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Everything posted by mrandyk

  1. Steak is on the menu, but I should settle for SPAM since it's closer to what I wanted than a steaming turd. I'll vote third party again this time around as a protest. This two-party system serves no one but themselves. Bernie is basically the only politician that has ever motivated me, if only because he is actually independent and his entire platform boils down to improving lives. But go ahead and tell me that I'm immature if I don't fall in line with the establishment that exists solely to benefit the rich and disregard our best interests.
  2. Who would you prefer: Biden or Hillary? That this is a reasonable question is exactly why I hate political parties. What's the Democratic Party's response to losing to the guy who is destined to be this country's worst president ever? Status quo. God forbid we risk any monetary gains for social gains. Throw another Obama retread out there and hope his popularity works in their favor. Surely things will be different this time though.
  3. Or any of the people they had to beat out for office. I'd feel a whole lot safer with someone like Mitt Romney in office right now. Literally anyone but this guy.
  4. https://www.huskerboard.com/index.php?/profile/11980-redux/&status=65655&type=status LOL
  5. I saw a recommendation to buy gift certificates from your favorite restaurants, effectively giving them a loan during a time of hardship.
  6. Irresponsibly, I went out last night in Minneapolis and every bar I went to was packed. Even the arcade bar, which has to be about the absolute worst place to be right now with all the games being touched by countless individuals all day and minimal hand santizer in the building. If they don't force bars/restaurants to close my generation is going to infect the entire population.
  7. That number seems very excessive at this point. Seems like some flawed math to me.
  8. If there's any justice in this world he will come down with the virus.
  9. I wonder how long they would have done the "no fans" approach, had none of the players tested positive. I definitely went to work sick today. Had two employees out sick, someone had to go in.
  10. We are staring down a full-blown pandemic in this country. Don't get on your high horse about paranoia. Also, use spellcheck if you're going to try acting smarter than everyone.
  11. Anyone else annoyed that we've got a (presumptive) center-left candidate against a insanely right candidate in the general election? Why do we have to skew everything right? Best case scenario in 2020 is we get a geriatric slightly left of center president who enacts no change.
  12. Joe gets upsets in Minnesota and Massachusetts, and won all the southern states he was expected to (Texas is ongoing but it's not a part of that group). It's looking safe to call Biden the presumptive nominee at this point and one could make a strong argument that we've taken a step backwards from Hillary here. It would have been nice to get a breath of fresh air, but instead it's another Obama cabinet retread whose campaign theme may as well be "status quo".
  13. The establishment is rallying around the same exact type of candidate that gave us Trump. Literally nothing has been learned since 2016, and if it seems like Bernie had a better shot this time it's only because the establishment took longer to prop up the chosen candidate. It seems hopeless that this system will ever produce a presidential candidate who isn't deep in someone else's pockets. It's not over and things could change drastically today, but 538 heavily predicts a contested convention and lord knows if it comes to that the superdelegates will again overwhelmingly side with their establishment candidate. I hate political parties so much.
  14. Somehow, it now feels like Biden being the nominee is a foregone conclusion. The system is broken.
  15. It's nothing short of astounding that a dips#!t of this level is able to hold any sort of public office.
  16. Pete and Amy dropping out to rally behind Biden and defeat an outsider is precisely why I hate American politics. Someone's threatening our money and the establishment? Can't have that.
  17. If the average voter would listen to Bernie speak they would more often than not be won over.
  18. He's not batting 1.000, but go ahead and tell me what the hell he is doing to even be near the Mendoza Line.
  19. If he can be torn down to nothing with minimal effort then he likely wasn't a legitimate candidate in the first place. Not sure why you think the odds are so long against Trump either. We are talking about a guy that lost the popular vote by 3 million last time to freaking Hillary Clinton and has gone on to be perhaps the least popular president in US history.
  20. I've owned my first home for close to two years. I'd imagine if I sold it I'd about break even on the deal with all the costs involved, and then I'm still about 30k deep in student loan debt (super reasonable for an undergrad and MBA). 3 more years of mortgage payments won't have me in a drastically better spot, let alone up to a net worth of $100k. What world are you living in?
  21. Honestly, if he is able to withstand the rigors of campaigning at 78 while also upholding his duties as a senator then he is probably in decent physical health. Will he be after 4 years of this job though? I think that's a fair question, but of course there is no answer without letting time tell. If Bernie wins the nomination I hope he picks a running mate that would be able to fulfill his vision. It may put some voters at ease if they believe there's a fully capable VP if necessary.
  22. It's literally a cult. Edit: According to the replies this was done by a man with a history of mocking Trump.
  23. That was one of the first tweets of his that I saw, and it took a very long time for me to be convinced that the campaign was not satire.
  24. Bernie is hardly radical and if he seems like a "crazy choice" it's because of just how far gone this country already is. He may have some cult-like followers (nowhere near the MAGA level), but at least it's in support of a platform that is entirely based on improving our quality of life instead of white nationalism. You're not going to fear for your safety if you happen upon a pro-Bernie demonstration. Can't say the same about the group of white nationalists.
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