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Everything posted by HuskerNation1

  1. Sorry, the reason I said that is that Hillary is launching her own ad claiming Trump and his supporters are all racist and bigots. That in and of itself is a huge stereotype and is ridiculous. There are 2 reasons she is doing this now: 1. To try to deflect from all the negative attention about the Clinton Foundation in order to change the media narrative. It could work, we'll see. 2. Trump is making very direct and open attempts to minorities and focusing on the lack of results that the Democratic party has delivered for them. Say what you want about Trump, but he has a way of capturing people's attention, and I think the Democrats fear that if he keeps discussing issues affecting black Americans, it may not cause them to switch their allegiance but simply stay home on election day. And most importantly, he's right. Black lives have gotten worse under Obama and Democratic policies. Dude, that's not what that ad said. Not at all. Stop dealing in absolutes! Be you a Sith? Even if we presuppose that Trump himself is not a racist, think about it this way: Donald Trump: Not racist, but #1 with racists! She wasn't saying that everyone that votes for Trump is in that group. But she was saying almost everyone in that group is voting for Trump. Why do you think they feel so damn comfy and at home in his camp? Clinton has said some cringey stuff about race, with the Superpredators thing being probably the worst of it. But Trump can't and won't form clear, coherent reasons why A) Hillary Clinton is a racist (she's not) and B) why he'd be the better candidate for minority Americans. He just straight up calls her a bigot and accuses her of pandering. It's just intellectually lazy and entirely ham-fisted... kind of like his sudden "outreach" to them. What are you smoking. Her campaign has called him a racist and bigot long before this ad, and if you don't think this ad is implying he is racist, you have your blinders on. Second, yes, Clinton has said several racist things, and has not been the champion for Black America that she claims to be. She and her campaign are getting worried that a GOP candidate is finally talking directly to Black voters, and he plans to continue to do so by visiting inner cities in Detroit, Cleveland, and elsewhere. Finally, as I keep stating, Democratic policies are NOT helping blacks, and Trump will keep hammering that message home. Hillary cannot refute that, so she has to rely on the old racial warfare argument of calling her opponent a racist. That's a typical Democratic ploy. 1. ​Donald Trump is a racist. Yes/no? 2. Donald Trump uses racism for his own gain. Yes/no? Go. 1. No, I don't believe Donald Trump is racist. I believe he is an egomaniac that likes to say things to get attention, and did so regularly in the primary season. 2. I don't believe Trump is using racism for his own gain. The Democrats are the party of racial and class warfare, and always have been. And I do agree with Trump's assertion that BLM is a divisive group furthering the racial divide in this country. Your turn: 1. Do you believe Hillary Clinton is racist? Yes/No 2. Do you believe Hillary Clinton uses racial warfare or plays the race card against her opponents to gain votes? 3. And I will throw in a third question for you. Do you believe Democratic policies, including in many inner cities that have been under Democratic leadership for decades, as well as under President Obama these past 7 years, have made Black Lives Better over the past 25 years? Really, I don't want to call myself a Democrat, but it's the masses of people holding your mindset that prevent me from taking the Republican party seriously. It's plain as day that Trump is a racist and entirely unfit to hold office at any level but you'll look for any way to defend him and his actions. You'll try to turn this into a discussion about Hillary but every single negative thing you say about her you'll be able to look at Trump on that same issue and see that he has topped her in an appalling manner....assuming you apply logic to the situation instead of looking at the letter next to their name. You have fallen for Hillary's propaganda. Trump is not a racist and has many African Americans in leadership positions in his company. He also has many black pastors supporting his nomination. I don't agree with everything he has said in the past, but the reason it's important to bring Hillary into the discussion is that she's the one making the accusations of racism, and it's a typical ploy from the left to paint your opponent as a racist when you can no longer defend how badly Democratic policies have affected the black community. How can you defend her use of the words super-predator to describe black males. I don't care if she apologized for it. Or how about being a member of a Whites-only country club. And let's not forget calling Robert Byrd, a guy who was a part of the KKK and opposed the civil rights movement, as her mentor. How can you bash Trump yet defend Hillary. I personally think both have said some deplorable things on race in the past, but to assume this is a one-sided issue demonstrates complete ignorance.
  2. Sorry, the reason I said that is that Hillary is launching her own ad claiming Trump and his supporters are all racist and bigots. That in and of itself is a huge stereotype and is ridiculous. There are 2 reasons she is doing this now: 1. To try to deflect from all the negative attention about the Clinton Foundation in order to change the media narrative. It could work, we'll see. 2. Trump is making very direct and open attempts to minorities and focusing on the lack of results that the Democratic party has delivered for them. Say what you want about Trump, but he has a way of capturing people's attention, and I think the Democrats fear that if he keeps discussing issues affecting black Americans, it may not cause them to switch their allegiance but simply stay home on election day. And most importantly, he's right. Black lives have gotten worse under Obama and Democratic policies. Dude, that's not what that ad said. Not at all. Stop dealing in absolutes! Be you a Sith? Even if we presuppose that Trump himself is not a racist, think about it this way: Donald Trump: Not racist, but #1 with racists! She wasn't saying that everyone that votes for Trump is in that group. But she was saying almost everyone in that group is voting for Trump. Why do you think they feel so damn comfy and at home in his camp? Clinton has said some cringey stuff about race, with the Superpredators thing being probably the worst of it. But Trump can't and won't form clear, coherent reasons why A) Hillary Clinton is a racist (she's not) and B) why he'd be the better candidate for minority Americans. He just straight up calls her a bigot and accuses her of pandering. It's just intellectually lazy and entirely ham-fisted... kind of like his sudden "outreach" to them. What are you smoking. Her campaign has called him a racist and bigot long before this ad, and if you don't think this ad is implying he is racist, you have your blinders on. Second, yes, Clinton has said several racist things, and has not been the champion for Black America that she claims to be. She and her campaign are getting worried that a GOP candidate is finally talking directly to Black voters, and he plans to continue to do so by visiting inner cities in Detroit, Cleveland, and elsewhere. Finally, as I keep stating, Democratic policies are NOT helping blacks, and Trump will keep hammering that message home. Hillary cannot refute that, so she has to rely on the old racial warfare argument of calling her opponent a racist. That's a typical Democratic ploy. 1. ​Donald Trump is a racist. Yes/no? 2. Donald Trump uses racism for his own gain. Yes/no? Go. 1. No, I don't believe Donald Trump is racist. I believe he is an egomaniac that likes to say things to get attention, and did so regularly in the primary season. 2. I don't believe Trump is using racism for his own gain. The Democrats are the party of racial and class warfare, and always have been. And I do agree with Trump's assertion that BLM is a divisive group furthering the racial divide in this country. Your turn: 1. Do you believe Hillary Clinton is racist? Yes/No 2. Do you believe Hillary Clinton uses racial warfare or plays the race card against her opponents to gain votes? 3. And I will throw in a third question for you. Do you believe Democratic policies, including in many inner cities that have been under Democratic leadership for decades, as well as under President Obama these past 7 years, have made Black Lives Better over the past 25 years?
  3. Sorry, the reason I said that is that Hillary is launching her own ad claiming Trump and his supporters are all racist and bigots. That in and of itself is a huge stereotype and is ridiculous. There are 2 reasons she is doing this now: 1. To try to deflect from all the negative attention about the Clinton Foundation in order to change the media narrative. It could work, we'll see. 2. Trump is making very direct and open attempts to minorities and focusing on the lack of results that the Democratic party has delivered for them. Say what you want about Trump, but he has a way of capturing people's attention, and I think the Democrats fear that if he keeps discussing issues affecting black Americans, it may not cause them to switch their allegiance but simply stay home on election day. And most importantly, he's right. Black lives have gotten worse under Obama and Democratic policies. Dude, that's not what that ad said. Not at all. Stop dealing in absolutes! Be you a Sith? Even if we presuppose that Trump himself is not a racist, think about it this way: Donald Trump: Not racist, but #1 with racists! She wasn't saying that everyone that votes for Trump is in that group. But she was saying almost everyone in that group is voting for Trump. Why do you think they feel so damn comfy and at home in his camp? Clinton has said some cringey stuff about race, with the Superpredators thing being probably the worst of it. But Trump can't and won't form clear, coherent reasons why A) Hillary Clinton is a racist (she's not) and B) why he'd be the better candidate for minority Americans. He just straight up calls her a bigot and accuses her of pandering. It's just intellectually lazy and entirely ham-fisted... kind of like his sudden "outreach" to them. What are you smoking. Her campaign has called him a racist and bigot long before this ad, and if you don't think this ad is implying he is racist, you have your blinders on. Second, yes, Clinton has said several racist things, and has not been the champion for Black America that she claims to be. She and her campaign are getting worried that a GOP candidate is finally talking directly to Black voters, and he plans to continue to do so by visiting inner cities in Detroit, Cleveland, and elsewhere. Finally, as I keep stating, Democratic policies are NOT helping blacks, and Trump will keep hammering that message home. Hillary cannot refute that, so she has to rely on the old racial warfare argument of calling her opponent a racist. That's a typical Democratic ploy.
  4. Lol...because she's done such a great job as Secretary of State. Seriously, other than being an insider all her life, what has she done as SOS that was so great?
  5. Part of that comment was focused on the fact that Hillary sees people of color as simply a vote and expects all blacks to continue to vote strongly Democratic despite data showing Democratic policies have made black lives worse. And...Trump didn't give a crap about them until someone got it through his thick scull that he's getting his ass kicked. His new found love of blacks and Mexicans is pretty dang fake. Hmm...his actions speak volumes. He has employed thousands of minorities and is talking about an issue most GOP candidates shy away from...the reality that black lives have gotten worse under Democratic policies. Come on man...... I know some extremely racist people who employ minorities. Employing them doesn't mean squat. And....I didn't say anything about disagreeing that Democratic policies have not done what they claimed they would. Obviously they have stunk. Cmon man...do you really think Trump is racist after watching that video and seeing him interact with minorities througjout his whole life. I agree he has certainly said some dumb things to get attention, but you are starting to spew DNC talking points claiming he is a racist. Pardon me for my very jaded pessimism in political processes. It looks like a political campaign piece put together to convince everyone the guy isn't racist. Sorry, I'll take his history of problems that have been spelled out here along with crap he has said in the last 12 months and go with that. So here are 10 examples of when Hillary Clinton demonstrated Racism including calling black males "super predators." Are you willing to state she is racist too based upon these facts? Here are just a few stories discussing her racism, including by left-leaning outfits like Huffington Post and Salon. And if you are wanting to go back to the middle of the 20th century, let's not forget that Hillary campaigned for Goldwater who was staunchly against the Civil Rights movement. http://downtrend.com/71superb/top-ten-examples-of-hillary-clintons-racism-the-media-chooses-to-ignore http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-rucker/can-black-people-trust-hillary_b_9312004.html http://www.salon.com/2016/05/19/off_the_reservation_4_times_hillary_clintons_racism_showed/ http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/04/14/bernie_sanders_calls_out_hillary_clinton_for_racist_language.html http://conservativecorporatism.blogspot.com/2016/02/proof-hillary-is-racist-against-people.html Oh, and let's not forget that Hillary delivered this message for Senator Byrd who is a known supporter of the KKK. Seriously, you can't make this stuff up. Hillary's campaign is launching an attack against Trump claiming he's racist and that his supporters are bigots, and just 6 years ago she sang the praises of a known racist in Byrd. All I can say is that Hillary may be doing this for some short-term gain to distract from her Clinton Foundation servers, but she may regret it as Trump will punch back hard and point out all the racist statements she has made, and racist people she has supported over the years. In doing so, that may further cause blacks to stay home, and Hillary will not win if she does not have an enthusiastic black turnout.
  6. Lol...you are funny and certainly live in your own world to think that only one party uses such terms. This is just a sampling and I will agree with you on Neocon to an extent, but it's often used in a negative way today by many on the left to discuss Republicans. The latest is now "alt fringe right" which is coming directly from the Clinton campaign. The bottom line is that any suggestion that name calling is one-sided is utterly ridiculous...you do agree with this don't you?
  7. Hmm, I give you an A for effort, but not sure your analogy really works here. What I find funny is that you will bash Trump for some of the same things Hillary does over and over. As I just stated, Hillary tries to claim that Trump is "unfit" to be POTUS when she demonstrates everyday why she is unfit. Do you not see this? Do you not see how much Trump lies and is dishonest? I'm not saying Trump has never lied or changed his position on issues, and frankly this is a frustration point as it appears he is "softening" his stance on deportation. I think his updated stance is the right one, but then don't go and bash Bush, Rubio, Kasich and others for having that same view. In a sense, all politicians lie at some point, but Hillary takes the crown for the relative frequency and severity of her lies. As for being unfit, do you not agree that HIllary is unfit to be POTUS just as some claim Trump is unfit?
  8. Sorry, the reason I said that is that Hillary is launching her own ad claiming Trump and his supporters are all racist and bigots. That in and of itself is a huge stereotype and is ridiculous. There are 2 reasons she is doing this now: 1. To try to deflect from all the negative attention about the Clinton Foundation in order to change the media narrative. It could work, we'll see. 2. Trump is making very direct and open attempts to minorities and focusing on the lack of results that the Democratic party has delivered for them. Say what you want about Trump, but he has a way of capturing people's attention, and I think the Democrats fear that if he keeps discussing issues affecting black Americans, it may not cause them to switch their allegiance but simply stay home on election day. And most importantly, he's right. Black lives have gotten worse under Obama and Democratic policies.
  9. Part of that comment was focused on the fact that Hillary sees people of color as simply a vote and expects all blacks to continue to vote strongly Democratic despite data showing Democratic policies have made black lives worse. And...Trump didn't give a crap about them until someone got it through his thick scull that he's getting his ass kicked. His new found love of blacks and Mexicans is pretty dang fake. Hmm...his actions speak volumes. He has employed thousands of minorities and is talking about an issue most GOP candidates shy away from...the reality that black lives have gotten worse under Democratic policies. Come on man...... I know some extremely racist people who employ minorities. Employing them doesn't mean squat. And....I didn't say anything about disagreeing that Democratic policies have not done what they claimed they would. Obviously they have stunk. Cmon man...do you really think Trump is racist after watching that video and seeing him interact with minorities througjout his whole life. I agree he has certainly said some dumb things to get attention, but you are starting to spew DNC talking points claiming he is a racist. Pardon me for my very jaded pessimism in political processes. It looks like a political campaign piece put together to convince everyone the guy isn't racist. Sorry, I'll take his history of problems that have been spelled out here along with crap he has said in the last 12 months and go with that. So here are 10 examples of when Hillary Clinton demonstrated Racism including calling black males "super predators." Are you willing to state she is racist too based upon these facts? Here are just a few stories discussing her racism, including by left-leaning outfits like Huffington Post and Salon. And if you are wanting to go back to the middle of the 20th century, let's not forget that Hillary campaigned for Goldwater who was staunchly against the Civil Rights movement. http://downtrend.com/71superb/top-ten-examples-of-hillary-clintons-racism-the-media-chooses-to-ignore http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-rucker/can-black-people-trust-hillary_b_9312004.html http://www.salon.com/2016/05/19/off_the_reservation_4_times_hillary_clintons_racism_showed/ http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/04/14/bernie_sanders_calls_out_hillary_clinton_for_racist_language.html http://conservativecorporatism.blogspot.com/2016/02/proof-hillary-is-racist-against-people.html
  10. There are several articles out discussing the Brexit vote and how pollsters were so wrong and missed thr undercurrent of support. They also show the parallels with Trump and how the US election plays out. Nate Silver who claims to be an expert in predictions was 100% wrong about Trump? Why? Because his "scientific" approach uses past election results to predict future outcomes. If the past poll and election results were so far off in predicting the primaries, I think its going to rely on these same polls to predict the November results.He is an expert. The reason he was wrong is because it's probability. Explain to me why you put scientific in quotes. Statistics results are 100% correct if the analysts know what they're doing and there's random sampling. But if they don't have enough/the right variables to predict an outcome then there will be a smaller chance of the prediction being correct. When a claim is used making statistics it's always based off a probability of the thing happening. Not a surety. If the prediction turns out to be wrong it doesn't necessarily mean there was anything wrong with the method. It was always a probability for the thing to happen. There's always a chance it doesn't. The reason I put that term in quotes is that those on here that treat anything he says is like gospel is that they claim it's all scientifically done. I used to tutor stats in college and used empirical data and regression analysis in a handful of research studies, and there are many ways to slice and dice data in the name of it being scientific to come to a conclusion. I do appreciate that Silver is using past models to form his projections, but I think if anything is true about this 2016 race, it's that past elections are not representative of what we can expect to happen this time. Now perhaps Silver has incorporated the 2016 primaries and the increased turnout factor seen in the GOP primary into his predictions, and if so, that would be a good thing. There are also many behavioral factors that play into predicting how a person will vote based upon other questions you might ask them. I do think there is a "undercurrent" of Trump support that is not reflected in the polls. If its only 1 or 2% it would not make up the current difference in the average of polls. If it's more significant, then it could play a huge factor. The Brexit polls showed "remain" as in the lead and most likely to win on the election day, and the final two polls gave "remain" a 48 to 42% lead, yet the results were just the opposite. Now are Brexit and the US election apples to apples...no. But it does show that polling in 2016 is much harder to rely on that ever before.
  11. Did you really just post this? You've got to be kidding me. Both sides call the others names, and it's been going on for years. The fact that you think this is a one-sided situation says a lot about your knowledge and awareness on these topics. Here are just a few of the many names that Conservatives are called by the opposition: 1. Wingnuts 2. Teabaggers (referring to Tea Party members on the right) 3. Neocons 4. Zealots 5. Racist (and this now coming from Hillary's campaign herself) This is just a starting point.
  12. There are several articles out discussing the Brexit vote and how pollsters were so wrong and missed thr undercurrent of support. They also show the parallels with Trump and how the US election plays out. Nate Silver who claims to be an expert in predictions was 100% wrong about Trump? Why? Because his "scientific" approach uses past election results to predict future outcomes. If the past poll and election results were so far off in predicting the primaries, I think its going to rely on these same polls to predict the November results.
  13. Part of that comment was focused on the fact that Hillary sees people of color as simply a vote and expects all blacks to continue to vote strongly Democratic despite data showing Democratic policies have made black lives worse. And...Trump didn't give a crap about them until someone got it through his thick scull that he's getting his ass kicked. His new found love of blacks and Mexicans is pretty dang fake. Hmm...his actions speak volumes. He has employed thousands of minorities and is talking about an issue most GOP candidates shy away from...the reality that black lives have gotten worse under Democratic policies. Come on man...... I know some extremely racist people who employ minorities. Employing them doesn't mean squat. And....I didn't say anything about disagreeing that Democratic policies have not done what they claimed they would. Obviously they have stunk. Cmon man...do you really think Trump is racist after watching that video and seeing him interact with minorities througjout his whole life. I agree he has certainly said some dumb things to get attention, but you are starting to spew DNC talking points claiming he is a racist.
  14. Part of that comment was focused on the fact that Hillary sees people of color as simply a vote and expects all blacks to continue to vote strongly Democratic despite data showing Democratic policies have made black lives worse. And...Trump didn't give a crap about them until someone got it through his thick scull that he's getting his ass kicked. His new found love of blacks and Mexicans is pretty dang fake. Hmm...his actions speak volumes. He has employed thousands of minorities and is talking about an issue most GOP candidates shy away from...the reality that black lives have gotten worse under Democratic policies.
  15. Part of that comment was focused on the fact that Hillary sees people of color as simply a vote and expects all blacks to continue to vote strongly Democratic despite data showing Democratic policies have made black lives worse.
  16. Did you read Knap's article? Yes and if you read through it, its a mixed bag where Silver tries to offer other explanations for the surge in GOP registration in those states. Silver was completely wrong about Trump in the primaries, and I'm not one to take everything he says as gospel. Here is a good article discussing Silver and other pundits. https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/05/09/our-fictional-pundit-predicted-more-correct-primary-results-than-nate-silver-did/?utm_term=.3c8aff4e7009
  17. Hmm, I give you an A for effort, but not sure your analogy really works here. What I find funny is that you will bash Trump for some of the same things Hillary does over and over. As I just stated, Hillary tries to claim that Trump is "unfit" to be POTUS when she demonstrates everyday why she is unfit. Do you not see this?
  18. Again, and I don't know why it has to be stated so frequently, if you are so concerned with the truth then you should turn your focus to the random crap that Trump makes up everyday. Now cry fowl and say that attention needs to be given to Hillary while ignoring that her opponent is spewing lies at an unbeatable rate. Just as Democrats and Hillary supporters portray Trump is unfit to be POTUS despite evidence everyday that Hillary is just as unfit if not moreso.
  19. Reversing a trend from the past 2 Presidential Elections, it looks like the Republicans have the edge in new voter registration in 4 key swing states. I think Trump can win NC, Iowa, and Florida, but whether he can win Pennsylvania seems very iffy. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/trump-voter-registration-republican-battleground-227216
  20. If Clinton wins Missouri this will be a route for her. I don't see her actually winning there and imagine Trump will win the state by 5 to 8 points. I really don't know what to make of the polls this year as there is greater variance than usual. Also it appears that online polling is showing different results than polls done just through telephone surveys. There's even one poll that has been all over the board and I would not count as being reliable anymore. The Reuters/IPSOS poll had Hillary up by double digits in June, then suddenly Trump was up by nearly double digits in July. They then changed their methodology and questions set and now Hillary is back up by a wider margin than any other poll.
  21. I've stated on here before many times that Bill Clinton was 1000 times the leader that Obama has been. After the GOP revolution in 1994, he listened to voters and declared the era of big government was over and moved to the center and sought to work with Congress. In my mind the President must take the lead in working with the opposition. Obama could have done the same after the 2010 midterms and found issues where he could find consensus with the GOP. He should have never rammed Obamacare down the throats of the American people so early in his Presidency as he never recovered from that. Anyway, back to Bill, his actions were far worse than any words Trump has spewed out, so if you are willing to overlook his negatives for the sake of a good economy, would you be willing to do the same should Trump get elected and make improvements in our economy or the fight against terrorism?
  22. Wow, enough said there. You know others can say the same about Trump that they don't care what he may have said (compared to what the Clintons have actually done), as long as he can make their lives better.
  23. If you read what I wrote throughout, I stated that the MSM has a liberal/left of center bias, and I stated as well it's not as pronounced as the cable news networks. When you have most of the television news networks leaning to the left (outside of Fox), the cumulative effect is where the bias sets in. In other words, if CBS, NBC, and ABC nightly news covered Romney's 47% gaffe over and over and repeated the same criticism, in my opinion its going to have a more profound impact on truly Independent voters than if Fox highlighted an Obama gaffe in that same election cycle. As for CNN, we can agree to disagree, but believe it or not, I do tune into CNN regularly to see how they are covering stories, and whether its Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon or Wolf Blitzer, they try to amplify any negative attention toward Republicans while shielding it towards Dems. Last week after Trump gave the best speech ever according to even some Democratic pundits, Don Lemon is up there steering the conversation in a direction to make Trump look bad. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/08/cnn_antitrump_lie_busted_on_air.html
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