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Everything posted by HuskerNation1

  1. Lol...well if they win out including beating Wisconsin, Northwestern, MSU, and Iowa they can win 10.
  2. Well, now Miami can go 90 yards and score. I am highly disappointed in this team right now.
  3. I swear our O-line is horrible or they are reading our calls.
  4. Well against BYU the whole team chose to stink it up in the 2nd quarter, so maybe this game it will be the 1st quarter and the next 3 will be good.
  5. I swear its as if Miami is listening to our play calls. Is Al Golden related to Belichek?
  6. Who is our center that keeps snapping the ball high? He's pathetic.
  7. Our secondary was out of position again on that 3rd down. We just got lucky it was a bad pass.
  8. I thought our D-line was supposed to be awesome this year. They can't get any pressure on this QB.
  9. Can we not tackle either. THey just keep getting first downs, and we don't have one yet.
  10. This is feeling like the Wisconsin game last year. Dropped balls, botched punts, and a defense with no answers. Our secondary is horrible.
  11. Neither Jeb or Trump will get the nomination. Trump will fade, and Jeb just doesn't have the "it" factor that his brother had.
  12. So watching the GOP debate last night, it was very apparent how much stronger the GOP bench is relative to the Dems. Nobody (outside of Trump who is not really a Conservative) flopped, and all have compelling backgrounds and experiences to take on Hillary, Bernie, or Biden. I just watched Hillary get interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN, and she is so phony. I'm not sure how any Democrats could actually support her, just as I'm not sure how any Republicans could support Trump.
  13. OK....here is what drives me nuts about articles like this and Vox does this quite often. In this article, the only parts where she actually has a fact incorrect is maybe on the Planned Parenthood video. I haven't watched the video so I don't know. I'm beginning to not believe Vox in articles like this that are more opinion than actually reporting the news. Here's an example: The answer about Russia and Putin. She lists: a) Rebuilding the 6th fleet b) would conduct regular, aggressive military exercises in the Baltic States c) Would send a few thousand troops to Germany d) Would rebuild missile defenses in Poland OK. The article then responds that she doesn't know her facts because: a) The 6th fleet is already very large b) Obama is already conducting military exercises in the Baltic States c) There are already 40,000 troops in Germany d) And, pushing a missile defense system on Poland is a long term solution to a short term problem. Now, here's the problem. Their "fact checking" isn't really fact checking. It's disagreeing with her. Now, that's fine if they disagree with her but don't sit here and act like she lied or doesn't have her facts straight. She didn't say there aren't any troops in Germany or that Obama wasn't conducting military exercises in the Baltic States...etc. She said that's what she would do. In essence, she in large part is saying she would do what Obama already is doing. That isn't lying or not having her facts right. It's just that the Vox writer obviously doesn't agree with her opinion on what to do. Horrible reporting if that is what this is supposed to be. BRB-You are exactly right about this. Vox is a known left-wing outlet, and right now the left is very fearful of Fiorina as they know she would eat Hillary alive (or whoever the Dem nominee is) in a debate. Fiorina is the most gifted Republican communicator since Reagan. Now Rubio is also gifted, and my dream ticket since April has been having those two on it, and its now great to see that the rest of America is able to see their talents. Sure, the left will continue to paint Carly out to be a CEO that doesn't care, but unlike Romney, Carly has the "it" factor to defend and counter-attack. Her rise has just begun, and I really think she will be standing in the end.
  14. Again, pointing to a 90s plan that was not supported by the Conservative voters/base and was put forward by a small number of Senators over a short time span is NOT representative of Conservative ideology. That's like saying that LBJ sent the country into Vietnam and therefore Democrats stand for going to war. If you honestly think that conservatives in 2009/2010 were really wanting Obamacare or something like it, and just pretending they didn't, you are lying to yourself and everyone on here. Also, I do agree that both parties are a disaster. The left is becoming a bunch of socialists, and the Republicans in Congress are a bunch of wimps and can't seem to get anything done with their majority. There are things I don't agree with the GOP on, including Medicare Part D that Bush 43 passed. That was an entitlement expansion that was not paid for. I also don't like Boehner or McConnell so I would approve of them getting the boot. So to put you on the spot, since you are no longer a Conservative, who are you supporting in 2016?
  15. fyi.... I added to my post above. I'm not sure what that would be like. I don't agree with either sides propaganda. I don't believe banning certain types of guns from law abiding citizens will have s major affect. I also don't believe there is this huge movement from government officials to come into our homes and take our guns. I just don't know how reasonable gun legislation should look. Let's say we ban hand guns, are we going to allow police to stop and search? Are we going to then have mass incarceration of people simply because the have a hand gun in their home? To me, that's worse than incarcerating people for having or selling drugs. Crime committed with guns has less to do with the actual weapon of choice and more to do with the person committing the crime. Millions of people have guns and are not killing others with their weapon. If somebody is mentally or emotionally unstable enough to kill someone, they will find a way to do it, whether its a gun, knife, poison, bomb, etc... The real debate should focus on what might cause someone to think it's ok to kill another human being, and hence I brought up parenting, violence in video games and television, etc... As a Conservative, do I think we should have no gun control laws...no. But I don't think that gun control is the silver bullet (pun intended) the left seems to think it is to solve crime.
  16. Wow, that was a great comeback. I'll have to use that one sometime. Feel free to use it after you actually address people's rebuttles and stop being divisive by throwing around unfounded labels and right wing rhetoric. Well, if the last comments I replied to had actual facts to respond to, I would gladly reply to them. Instead, the insinuation was made that Republicans really wanted Obamacare and that Conservatives are screwed on the Health Care topic. I'm not buying that BRB is a Conservative based upon the many posts I have seen. I've been in forums like this where somebody claims to be of one ideology, yet somehow 80% of what they say suggests otherwise. Do you really think that my response was any more or less fact-based that BRB's insinutation that Conservatives are screwed on Health Care. That's pure opinion, and he's entitled to it, but suggesting it's somehow a "founded" argument is absurd.
  17. Wow, that was a great comeback. I'll have to use that one sometime.
  18. What's comical about this is that Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws (as does Baltimore), and crime and murders are out of control. Another example that you can't regulate your way out of a problem. Liberals always call for more government as the solution, but the results prove that does not work. What's also comical is how you glossed over the fact that homicides in Chicago for 2013 were the lowest they've been since 1965 and overall crime the lowest since 1972. Another example of how sometimes numbers require context before you can draw a conclusion from them.http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4531328 Wow, so 2012 there were over 500 murders in Chicago, and you are going to point out the fact that it declined in 2013 as a positive sign. Chicago, despite not being the largest city in the nation, has the most murders, even more than NY City. Also, you pointed out 2013 and failed to show that murder rates increased in 2014 and 2015, so you essentially cherry picked one data point in 2013 in a year coming off of an extreme high in 2012. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/07/09/us-cities-homicide-surge-2015/29879091/ http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/01/us/murder-rates-rising-sharply-in-many-us-cities.html?_r=0 To me murders and violence like we are seeing has to do with a lot more than gun control (or lack thereof). First and foremost, bad or a lack of parenting. Should we put in regulations that state that if a mom or dad is absent from a child's life, they should go to jail, or incur a severe fine? Do video games and television shows depicting violence encourage violent behavior by our nation's youth? If so, should we ban these shows and video games? Does a lack of religion and connection with God cause criminals to get lost and commit more crime? If so, is the answer to force more religion in people's lives? I'm guessing for many of these questions, your answer would be no, as the government should not be mandating or dictating how children are raised, both at home and spiritually.
  19. Wow, you are really going on record stating that Obama has not put in place policies that have moved the needle? For starters, Obamacare, even though I know it's not the liberal utopia of universal health care, is a shift to the left in that it involves government mandates in the health insurance arena. It also was passed without any realistic plan on how the new entitlement would be funded, and thus will continue to add to the national debt. Obama's foreign policy is definitely not a center-right one where the US leads the world on many key issues. He's signed executive action favoring environmentalists, while also blocking the passage of the Keystone pipeline. He's underfunded our nations Vets while expanding use of food stamps and welfare in general. Food stamp usage is at an all time high under Obama. Also, the number of Americans that have fallen out of the labor force and are more likely to be dependent upon the government has reached an all-time high. A center-right nation is one aspiring for limited government, and just about every action Obama has taken has been just the opposite. If government mandates in health care is such an extreme liberal thought then why did the Republicans first come up with the idea? You can continue to extrapolate what a handful of Senators discussed in the early 90s as being representative of the Conservative/GOP platform, but you know that is intellectually dishonest. That is like me saying that Democrats are against gay marriage because Obama and Hillary and many other Democratic leaders were against that in the past. Also, most GOP ideas I have seen have not called for a mandate, and have called for a pure market based solution that involves portability across state lines, thus tearing down many state regulations. The Dems know Obamacare was a mistake, and their only cop out is to state that it is what the right truly wanted. LMAO OK...if you want to fall for the agenda propaganda. a) At the time this was proposed "by a handful of Republican representatives" did the GOP/Republican/conservative establishment go bonkers claiming these "handful of representatives" were socialists liberal extremists hell bent on ruining our way of life and everything that is good in America? No....in fact, it was sold to us as a mandate making these free loading people who go don't buy health insurance but then go to the emergency room for everything pay their fair share. If you deny that didn't happen then you are either too young to remember or in denial. b) Has anyone on the right in the conservative movement given ANY alternative other than this? I haven't seen any. Is there any? The fact is, conservatives are screwed on this issue. Every single alternative to sky rocketing health care costs involves government involvement but every time that is brought up the tea partiers scream and holler about growing government, government take over of private industry, socialism, evil horrible people on the left who want to ruin our way of life...bla bla bla..... Wow, you truly do see things through a leftist partisan lens. First, there is no right to have insurance. It's not part of our bill of rights, and the notion that every person has a right to insurance, cell phones, free education, or whatever the left is putting out is unfounded in our Constitution. Please point me to where the Constitution states that this is a right for all citizens. Second, no matter how you try to claim that the GOP is screwed, you are wrong. The Dems own this mess and will for a long time. They promised that the bill would allow individuals already with insurance would keep their doctor, and that it would lower health care costs. Guess what...health care costs are still rising. The ACA did nothing to address tort reform and some of the core reasons costs are soaring.
  20. Wow, you are really going on record stating that Obama has not put in place policies that have moved the needle? For starters, Obamacare, even though I know it's not the liberal utopia of universal health care, is a shift to the left in that it involves government mandates in the health insurance arena. It also was passed without any realistic plan on how the new entitlement would be funded, and thus will continue to add to the national debt. Obama's foreign policy is definitely not a center-right one where the US leads the world on many key issues. He's signed executive action favoring environmentalists, while also blocking the passage of the Keystone pipeline. He's underfunded our nations Vets while expanding use of food stamps and welfare in general. Food stamp usage is at an all time high under Obama. Also, the number of Americans that have fallen out of the labor force and are more likely to be dependent upon the government has reached an all-time high. A center-right nation is one aspiring for limited government, and just about every action Obama has taken has been just the opposite. If government mandates in health care is such an extreme liberal thought then why did the Republicans first come up with the idea? You can continue to extrapolate what a handful of Senators discussed in the early 90s as being representative of the Conservative/GOP platform, but you know that is intellectually dishonest. That is like me saying that Democrats are against gay marriage because Obama and Hillary and many other Democratic leaders were against that in the past. Also, most GOP ideas I have seen have not called for a mandate, and have called for a pure market based solution that involves portability across state lines, thus tearing down many state regulations. The Dems know Obamacare was a mistake, and their only cop out is to state that it is what the right truly wanted. LMAO
  21. What's comical about this is that Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws (as does Baltimore), and crime and murders are out of control. Another example that you can't regulate your way out of a problem. Liberals always call for more government as the solution, but the results prove that does not work.
  22. Terry may or may not do well at Oregon, but I really think he was fearful of Patrick O'Brien. I recall that POB was getting a lot of attention, and leading up to the weekend that POB was going to visit, Wilson hurried up and committed, I think hoping it might cause POB to think twice about Nebraska. Since that time, POB was invited to Elite 11 and has gotten a great deal of national attention, as well as by local Nebraska media. While Wilson said early on he was fine with competing with someone in his own class, I think when he saw POB play, he didn't feel he could win the job here. I doubt POB or Wilson would start right away, but it should add some interesting fuel to the mix if they were both playing in 2016 or 2017 when NU and Oregon play each other.
  23. Republicans will be celebrating if Sanders (a Socialist) continues to rise and gets the nomination, just as Democrats are hoping that the GOP is stupid enough to nominate Trump. If Hillary falls out, you are left with the Democrats having two old white guys to step in and take her spot. Which is the party of old white-haired white guys?
  24. Wow, you are really going on record stating that Obama has not put in place policies that have moved the needle? For starters, Obamacare, even though I know it's not the liberal utopia of universal health care, is a shift to the left in that it involves government mandates in the health insurance arena. It also was passed without any realistic plan on how the new entitlement would be funded, and thus will continue to add to the national debt. Obama's foreign policy is definitely not a center-right one where the US leads the world on many key issues. He's signed executive action favoring environmentalists, while also blocking the passage of the Keystone pipeline. He's underfunded our nations Vets while expanding use of food stamps and welfare in general. Food stamp usage is at an all time high under Obama. Also, the number of Americans that have fallen out of the labor force and are more likely to be dependent upon the government has reached an all-time high. A center-right nation is one aspiring for limited government, and just about every action Obama has taken has been just the opposite.
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