have you paid any attention to the campaign he has been running on? This is going to be a disaster of previously unseen proportions. And then it will be blamed on whichever Democrat comes after him.
  18. I'm pro life. But Trump wants to wipe out environmental regulations. So you're trading one kind of death for another.
  19. Neither does this the contrapositive prove. And I didn't make that claim.
  20. Voting with the majority doesn't make one smart. That's a terrible argument. Lots of awful people have been voted into positions of power throughout history.
  21. I've been watching CNN all night and you're making sh#t up in your head. There are virtually no opinions or personal remarks being said whatsoever outside of the designated Trump/Clinton supporters in the room with Cooper. The entirety of the broadcast otherwise is just looking about and talking about the numbers. Agreed. They should have called WI but other than that I haven't seen any losing of their sh#t.
  22. Clinton still has a wing and a prayer in PA. She needs 66% of the rest of the votes, and they're mostly from blue counties. The numbers are similar in Michigan. That leaves Nebraska, Maine, and New Hampshire I believe. There's been some talk about Alaska leaning away from red but it was kinda like the talk about Georgia leaning away from red.
  23. I said 271-267 Clinton but I was just using others' state results
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