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Everything posted by PuegotDaddy

  1. You know I wondered why Knappic as a moderator would give me a warning for slapping down a Wisconsin troll who posted " tear down Memorial stadium " and then removed a posting of mine that stood up for the NU Gray haired fans , who younger fans are now saying dont yell loud enough. In fact I was told I had STRIKE ONE. But after reading this post by Knappic I NOW GET IT , Knappic is either an agnostic or an athiest. That explains alot ... As I am famous for sticking up for the bible and our Maker. I was wondering what I had done to get Knappics ire , and now I have figured it out. It just goes to show that ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY. Oh well , I will let Knappic make Anti Christian statements like that , and let him lead his own life like he does , and I will lead my life through Christ , and that is good enough for myself. I guess what it comes down to is on any board you post on , the mods have their perks and beliefs and instead of exchanging thoughtful talk about it , they cant hang with someone who shoots down their own views on life. Usually what I find is those on these boards who shoot down their own MAKERS rules on life , is that THEY LEAD AN ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE , THAT THE BIBLE AND OUR SOCIETY LOOKS AT AS PERVERSE. Isnt it funny that the ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE CROWD always finds so much wrong with the Bible and their MAKERS RULES , when actually it comes down to Gods and the Bibles views and rules as far as what is NATURAL AND WHAT IS PERVERSE ? Things that make you go hmmmm... 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 So they group together on these websites and try and throw their own perverse lifestyle on others , WHO KNOW BETTER . What a punk ... Great Red One is moving on , hope you all have a great holiday season , and just remember , DONT TAKE THE CHRIST OUT OF CHRISTMAS .... Now go ahead and ban me or whatever makes your day Knappic , cause in the end , ( THE GREAT MODERATOR ) God will deal with you ... DONT SHOOT THE MESSENGER . Oh by the way , Knappic took down a posting of mine that basically said without any foul language that the Blue hairs that bought and paid for Memorial stadium and Husker football are now the ones some are saying should find other places to go . I said that the Blue hairs are responsible for Husker football AS IT IS TODAY , and that every positive thing that has happened to Husker football was a result of their patience and filling up memorial stadium before any of these young punks saw a football game in the 90s. I ended by saying , as far as Husker Football goes , LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. Well , Knappic basically told me the same thing so my last words on this board are , I do love God , Family and Husker Football , and as far as LEAVE IT , I will leave the rest of you here with the ALTERNATE LIFESTYLES CROWD and every positive thing THAT WILL GET YOU . GREAT RED ONE HAS LEFT THE BUILDING .. You're changing the subject but I am not intelligent enough to tell you why an all knowing God would do that. That would be conjecture on my part. Only God knows and I think I will wait a little while until I ask him. No, I'm showing you that the concept of a loving God is not possible in the context of the Bible. Simple, unavoidable facts based on Christian theology: God is Omnipotent God created heaven and earth There is no sin in heaven God placed man on earth, NOT heaven When created, Man had no sin God placed the Tree in the presence of man Man then sinned God said, "You are OUT!" and cast man from the Garden This would be akin to placing an infant next to a fire and saying, don't touch! The infant can't not touch - it's in their nature. The infant can't grasp the danger, can't understand your warning. But you're a loving parent for putting your child next to a fire? No, you're a terrible parent. You'd be convicted in any court for doing this. But it gets even better. Because what you're actually going to do is not simply allow that infant to be burned, you're also going to burn every child that descends from that infant, forever, simply because the first infant burned themselves. Out of the womb, into the fire. Does this sound like the behavior of a loving God? It doesn't to me. If God truly loves each and every man, then why would he ever place man in this position, where we can't earn our way into Heaven, but we can VERY EASILY earn our way into Hell? Would you treat your child like this?
  2. FROM GRUMPY OLD MAN To the younger JADED FANS. My uncle who is in his eighties now , used to go watch the Husker games with the knothole gang BEFORE WW2. He purchased season tickets years before you were even a twinkle in your daddies eye AND CONTINUED TO FINANCIALLY SUPPORT HUSKER FOOTBALL . I myself started to follow Husker football in the early sixties , when we could only listen to most games on the radio. I remember Bob Devaney , who started all this , and can remember a Husker running back by the name of Joe Orduna. We stuck with the team through the game of the century with Oklahoma , and I can remember watching that game in 71 on my grandma's color tv , in fact the first program I ever watched in color , and the green of the field with both NU and OU's red was very impressive and magical at the time. We watched games there and watched the Alabama vs Husker game national championship on my uncles tv in Colorado. Some of the most memorable times of my life as a child. I saw Johnny the Jet run two punt returns back in both those games( OU and ALABAMA ) that are still magic to me. We stuck with Coach Osborne through his first 5-6 years when he could not beat Oklahoma , in fact , just as embarrassing as our run against the Whorns this decade. We stuck with the Huskers even when it didnt seem they would win a bowl game , and through the nightmare of losing to Miami on their own field. We had a great team in the 80's with the scoring explosion , but still ( even though we got screwed at Penn State ) did not win another National Championship. WE STILL STUCK WITH OUR TEAM AND COACH. We did not make comments like TEAR DOWN MEMORIAL STADIUM , just because we lost some games there. We sold out Memorial stadium for more years than you young punks were alive. So to your own benefit , in the 90's Tom Osborne fielded the best program to win games in a 25 year span , because the fans STOOD BY HIM AND WERE PATIENT. I WAS AT THE LAST BIG EIGHT GAME WHEN WE BEAT OU AND IT WAS TOMMIE FRAZIERS LAST GAME AT NU. Everything you young punks witnessed in the 90's was because the blue hairs who you say don yell enough now BOUGHT AND PAID FOR IT , AND REMAINED LOYAL. So know , because you are so young and punked out , and your only Husker football you witnessed was a decade ago , AND BECAUSE YOU ARE SO YOUNG AND JADED , NOW YOU PISS AND MOAN ABOUT A COUPLE LOSSES ? You also make comments like TEAR DOWN MEMORIAL STADIUM and THE BLUE HAIRS DONT YELL ENOUGH ? You young punks better learn to respect what was given to you , and if you dont LIKE IT , LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT . THE REASON WHY YOU HAVE HUSKER FOOTBALL IS BECAUSE THOSE BLUE HAIRS YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT SUPPORTED IT THROUGH THICK AND THIN ...Witness the longest sell out streak of any team in history ... Some of you on here are nothing but drunks who live their life through Husker football and are not appreciative of what was given to you . Dont be fairweather fans , GROW UP AND SUPPORT YOUR TEAM , ITS COACHES AND STATE ...
  3. Yes I edited it , however YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK OF THIS THREAD. The only thing that makes me sicker is some of the posters on here agreeing with you. I am starting to get pretty disgusted with how some of our FAIRWEATHER FANS act after losses . Husker fans , if you respond postively to a troll who tells you the best thing for a couple losses ( which Wisconsin has by the way ) is to tear down MEMORIAL STADIUM you dont belong in that venue and I personally are ASHAMED FOR YOU . LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT .... I'm sorry sir, it seems you've edited your post since I last read it, maybe its a little more coherent and rational no---...oh wait...still
  4. You know I commented on your calling a post of mine DUMB , and later said I may have been a little heavy handed. However after reading this , I take it back. Everything I said about your trolling was correct , and this is even worse. I wont call you any names , no I wont go there ; however I will repeat one thing. I guess the good folks of Wisconsin dont have their own website because evidently you hang around here all the time ? Guess the folks in cheeseland dont want you in their place either ? Memorial stadium will always be much more than you in cheeseland WILL EVER BE , as I dont remember your own stadium having a national championship posted on its walls , or even close to the storied traditions and games played in Lincoln. You cant even compete stadium wise for tradition. From what I saw when we were beat in cheeseland earlier this year , was drunk , classless fans that counted the score out with pushups to rub it in , sang tired old songs that everyone else has forgotten about , and jumped around to a rap song twenty years gone past that most folks cringe at when they hear it ... but ITS WHAT YOU CHEESEHEADS DO ... I also saw on a now defunct board some Ohio state fans saying pretty much the same thing about the folks in Wisconsin and how they treat opposing fans. Tear down our stadium ? Nice try , you are a legend in your own mind. Just curious , how many National championships do you have engraved on your stadium walls ? Our present predicament ? Seems to me you have the best team you have ever fielded and yet you still lost games this year ? You are a joke here , if you love your team so much , why not hang around there ? Oh thats right , your own people want nothing to do with you either. And to the Husker fans on this post that were AGREEING WITH CHEESEHEAD , WOW , I guess you cant figure out the tradition and excellence , not to mention the history of your own stadium ? Pathetic ...Evidently FAIR WEATHER FANS ?
  5. Yes we need more jack booted thugs to even things out over here ... You guys need to get it together as the Black Walnut is too sexy for the job ! WAKE UP and get NEWT in there , or President Hussien is going to make you sorry .... I don't see it as "isolationist" to not not be occupying and bombing several nations, and to have several hundred military bases all over the world. Paul (from what I recall) has called for constructive engagement with the rest of the world, not a retreat from it. He's open about withdrawing from NATO and the UN. Which would really hurt our influence on the world stage. I just hope Cain drops out...knock on wood. Yosarian........................Good to see you posting over here !!............(I'm a relative newbie here after the shutdown at the old joint)...............
  6. Agreed , I guess as we speak the US is massing a force on the border and whether Pakistan likes it or not , we are sending Drones into Pakistan as we speak. Pakistan can bitch and moan but this administration is going after the terrorists in places where it was too POLITICALLY CORRECT before ...and more power to them ... With allies like the Pakistanis, who needs enemies?
  7. Pretty much documented fact though that Christ did exist , whether he was/is God ect you can debate , but Jesus is documented to have existed on earth. Too much history as far as documentation from many sources including the Muslims that prove he existed at the very least as a human being. You cannot deny that , (oh you can debate about whether or not he was heaven sent) , but Jesus Christ did exist at one time , and continues in my beliefs and heart. Now your invisible Walrus ....tell me more about your magical invisible Walrus ...
  8. So tell me of this invisible Walrus ; do we meet on Saturdays or Sundays ? Will the magical Walrus care if we cuss ? Things that make you go hmmmmm ....
  9. Here is the link : http://www.texasagriculture.gov/vgn/tda/files/1848/46982_Final%20Report-Texas%20Border%20Security.pdf to the latest report on Texas border security given in September of this year by : General Barry McCaffrey who is the former Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy under President Bill Clinton and former Commander of all U.S. troops in Central and South America. ALSO Major-General Robert Scales is the former Commandant of the United States Army War college. Read this report to find out that we ARE BEING INVADED and your local and national news is IGNORING THIS. The middle eastern terrorists are pairing with Los Zetas in Mexico ; Los Zetas has killed more Mexican nationalists in the last ten years than those killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan . Ask yourself why Rick Perry has done a good job of spending the money and putting boots on the ground on the border , even using Drones , and yet NEVER TALKS ABOUT THIS IN THE DEBATES ? Think about that for awhile ...
  10. Nancy claims she wears an INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH BRA ! YIKES ! She sure dances GRACEfully doesnt she ? You can definitely count me in the "minority" that is not concerned about Nancy Grace's boob........................uuuugggghhhhh!! What we do know is that people in the Obama administration have been sending weapons to Mexico - weapons that end up killing Americans...and law-abiding Mexicans.
  11. I think they wind up Joe Pa and put his teeth in the morning , and then put him in storage at night ....
  12. Red you can come back from HELL if you like , its your own choice ..
  13. Yes our guns go across the border and terrorists and drugs come from the other way , SOMEONE NEEDS TO WAKE UP , we are about to get hit hard and everyone is more concerned with Nancy Graces boob flipping out than the terrorists that are within our borders. What we do know is that people in the Obama administration have been sending weapons to Mexico - weapons that end up killing Americans...and law-abiding Mexicans.
  14. Already gave this link on a former 30 year Green Beret's telling us about the US and Israels plans to bomb Iran , however in the SECOND PART of this radio interview ... http://dfw.cbslocal.com/category/watch-listen/overnight-with-charley-jones/# Click into : SPECIAL GUEST , MASTER SERGEANT JESS JOHNSON PART 2 , the subject changes to recent developments on our Texas / Mexican border. I had some on this board criticize this 30 year Green Beret and his opinions on the plans to bomb Iran , fair enough , most of us are guessing on that , however , as far as our porous border and the drug gang Zetas that control parts of our southern border ; there is no mistaking Sergeant Johnsons message , as he lives in Texas and we know much here about what is happening in Mexico , as it effects us directly. Main point being , Al Queda and other middle eastern terrorists are partnering with the drug , weapon and human smuggling Zetas , and the combination of that , with our porous border could be deadly for our country. I urge you to listen to the second part of this radio interview , as we are being INVADED , and our press outside of Texas is not telling anyone about this. I urge you to listen to the second part of this radio interview BEFORE you give your opinion. Do you know that the tunnels that the Zetas have been digging across the border look alot like the engineering that Hamas and Hezbollah have dug in their battle with Israel ? Did you know that the Zetas already have an extensive smuggling route inside the US ? Did you know the US is arming other drug gangs in Mexico to fight the Zetas ? I am not claiming everything in this interview is the gospel , but if half is true , we need to put some of our soldiers on the border because the Zetas are running uncontrolled on our Texas / US border ... and the Zetas are coming across our border into the US ..
  15. YOUR QUOTE : "Just continuing on my mission to help you." I CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON YOU PHOENIX ... I won't vote for him in the primaries, but he's definitely someone I could get behind. "Red" - you should quit trolling, you aren't very good at it. Just continuing on my mission to help you.
  16. Well Ron Paul has said numerous times he wouldnt be against legalizing all drugs .... Dont shoot the messenger ... Let's get serious, that's not going to happen.
  17. SURE , Fox news is "FAIR AND BALANCED" if you are wearing NEOCON sunglasses ... Cain is being beaten up by Fox News, too. I would hardly call them 'left.'
  18. YOUR OWN QUOTE COPIED AND PASTED : "Look, I didn't insult you, your background, or your opinion; just the legitimacy of your evidence." YOUR PREVIOUS QUOTE COPIED AND PASTED : "This....may be... the dumbest piece of anecdotal evidence I have ever heard." Other than calling my opinion DUMB which was just backed up by a former 30 green beret , special ops and intelligence guy , I can see your point about name calling ....Thank you for making my response so easy ...Again I can tell by your response that you didnt listen to the linked radio show ... YOUR OWN QUOTE COPIED AND PASTED : "You're better than that." Thank you ! I return your favorable remark. Sorry if I was a little heavy handed in my last response ...Wisconsin has a good team this year , boy the Big 10 is brutal ! This....may be... the dumbest piece of anecdotal evidence I have ever heard. I must be missing the funny. Nice way of responding to that, very classy. I like how you defended yourself without lowering the level of conversation to petty insults. It really shows your level of maturity that you were able to do that. Oh and something I know nothing about? That's funny. You have no idea about my education, where I've been and how I earn a living. Look, I didn't insult you, your background, or your opinion; just the legitimacy of your evidence. I simply found your story laughable. Getting inside information about a potential war from some guy who claims to be SF at some show in Texas and then bringing that in as evidence...really? You're better than that. If I had a dollar for every kid I've seen off post telling people he was sf.....
  19. THAT AND LEGALIZING HEROIN !!!! Who do you know that would go out and do Heroin if it were legal ? COME ON .... I don't see it as "isolationist" to not not be occupying and bombing several nations, and to have several hundred military bases all over the world. Paul (from what I recall) has called for constructive engagement with the rest of the world, not a retreat from it.
  20. What ticked me off more was losing to Northwestern and then looking forward to taping the Osborne Icon show , yet Big 10 network talks football over a half hour into the special and then joins the Osborne special ALREADY IN PROGRESS.... AAAAAAAARRRRRGHGHGGHHHGGGHHHHHH ! That was one screwed up Saturday night ..
  21. Yes even Bobby Bowden , when interviewed says the Huskers outplayed them , in fact after the game Bowden said " I'm not so sure Nebraska did beat us ". That game was as much of a farce as last years A&M game. Great job pointing out Frazier being named the MVP of that bowl and also ; Frazier was named the MVP of the next two national championship bowl games , IN FACT FRAZIER WAS MVP OF THREE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES in a row , and if that doesnt get you a Heisman and also into the College football hall of game , both are beyond ridiculous. The Heisman should be renamed the TOMMIE FRAZIER HEISMAN AWARD and they should shut down the college football hall of fame for their slighting of Frazier the last time he was up for enshrining. Talk about UNDER APPRECIATED. Don't forget William Floyd's fumble at our 2 yard line that Peters recovered in the end zone and the refs called it a TD. If we had instant replay back then, NU would have had the ball at the 20 and FSU would have been dead even with the phantom clipping call in which the flag wasn't thrown until Baul had just blew by their punter at their 40 yard line and the flag was thrown way back at our 30 just to give people that didn't see it a visual as to how late that flag was. It's also a little known fact that Frazier was the only player in Orange Bowl history to be named the MVP of the game and played for the losing team.
  22. Whoops Red Phoenix you just gave your cover away . If I supposedly banned you to hell on another , now defunct board , then THAT WOULD PEG YOU AS RED PHOENIX , WOULDNT IT ? Actually it isnt up to me to judge anyone , as I have said many times , I am nothing but a sinner. However , on the other now defunct board , YOU WERE POSING AS "THE MESSIAH" and making disparaging and blasphemous remarks about Jesus Christ , which is a norm for you , as you have no morals All I wrote to you on that board was , another persons great essay on human beings having traits that were taught by Jesus and how it benefited them , and lastly to counter your blasphemous , filthy carping on Christ , I gave you a bible quotation that in the end , EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE CONFESS JESUS IS GOD. So I dont know how that would make you think I banished you to hell , DONT SHOOT THE MESSENGER. Maybe there is a little hope in your own life though Red , as if you mistakenly thought I was the one who banished you , maybe there is a little guilt in there as far as how you were acting and how you are living your own life ? Perhaps if you stopped your usual trolling and baiting folks to get them to go off , as your usual ploy , and started treating folks like a Christian would , hopefully your own take on life may get a little better ? Hope it does for you , RED PHOENIX And lastly , you have private messengered me here a couple times in the last 2 days , here are some of your thoughts to me sent as a private message : COPIED AND PASTED : RED PHOENIX to myself : "I think it's hilarious that you called out someone for using the Lord's name in vain right after you did at Huskerpedia. And, that you wrote that BS about the judgmental Lutheran Church after you yourself have damned fellow Husker fans to hell without even knowing them." AND : "The husker board ..."messiah" ...has sent me here as his prophet to save you as a poster. Judging by how things are going for you over here so far, you need it." AND YOUR QUOTE POSTED : "You are a piece of work and I'll continue to expose you." EXPOSE ME RED PHOENIX ? I THINK I JUST EXPOSED YOU ... Must've been a C' Allahan supporter. And how does one follow the Christ? Do they follow what was written centuries later about Him, or do they adhere to His teachings from the Gospels? Great... a third century concept. I just used the merriam webster definition of the term. Simple, and I stated a belief that many Christians have. If I offend you here, where will you go to criticize me? Not your place to judge? Aren't you the guy that damned me to hell after I joined the board over here?
  23. I dont think the small scale nuclear strikes will involve surface to surface missles , I think the bunker busting bombs will be delivered by Israel by Jets or Israels Subs. I believe the nuclear missles used will be very small scale , however who knows HOW they will be delivered . To the usual skeptics out there , explain WHY the US sold these bunker busting bombs to Israel ? Why would the US sell them these missles if it were not to use them ? And to those great "thinkers" out there , all of us are guessing really ...guess we will see .. Definition of a bunker busting bomb , which we just sold to Israel : http://en.wikipedia....r_bunker_buster : Bunker-busting nuclear weapons, also known as earth-penetrating weapons (EPW), are a type of nuclear weapon designed to penetrate into soil, rock or concrete to deliver a nuclear warhead to a target. These weapons would be used to destroy hardened, underground military bunkers buried deep in the ground. In theory, the amount of radioactive nuclear fallout would be reduced from that of a standard, air-burst nuclear detonation because they would have relatively low explosive field . However because such weapons necessarily come into contact with large amounts of earth-based debris, they may, under certain circumstances, still generate fallout Warhead yield and weapon design have changed periodically throughout the history of the design of such weapons. An underground explosion releases a larger fraction of its energy into the ground, compared to an explosion at or above the surface which releases most of its energy into the atmosphere. Oh, better and better. This supreme insider was a master sergeant? Are you kidding me? A master sergeant from the Army no less . . . knows about a super-secret US nuclear strategy? First, the Army doesn't have nukes. Secondly, this guy doesn't know a damn thing about US nuclear strategy. Third, stop and think about this stuff before posting. I don't know how to interact with people who are completely incapable of evaluating information. I believe the US Army retired all of the nuclear artillery weapons in the early 1990s, but I I was unaware that they had retired all of the US nuke-tipped SSMs. Secondly, having been involved in some NUWEP planning myself, the idea of a senior enlisted man having access to various oplans is not all that unusual, particularly with the overall reduction of officers in the military services. Very often, MSgts are doing the work preciously performed by Captains in today's Air Force. BTW, I stopped and thought about this "stuff" before I posted.
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