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Everything posted by Huskerford1

  1. I think you're going by last year. Indiana is only #80 in the country in rushing this year and #85 in scoring offense. Last year they were #26 and #24. Last year we were #32 in yards per rushing attempt allowed. This year we are #102. Isn't that inflated by the Oregon game mostly? Indiana doesn't have near the speed to stretch the defense that Oregon does. Ohio state is the only other team I think that can this year. Also, aren't Indianas running backs both more brusiers than slashers? Just honest questions
  2. Was just curious if anyone on here still plays ncaa football 14 and would like to get an online dynasty going?
  3. Maybe they are looking at moving one to be a big bodies wide reciever, or to D end?
  4. pretty well covers the whole issue with daub in a nutshell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oEl6b06S5M
  5. Well said. It's disgusting. I'm getting so sick of this casual/maybe subconscious racism that I'm seeing all over the place by people who think they're not racist. IMG_0578.PNG
  6. Well someone is back pedaling real fast... If I were Daub I'd be rowing that boat away from the falls as hard as I could. I'm guessing the LJS has that interview on tape, though. You would think he would realize in today's age of technology and being able to get news at a moments notice he would have maybe put some thought into his comments. And yeah all rowing is gonna do is make him very tired before he goes over the fall... Close minded folks like Mr. Daub aren't very good at realizing things. Well this will make for a great life lesson for him
  7. Well someone is back pedaling real fast... If I were Daub I'd be rowing that boat away from the falls as hard as I could. I'm guessing the LJS has that interview on tape, though. You would think he would realize in today's age of technology and being able to get news at a moments notice he would have maybe put some thought into his comments. And yeah all rowing is gonna do is make him very tired before he goes over the fall...
  8. I don't think Illinois will have earned those 21 points I think we will gift a touchdown to them through either a turnover or a penalty extended drive.
  9. I'll say 42 to 21 Nebraska rolls. Offense will look good and the defense will be good enough. Maybe we will even see one of those punt return things I see lots of other teams doing
  10. Even if this were true, which it is not, explain to me exactly how that isn't fair? White America stole from, enslaved, and profited massively at the expense of blacks. Millions, billions, trillions of dollars worth of labor and wealth accumulated by whites at the expense of blacks. When have black people ever had any reparations made to them for any of this? When has our country ever made up for any of the negative effects of racism and segregation? Don't forget completely robbed millions of black people's culture and ancestral history from them.
  11. You should have throw in the "all lives matter" counter argument to "black lives matter" while you were at it...
  12. While the point you're trying to make is not lost on me at all, and I actually do care about the issue Michael is putting out there, I just want to say that I've been so adamant about the right to protest simply to hopefully shut up the people claiming that "they shouldn't be allowed to do this." Because that's just, like, really stupid to believe. Between the "football players should just focus on football" crowd, 'Murica derpers, and flat-out racists, it's been hard to focus on the real issue being brought up by MRI and others. Right now, those individuals have done a great job of bringing awareness to the issue, the next step is to discuss the issue further and see what solutions can be agreed upon. Just to be clear, I didn't just mean MRI or Huskerboard. I meant ever since the protests started, it seems like the majority of the conversations everywhere I've seen have been about the protests and free speech, not the underlying issues. The underlying issue is racial inequality, systemic racism, and white privelege are still too prevalent in 2016 for a "civilized" society
  13. This is very, very poor mental gymnastics. Just because someone has freedoms, doesn't mean they have the same amount of them as someone else (and, ironically, Rose-Ivey even specifically addressed this rationale). 100 percent agree with landlord. Look up white privilege. It is a very real thing I have seen just between me and my black wife living here in the Sioux city area and it boils my blood
  14. Only defensive stat I'm gonna follow is points allowed. They can give up a thousand yards a game for all I care, just as long as keep the ppg allowed under 25 I think we are in for a good season
  15. Racial slurs are protected under the First Amendment. I can point you to an ACLU website that will back this up. I'll tell you what: let's take a break and some of you go brush up on what exactly is and isn't free speech as opposed to what and what someone might think is inappropriate. I can't debate and tutor at the same time. You guys can have this thread, I am done with it.[/quote Good riddance
  16. Then he needs to put on his Big Boy pants and quit whining when it comes to paying the cost of saying what you think needs to be said. "Free Speech" isn't free. Never has been, never will be. Many hundreds of thousands paid a bigger price for it than some mean Tweets in both this country and others. I know it's not free I was in the military the last 4 years. And mean tweets or not you don't use racial slurs or death threats if you disagree with someone because those are not protected under the first amendment. It's ignorant thoughts like that that encourage people it's ok to do so.
  17. Why don't he use his position as a college athlete to play football and leave the politics to the politicians? Because he has a right as a citizen to excercise his freedom of speech. End of story
  18. It really doesn't matter what his exact reason is. He feels strongly enough to use his position as a college athlete on a popular football team to try to cause action against both police brutality and racial injustice. He is well within his right to do so regardless of if he is Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, or any other race or ethnicity.
  19. I have lurked on these boards for years now and finally created an account just to comment on this. I served in the Air Force for 4 years and have been out a year, I see no disrespect from the athletes exercising their right. I think as a white man married to a black women that all this hate for the athletes is very appalling and continues to educate me on how very privileged I am.
  20. People really need to think about why these athletes feel like this is the best way to get their voice heard about a political issue. I served in the military and the only disrespectful part about all this is the bigots who are verbally attacking people using their right to free speech. I support all the athletes using this as a platform 100 percent.
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