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Everything posted by wutthewut

  1. So you're saying the decreased competition has nothing to do with the current spiking of prices? Is that your claim? Who determines the cost of health care? Typically, supply and demand. The point on the price scale where a company can provide a good value to their customers while maximizing profits. Now with all the silly ACA mandates, you have all these stipulations that are causing insurers to raise cost to cover their profits, and many companies are dropping out of the market altogether. Thus, less competition in the marketplace and the ability for insurance companies to charge more. Economics...
  2. So you're saying the decreased competition has nothing to do with the current spiking of prices? Is that your claim?
  3. I don't think it's the discourse it's the tone. Gosh I'm a big meanie face... 🙄
  4. I don't think anyone has said the ACA is perfect or that it shouldn't be fixed. But wut and 84 think that a straight repeal would fix costs, when it clearly won't. Competition won't lower costs and increase quality is what you're saying?...Did it before Obamacare? Considering premiums and deductibles have gone through the roof since competition has been wiped out in most states, I'd say that speaks for itself.
  5. And... You know... Blatantly lying... But whatever...
  6. Not sure how civil discourse and representing facts contrary to the popular sentiment of thinking board is "being a troll."
  7. In the 60s you could say that about the Democrats. Not today.
  8. I don't think anyone has said the ACA is perfect or that it shouldn't be fixed. But wut and 84 think that a straight repeal would fix costs, when it clearly won't. Competition won't lower costs and increase quality is what you're saying?...
  9. And so ppl can't complain about "republican talking points" or "right bias articles" here you go: http://money.cnn.com/2016/11/04/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-04/some-find-care-unaffordable-even-with-obamacare-coverage https://ballotpedia.org/Health_insurance_policy_cancellations_since_Obamacare In that article, here you go: "The study suggested as many as 100 million small and large business plans could be canceled due to the changes." "NBC News reported that between 50 percent and 75 percent of the 14 million who buy individual health insurance would likely receive a cancellation notice over 2014 because their plans did not meet the requirements of the ACA." There are your numbers. G'night.
  10. If I look at my viewpoints on every issue, I'd be considered primarily libertarian. The solution to most problems is less government and more individual responsibility. So I suppose most might fit me into the republican party because they more consistently align with what's correct, but I don't claim the GOP for a lot of reasons. You want specific issues, here you go: Republicans - generally say the right things on the campaign trail about limiting the size and scope of the government but when in office they rarely if ever back it up. They fail to slash wasteful spending and send power back to state and local governments like it was originally intended to be. Typically it's because money talks and politicians are almost always influenced by big money. Democratic party - they approach things with good intentions I believe for the most part but are almost always off in lala land. They don't base their policy on sound logic, so most of the time they react however feels good at the time, which results in a lot of viewpoints that conflict with each other and don't make sense. Just ask and I'll share a few hundred memes that exemplify just that. The biggest issue with the Democratic party is they try to make everybody victims. Unless you're white, male, rich, straight, or Christian, count on the Dems to classify you as a victim to a society that is rooted in institutional bias against you and that you need politicians to step in and save the day. It's a tiring charade that should be easy enough to see right through, and there's been an awakening across the country to this lately. Hence, there hasn't been a significant Democratic victory in an election in quite some time.
  11. If there's one thing you can say about Buddy, it's that his players have no choice but to play with full effort or they'll get their a$$ ripped. Other than that, he's a total douche. He throws little baby temper tantrums all the time, and he gets way too personal when he attacks his players and assistant coaches. His OC had been with him for 9 years, and he gets a little butt hurt over something not even important, cries and yells, and tells him he can't call plays anymore... Embarrassing... Miss Wagner is the glue that holds that program together. I'm not sure how anyone could feel anything other than admiration and respect for who she is as a person and a mother figure to those boys.
  12. that darn obama messed up and his plan that was designed to fail so he could start socialized medicine just wouldn't fail for him. now it's up to the republicans to work hard to destroy the thing that was designed to fail.It will fail on its own when all the insurance providers drop out from all the bogus mandates. In the meantime, it has shackled business growth and caused many to close their doors because of the costs. it's amazing that obamas designed to fail plan has survived longer than all the republican plans have so far.All government health care plans are trash. yet they work in every other developed nation in the worldCan you tell me what country has led the world the past hundred years in research and development in medicine? too bad that spending doesn't represent itself well with overall health of americans. we rate poorly among developed nations in infant mortality rates, maternal death rates, and life expectancy So we're lagging behind in 3 categories so therefore we should blow up our entire system?.. It's always a good idea to take a look at where we can improve for sure. IMHO I'll agree with you all that Western medicine needs a massive overhaul, but government taking it over will just make it less efficient, more costly, and more corrupt. The overhaul that we need in Western medicine has to do with doctors not actually searching for cures. We have a zillion prescription drugs, but very few if any of them actually address the root cause of the medical issue, but rather mask the symptoms. Then they have side effects that are masked by more drugs, etc. THAT is the issue with medicine, not that it's not socialized.
  13. I agree, but if the Dems can take control in 2018 they might not even need the Russian ammo (assuming he makes it that far). About that... http://www.dailywire.com/news/19079/story-may-end-putin-wanted-trump-win-myth-once-and-ben-shapiro Written by Ben Shapiro, who has been extremely critical of Trump through the entire election and his tenure up to this point. Shapiro is still on the right and a Republican, so him being critical of Trump does necessarily mean he's not biased. Here's a detailed article by the lawfare blog on the whole thing: https://lawfareblog.com/wall-begins-crumble-notes-collusion Um.... What?... All sources are generally biased one way or the other. The question to ask is: Did the reporter take their own bias out of the equation and provide all pertinent info? The answer to Shapiro's article is yes. The answer to whatever you posted is no. CNN reporters, Democratic congressmen and women, etc. have been caught on camera saying in Van Jones own words "Russia is a nothing burger" and yet this crap is still out there even though polling numbers show that only a small portion of people even give a damn about the Russia narrative. While Trump has at times shown to run a wildly dysfunctional and perplexing operation in the White House up to this point, he has run an extremely transparent administration as well. And with Barack wire tapping Trump Tower along with half of America, if there were truly something of substance, we'd know about it by now. If something of actual substance comes about from the Russia ordeal, I'll listen. But all of this trash that's been thrown around up to this point is just that... Trash. What do you think about Clinton's email server? I'll make you a deal. You tell me what you think, and I'll tell you what I think.
  14. that darn obama messed up and his plan that was designed to fail so he could start socialized medicine just wouldn't fail for him. now it's up to the republicans to work hard to destroy the thing that was designed to fail.It will fail on its own when all the insurance providers drop out from all the bogus mandates. In the meantime, it has shackled business growth and caused many to close their doors because of the costs. it's amazing that obamas designed to fail plan has survived longer than all the republican plans have so far.All government health care plans are trash. yet they work in every other developed nation in the world Can you tell me what country has led the world the past hundred years in research and development in medicine?
  15. that darn obama messed up and his plan that was designed to fail so he could start socialized medicine just wouldn't fail for him. now it's up to the republicans to work hard to destroy the thing that was designed to fail.It will fail on its own when all the insurance providers drop out from all the bogus mandates. In the meantime, it has shackled business growth and caused many to close their doors because of the costs. it's amazing that obamas designed to fail plan has survived longer than all the republican plans have so far. All government health care plans are trash.
  16. A lot of UNL agriscience professors work solely on research that allows food to be grown in worsening conditions which are caused by global warming. And then you have this know-nothing dumbass say this bullsh#t. I think the anti-science stuff is what sickens me the most about the Trump presidency. Anti-Science? I didn't realize Trump sees gender as fluid, or that a beating heart inside a womb isn't a human... Trump has literally said that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.I'm aware... Definitely not going to defend everything he says because, well.... That's not possible.. or intelligent. It's just funny that the same people screaming "science denier!" are the ones who say genitalia doesn't matter in reference to gender.No one said that in this topic, so why did you make that post? And it was in response to my post, where I said nothing of the kind. Did you even read my response? Democrats want transgender people to be treated like people. It's not in their platform that "genitalia doesn't matter in reference to gender" No, Democrats want transgender people to be given special treatment and include them in their ever expanding subcategories of victims so they can capture more votes. It's all about politics and control. On both sides. Do you feel the same way about homosexuals? It's not a matter of science. Everyone should be free to live their lives as they please, free from discrimination, so long as they aren't infringing on others. Please read above statement more closely.
  17. What you're speaking of is charity. Don't make the mistake of calling the authorization of the federal government to rip money from the pockets of hard working honest people at gun point "charity" And no worries, I'll dig the actual numbers up when I get a chance. Bottom line is that a great portion of our country who had quality, usable, reasonably affordable health insurance had it forcefully ripped away from them. And I'm not a republican. Political parties are for sheep. Healthcare prices have been going up because there's no constraints on costs. Reasonably affordable healthcare is not attainable under the ACA or by repealing the ACA. It's why healthcare costs were the leading cause of bankruptcy before the ACA. In fact, the ACA helped reduced bankruptcy by 50%. And the healthcare plans before the ACA were NOT quality. One thing the ACA got right was the Patient Protection Act, which forced the insurance companies to have a minimum level of quality, like not having cost caps. Millions of people pre ACA had health insurance coverage that they'd literally kill for right now. ACA was a lie from the beginning. Not only that, the ACA was designed to fail so Barack couple sweep in and force people into socialized medicine as the saving grace. You got any facts or evidence to support your claims, or just more right wing talking points? To show that you're misinformed about the ACA, here's several articles describing how it's based on a conservative healthcare proposal: Source of the individual mandate: https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2011/10/20/how-a-conservative-think-tank-invented-the-individual-mandate/#de9b34b61877 Source of the healthcare exchange: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2010/apr/01/barack-obama/obama-says-heritage-foundation-source-health-excha/ Similarity to a Republican healthcare bill from 1993: http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2013/nov/15/ellen-qualls/aca-gop-health-care-plan-1993/ I wanna give you all the benefit of the doubt, but seriously? You haven't noticed that premiums in some states have gone up over 400% because of ACA? Or that several states currently have no insurance provider to choose from at all?... You're completely unaware of this?
  18. that darn obama messed up and his plan that was designed to fail so he could start socialized medicine just wouldn't fail for him. now it's up to the republicans to work hard to destroy the thing that was designed to fail. It will fail on its own when all the insurance providers drop out from all the bogus mandates. In the meantime, it has shackled business growth and caused many to close their doors because of the costs.
  19. A lot of UNL agriscience professors work solely on research that allows food to be grown in worsening conditions which are caused by global warming. And then you have this know-nothing dumbass say this bullsh#t. I think the anti-science stuff is what sickens me the most about the Trump presidency. Anti-Science? I didn't realize Trump sees gender as fluid, or that a beating heart inside a womb isn't a human... Trump has literally said that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.I'm aware... Definitely not going to defend everything he says because, well.... That's not possible.. or intelligent. It's just funny that the same people screaming "science denier!" are the ones who say genitalia doesn't matter in reference to gender. No one said that in this topic, so why did you make that post? And it was in response to my post, where I said nothing of the kind. Did you even read my response? Democrats want transgender people to be treated like people. It's not in their platform that "genitalia doesn't matter in reference to gender" No, Democrats want transgender people to be given special treatment and include them in their ever expanding subcategories of victims so they can capture more votes. It's all about politics and control. On both sides.
  20. What you're speaking of is charity. Don't make the mistake of calling the authorization of the federal government to rip money from the pockets of hard working honest people at gun point "charity" And no worries, I'll dig the actual numbers up when I get a chance. Bottom line is that a great portion of our country who had quality, usable, reasonably affordable health insurance had it forcefully ripped away from them. And I'm not a republican. Political parties are for sheep. Healthcare prices have been going up because there's no constraints on costs. Reasonably affordable healthcare is not attainable under the ACA or by repealing the ACA. It's why healthcare costs were the leading cause of bankruptcy before the ACA. In fact, the ACA helped reduced bankruptcy by 50%. And the healthcare plans before the ACA were NOT quality. One thing the ACA got right was the Patient Protection Act, which forced the insurance companies to have a minimum level of quality, like not having cost caps. Millions of people pre ACA had health insurance coverage that they'd literally kill for right now. ACA was a lie from the beginning. Not only that, the ACA was designed to fail so Barack couple sweep in and force people into socialized medicine as the saving grace.
  21. I agree, but if the Dems can take control in 2018 they might not even need the Russian ammo (assuming he makes it that far). About that... http://www.dailywire.com/news/19079/story-may-end-putin-wanted-trump-win-myth-once-and-ben-shapiro Written by Ben Shapiro, who has been extremely critical of Trump through the entire election and his tenure up to this point. Shapiro is still on the right and a Republican, so him being critical of Trump does necessarily mean he's not biased. Here's a detailed article by the lawfare blog on the whole thing: https://lawfareblog.com/wall-begins-crumble-notes-collusion Um.... What?... All sources are generally biased one way or the other. The question to ask is: Did the reporter take their own bias out of the equation and provide all pertinent info? The answer to Shapiro's article is yes. The answer to whatever you posted is no. CNN reporters, Democratic congressmen and women, etc. have been caught on camera saying in Van Jones own words "Russia is a nothing burger" and yet this crap is still out there even though polling numbers show that only a small portion of people even give a damn about the Russia narrative. While Trump has at times shown to run a wildly dysfunctional and perplexing operation in the White House up to this point, he has run an extremely transparent administration as well. And with Barack wire tapping Trump Tower along with half of America, if there were truly something of substance, we'd know about it by now. If something of actual substance comes about from the Russia ordeal, I'll listen. But all of this trash that's been thrown around up to this point is just that... Trash.
  22. A lot of UNL agriscience professors work solely on research that allows food to be grown in worsening conditions which are caused by global warming. And then you have this know-nothing dumbass say this bullsh#t. I think the anti-science stuff is what sickens me the most about the Trump presidency. Anti-Science? I didn't realize Trump sees gender as fluid, or that a beating heart inside a womb isn't a human... Trump has literally said that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. I'm aware... Definitely not going to defend everything he says because, well.... That's not possible.. or intelligent. It's just funny that the same people screaming "science denier!" are the ones who say genitalia doesn't matter in reference to gender.
  23. What you're speaking of is charity. Don't make the mistake of calling the authorization of the federal government to rip money from the pockets of hard working honest people at gun point "charity" And no worries, I'll dig the actual numbers up when I get a chance. Bottom line is that a great portion of our country who had quality, usable, reasonably affordable health insurance had it forcefully ripped away from them. And I'm not a republican. Political parties are for sheep.
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