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Everything posted by FrantzHardySwag

  1. The secretary of the senate basically admits it's the right place, but they won't disclose the files, or if they even exist at all.
  2. But that's not where they would be, so why should he? Biden has requested the complainant and any other docs relating to Reade be released to the public by the body that has them - this is what everyone should want.
  3. The neighbor also admitted that Reade called her "just recently" to remind her about the Biden thing, before she came out publicly. Not to mention another reporter called her brother and had him change his story after his interview with the Washington Post (he admitted it on twitter like an idiot). I don't think she should be completely dismissed, but there are massive read flags in the story, I think if we get her written senate complaint verified, or verified it doesn't exist, that would go a long ways.
  4. Also, why is the Biden campaign the only people aggressively pushing for the release of these records.
  5. It is an issue, because the only evidence we have to go off of is her word. You can't say, "I filed a sexual harassment complainant with the senate", then when Biden calls the bluff to prove his side of the story, she says "okay I didn't use the term assault or sexual harassment, I maybe used the term uncomfortable". In your example you used an exact date, if we had an exact date to go off of, we could confirm Biden was in DC and a possible interaction with Reade occurred, or he might have been in another freaking country. A lack of details, and a changing of details is a massive issue. It makes it impossible to corroborate her story, and it makes it impossible for Biden to clear his name.
  6. Russia Today is straight Putin propaganda. Hard to take her seriously when she appears on it.
  7. Here's the Woman who broke the Biden/Reade story, on Russia Today (Putin's Mouthpiece), badmouthing Biden and the democrats. The host endorsed Trump directly prior to the interview. GOP/Russia/Trump gonna try and keep this story alive all they can. They interfered with the last election, and they'll try to do the same this election.
  8. If we had Biden’s personal records from U of Delaware, future made up stories could be way more accurate!
  9. I mean it’s smart. She’s probably getting paid very good money to be one of the voices of the far left, and there will always be a base that wants to absorb that info. But at the same time there’s gonna be people like me who automatically dismiss people like Ball, and Hannity. These people have agendas. There are still many outlets that report just the news, and let you form your own opinion.
  10. She’s a known grifter for the anti establishment wing of the party, her base wants her to take shots at the DNC. So her paycheck depends on her taking shots at the DNC. She’s there to reassure her base that Bernie = Good, Biden and DNC = bad. I’m sure some of her complaints are warranted but at the end of the day, her stuff is opinion based and also skews far left to the antiestablishment base.
  11. What evidence do you have to say he isn't? He polls better than anyone else as well. Everything we can measure says he's the best the dems had to offer against Trump.
  12. He beat second place in Minnesota by 9%, beat second place in Michigan by 16%, beat second place in Florida by 39%, beat second place in Wisconsin by 31%, beat second place in Ohio by 56%. He's certainly not the perfect candidate, but the numbers show he was far and away the best chance at beating Trump.
  13. So there may not be a record. But if there is a record, it won't say anything about an assault. Also, we don't what day or even month any of this took place. I think Biden did what he had to do. He wasn't nasty to Reade. He encouraged an investigation to verify her claim. If Biden is telling the truth, it is impossible for him to prove a negative, there is no record, no complaint and no timeline. No proof is his proof.
  14. “I am requesting that the Secretary of the Senate ask the Archives to identify any record of the complaint she alleges she filed and make available to the press any such document. If there was ever any such complaint, the record will be there," Biden said.
  15. The memo circulated on Thursday alludes to that possibility: “If the state remains eligible for delegates, the campaigns are committed to working together to ensure representation for Sen. Sanders in the New York delegation.”
  16. Black kids have been shot by police for carrying airsoft guns, but these clowns can bring actual weapons to the state house without consequence.
  17. Excellent display of white privilege as well.
  18. I don't think you can dismiss either side at this point. It could have happened, it might not have happened, it will be almost impossible to move past assumptions. This is the crux for me. I don't see how Biden is proven guilty, at the same time, it's pretty much impossible for Biden to prove his innocence. "Reade has said that she cannot remember the date, time or exact location of the alleged assault, except that it occurred in a “semiprivate” area in corridors connecting Senate buildings. After I left the Justice Department, I was appointed by the federal court in Los Angeles to represent indigent defendants. The first thing that comes to mind from my defense attorney perspective is that Reade’s amnesia about specifics makes it impossible for Biden to go through records and prove he could not have committed the assault, because he was somewhere else at the time. For instance, if Reade alleged Biden assaulted her on the afternoon of June 3, 1993, Biden might be able to prove he was on the Senate floor or at the dentist. Her memory lapses could easily be perceived as bulletproofing a false allegation."
  19. "Most other teams have had to start with small clinical trials of a few hundred participants to demonstrate safety. But scientists at the university’s Jenner Institute had a head start on a vaccine, having proved in previous trials that similar inoculations — including one last year against an earlier coronavirus — were harmless to humans. That has enabled them to leap ahead and schedule tests of their new coronavirus vaccine involving more than 6,000 people by the end of next month, hoping to show not only that it is safe, but also that it works." They are modifying a proven safe vaccine used in other forms of coronavirus, like MERS.
  20. I have had friends sexually assaulted and I have had friends falsely accused. I don't want to assume on stuff like this because both ends can be devastating for the victim. I hope we do get evidence one way or another, but I'm skeptical we ever will.
  21. Where can I get a hold of one of these deals? I'm in Omaha, I know zero ranchers.
  22. Agreed, this is much more credible than the other stuff that has come out. Democrats would have a no win situation if more evidence comes out. Trump would be handed quite the lifeline, as republican voters have shown to not really care about allegations against him.
  23. Latest NYC antibody test results show 24.7% of those being tested have antibodies. If that held true for the entire city, Infected Fatality Rate for NYC would be 0.58%.
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