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Everything posted by Ziggy

  1. Yea, something that might implicate them in the who thing. Never thought about that. Good call
  2. I don't care if your my bestest friend, I am not helping you cover up a terrorist attack, but then again if your my best friend I hope I would know if you are gonna be a terrorist. So maybe they know about this way before it happened.
  3. F tebow(as a football player)....that is all....
  4. Second that statement.
  5. Southern polar ice caps are expanding, global temperatures has been steady for 10+ years, yet still "green house" gases are growing at larger than expected numbers.
  6. Whatever floats your boat someone. Anyways all I am saying is just because an ME rules it a death by natural cause, or a accidental death, does not mean the Doctor is going to get off scot-free of all legal troubles. If a patient of a doctor dies while under their medical care they are going to face the possibility of litigation. If pressed they can be charged with criminal negligence, have their license revoked, or various other charges/punishments leveled against them for falling to do their sworn duties.
  7. Has any UN talks been started to discuss what the next step is for Syria?
  8. Historically it makes sense, but damn that wasn't thought out very well. Our country was build on the belief that a strong central government was a bad thing, and should be prevented, maybe a better phrase would be all powerful. Either way, the right to bear arms is the second amendment for a reason, just like freedom of speech/religion is number 1 for a reason.
  9. Yea, there seems to be a lot of information we don't know yet. But the fact it was in a soda bottle outside seems a little suspicious. Sounds like common sense all around is to blame for this whole thing, but who knows.
  10. they will be happy that our planet averted disaster and still push for a healthier planet because it is the right thing to do and better for the inhabitants and cheaper and more sustainable. also, i am not sure the global warming policy foundation is the most reliable source of information. I know little to nothing about Global warming policy foundation, just happened to be the website that had the information first when i googlized it. I mean i am all for green energies, and recycling but some people who push the global warming thing are borderline zealots. But because of politicization and peoples constant need for bad news, anytime we have cold spells it is the beginning of an ice age, or we get a couple of hot years and its global warming, we get a drought for two summers and its because when we traveled to the moon it changed its gravitational pull and we are all doomed. Its been about 12 years since we have had a global rise in temperature, but still we use CO2 emissions to blame on man made global warming, yet CO2 has gone up more than expected and yet temperatures have yet to follow. Another link about the Russian scientist claiming a new ice age.....http://notrickszone.com/2013/04/05/russian-scientist-warns-global-temperatures-to-fall-1-5c-by-2050-and-global-cooling-refuges/
  11. http://www.thegwpf.org/russian-scientist-warns-earth-heading-ice-age/ Just saw this on some news station. I am forever a skeptic of anyone who makes predictions of what the future holds, or think they know how something as complex as our plant or solar system works well enough to make predictions. But what happens to all the people who jumped into the global warming boat if we end up going into a mini ice age, or even have global temperatures fall back into "normal" ranges?
  12. You are correct, got my sh*t mixed up....too many bad abortion doctors running around.
  13. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/23/kermit-gosnell-murder-charges_n_3139986.html http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/23/3-7-murder-charges-against-philadelphia-abortion-doctor-kermit-gosnell-tossed/ http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/24/us/judge-throws-out-some-charges-against-dr-kermit-gosnell.html?_r=0 http://www.mediaite.com/online/judge-drops-three-murder-charges-against-abortion-doctor-kermit-gosnell/ Wow that took all of three seconds.....man google is really tough. He is charged with 3rd degree murder of Karnamaya Mongar, for medication overdose death. The 4 remaining 1st degree murder charges are for babies he is accused of killing post failed abortion by using scissors to cut the spinal cord. And word of advice to help you out on your husker board future, argue the post and not the poster.
  14. Breaking news, Female DNA has been supposedly found on parts of the bombs.....
  15. It will be interesting to see if both have banner years, Nebraska had a pretty good season, how that effects each others chances of winning it. I would guess the tie goes to the QB, but weirder things happen in college football. With the style of offense, I think TM has a legit chance to put up some really big numbers, maybe 3500 passing, and 1500 rushing or 4000/1000. We have the offense for it, if the d can stop the other team a few times, and we secure the ball better, the sky is the limit for the talent we have on O.
  16. Sorry about that. Nah. Attorneys are real jerks. Just messing with you about that, I am sure you know that. And I was just trying to be nice about the lawyers, they are all jerks!
  17. What about a Christian, with a bomb, inflicting terror? Or a Pastafarian? Stop copying me Carl....gosh And lawyers are just advocates for their clients, sure some are sleazebags, but they are just trying to do a job. I blame our judicial system/ Media more than the lawyers for how screwed up some cases go. Dont hate the player, hate the game....amiright?
  18. Just released watch list have our two main attractions for the Heisman. Granted its a popularity competition and helps if you have nice stats for a team in the hunt for a national championship....our stars align? http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/blog/eye-on-college-football/22138667/post-spring-edition-of-the-2013-heismanpundit/cbssportscom-heisman-trophy-watch-list-released
  19. I think the only mistake so far is giving an ultimatum that probably is empty. The whole use WMD's and its going to be a game changer, and then when they use them, its like oh its not like they used a lot of them. I kinda felt like maybe we should have had a plan for if they used them and had maybe a UN mandate ready in the event of Syrian WMD use. Also agree about nothing unilateral, but I wouldn't mind flying some sorties, maybe some spec ops, and some logistical assistance. Maybe even a naval blockade/assistance.
  20. Agreed, I though even a shot gun was a bit much for campus police officer. Anyways, it will be interesting to see when the actual reports come out about what they actually had, what the motives were, and some more factual information is released. The speculation is out of control, especially the Conspiracy theories.
  21. Annoying is when a discussion gets highjacked and then dies because no one is talking about gun control anymore. A polls was taken that shows that not as many people as thought were disapointed that the gun control bill failed. Apparently that 90% approval was a bit inflated. http://www.policymic.com/articles/37587/gun-control-debate-2013-why-aren-t-90-of-americans-mad-as-hell-about-background-check-defeat
  22. I heard they had a 9mm, a m4 and a BB gun....so lots of misinformation going around. Supposedly (from the bombers made bone headed mistakes article) they killed the MIT police officer in an attempt to gain more guns, and people speculated that is where they got the M4 from. I personally don't know why a MIT cop would have an M4, maybe an AR15 or a shotgun and a pistol.
  23. Reread the article, its from Feb. 20th, doesn't include info from the more detailed autopsy. Seems this article is a rush to judgement. Also, just because the medical examiner rules it a natural cause death, doesn't absolve the Doctor from legal issues. Otherwise he wouldn't be still in court right now, although he has had a few charges dropped by the Judge. As of right now there is more crap info going around than real info because of the emotions involved with the abortion issue. The article is from 2/20 because that is when the autopsy results were released. No rush to judgement in publishing the stated cause of death based on the a autopsy after the autopsy results are available. What exactly are the charges against Dr. Carhart that a judge dropped? As for the crap info, I'd suggest you stick to the actual media sites like the Washington Post site that I posted a link from. That's a good source for 'real info'. I don't know about you but I am not a doctor, or a ME, so weather one professionals opinion is considered the final answer is ludicrous. I am sure multiple doctors and ME's will be going over the original ME's file to collaborate or to attack his findings. Its called google, and you can look the dropped charges up yourself. But from what I understand they were dropped due to a lack of evidence to collaborate the stories enough to continue them on with the trial. As to the Washington Post, Don't you mean the Pravada on the Potomac....."In a November 16, 2008, column, The Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell stated: "I'll bet that most Post journalists voted for Obama. I did. There are centrists at The Post as well. But the conservatives I know here feel so outnumbered that they don't even want to be quoted by name in a memo".[48] Responding to criticism of the newspaper's coverage during the run-up to the 2008 presidential election, Howell wrote: "The opinion pages have strong conservative voices; the editorial board includes centrists and conservatives; and there were editorials critical of Obama. Yet opinion was still weighted toward Obama. It's not hard to see why conservatives feel disrespected".[48] According to a 2009 publication, in the blogging community, liberal bloggers link to the Washington Post and "New York Times" more often than other major newspapers]" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Washington_Post Or this....http://www.lifenews.com/2013/04/17/washington-post-admits-gosnell-B******-but-denies-liberal-bias/
  24. It appears as though, the use of Sarin nerve agent had been confirmed in Syria. But as of right now they are trying to determine who used it and if it warrants a response from the US/UN. Here is an article I found on CNN. http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2013/04/25/matt-gurney-obama-to-syria-you-can-use-a-little-sarin-but-not-a-lot-ok/ My take is we need to nip this in the bud or Syria will become more embolden, but its definitely puts us in a precarious position because who really wants to get into another war. Maybe we will have another Libya assault, with full backing of the UN. I for one do not envy they President right now for this decision he needs to make.
  25. Reread the article, its from Feb. 20th, doesn't include info from the more detailed autopsy. Seems this article is a rush to judgement. Also, just because the medical examiner rules it a natural cause death, doesn't absolve the Doctor from legal issues. Otherwise he wouldn't be still in court right now, although he has had a few charges dropped by the Judge. As of right now there is more crap info going around than real info because of the emotions involved with the abortion issue.
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