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Ric Flair

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Everything posted by Ric Flair

  1. You keep claiming there is corroborating evidence, but then fail to list it. She doesn’t know where it allegedly happened, when it happened, who owned the home, how she got to the party or how she got home. The four (or so, since her story has changed) people she placed at the party, including a life-long friend, have stated they remember no such party and have no idea what she’s talking about. So what is this corroborating evidence that you find so compelling?
  2. I’m in no way mocking Ford. I believe she’s sincere. I think she was probably assaulted by someone at some point. She seems to have some mental/psychological issues, which are unfortunate. I don’t think she’s intentionally lying, but probably is just mistaken.
  3. I've been pretty clear throughout that Ford seems sincere but mistaken, Ramirez seems horribly confused and just wrong, and Swetnick seems quite deranged. They're all wrong, but in my opinion, for different reasons.
  4. I find them absurd and ridiculous. No person who wants to be taken seriously should be wearing a model of genitalia on his or her head. If the Kavanaugh supporters wore giant penis-shaped helmets, you would mock them as well...and they would deserve it.
  5. Do I think she's a crazy liar? No, she seemed sincere, but clearly is dealing with some issues. I believe she believes something happened. I just don't think Kavanaugh had anything to do with it. Just as hordes of pink-hatted women seem to have fixated on him as a proxy for their own abusers, it seems likely to me that Ford has done the same. I pity the poor woman. First for whatever issues she is struggling with. Second for being exposed by the cynical and vulture-like Feinstein to the public, precisely where she did not want to be. She deserved batter.
  6. Bill Clinton was obviously no longer President or a member of the Administration when he met with Lynch on the tarmac. There was no legitimate reason for that meeting. Rosenstein is a high-ranking figure in the Justice Department. There is every reason that he and the President would need to travel together to that sort of event. Apples to oranges.
  7. Do you think the Clintons are decent human beings with admirable qualities. I don't. Neither does the rest of the country. Literally any other candidate the Dems could have nominated would likely have beaten Trump. Obama screwed the Dems, as they lost an unbelievable amount of power under his leadership. Hillary screwed the Dems by being a miserable human being and quite possibly the worst candidate ever.
  8. How many Republican Presidents would have stood up to Hillary and her attack dogs? How many would have fought for the tax bill? How many would have stood by Kavanaugh as the Dem smear merchants tried to annihilate him? Maybe Reagan, but I can't think of once since. He's pushing for fairer trade deals, lower tax rates, and less regulation. Look at how the economy is booming. The cause and effect there is simple to see. Trump is a fighter, who refuses to back down, even as the Dems engage in ever-increasingly horrific conduct. Despite his failings, THAT'S why Republicans support him.
  9. I made clear repeatedly that those with sexual assault allegations should be listened to and respected. But the idea they should be believed...no matter what...is one of the dumber arguments I've ever heard. Ford and the others were heard. Ford was allowed to testify and tell her story. Kavanaugh's accusers were treated far far more respectfully than Kavanaugh was. And their stories fell apart. Completely. I don't know if they were confused or just making things up, but what is clear to me is that the Dem attempts to smear a good man in order to hold onto power failed miserably. So I am in no way mocking Ford. I'm mocking the Dems who leaked her letter in order to use her to score political points. I'm mocking the idiots who don't understand due process and burdens of proof and march in vagina hats vowing vengeance on Kavanaugh as a proxy for men they claim have abused them. I'm mocking this ridiculous charade in hopes that no good person, from either side, is similarly smeared in the future. Please list what you feel corroborated Ford's claim.
  10. He's a good judge and a good man, And if you're going to tell me that Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor and Breyer aren't highly partisan, then I can't wait to hear your argument.
  11. Uh...those were obvious jokes about what someone else should have or could have done at an event that has already past.
  12. There are legitimate reasons that someone who has been through that kind of trauma might forget aspects of it. There are also reasons that someone who is just confused or even making something up entirely would have issues remembering and being consistent about details. That's why corroboration is so important. Since she lacked any whatsoever, her story kept changing, and the eye witnesses she placed at the scene had no idea what she was talking about, it is more likely than not that she was either confused or simply making it up. She seemed sincere and genuinely disturbed, so my guess is she's just confused. But who knows?
  13. https://www.huskerboard.com/index.php?/topic/81576-trump-and-the-press/&page=18&tab=comments#comment-2026967 https://www.huskerboard.com/index.php?/topic/81444-trumps-america/&page=71&tab=comments#comment-2024482 Here’s a couple I found with a quick search.
  14. Actually, those were the allegations that Big Red Buster was quoting me on. That’s how it came up.
  15. Yawn. Anything beyond HuffPo talking points? What have Republicans done to deny others the freedom of religion? I’m in favor of kneeling and respectful political protests. I’ve defended black Americans who were abused by the police. Numerous Republicans, including McCain made clear that Obama wasn’t a Muslim Kenyan. You’re taking the fringe idiots and blaming the whole party for them. That’s a two way street. So unless you want to answer for the words and actions of Lena Dunham and others of her ilk, be careful.
  16. I’m not on Twitter. I have criticized Trump’s behavior on Twitter here.
  17. On Swetnick’s allegations? Of course. The idea Brett Kavanaugh and his friends were drugging girls and engaging in industrial-scale gang rape, where there would be dozens of victims and hundreds of witnesses and that was never reported and never even hinted at in 6 FBI background checks? Yeah...anyone with a brain knew that one was crazy from the start.
  18. I’ve talked about that a couple of times here. I don’t believe Ford’s account is factual. But she seems sincere. So mocking the poor woman on a national stage is in bad taste. I’ve objected repeatedly to Trump being an ass to people, either in speeches or on Twitter. SPACE MOUNTAIN may be the oldest ride in the park, but it’s still got the longest line...
  19. Nice strawman. I think accusers deserve to be heard and respected, not automatically believed. The facts and evidence should determine who is ultimately believed.
  20. There are few mobs less intimidating than those in pink headgear. I regularly criticize Trump...as I did recently when he mocked Ford.
  21. What exactly do you think is conveyed by talking about passing out pitchforks?
  22. Read his resume and then read his 12 years of legal opinions. He’s ridiculously well qualified...whether or not you’ve been review his junior high transcript to make sure he attended Home Economics.
  23. Actually you do. I read your posts and the instincts and moral obligations I have asa teacher and educator kick in. I’m here to help. No doubt. But joking about mobs in this climate is probably a bad idea.
  24. Not from the Dem/protestor side. The whole #BelieveSurvivors BS means that as soon as a woman accuses a man. She is presumed to be telling the truth and a “survivor,” which makes the man she has accused presumptively guilty. It turns due process upon its head.
  25. Agreed. In this climate, any hint of violence should be avoided. There are too many crazies out there.
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