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FrantzHardySwag last won the day on August 28 2020

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  1. I really don’t want to get into a back and forth about the verbiage. You’re right in the 30 seconds it took me to write the post I could have used better terms. My point is/was Jeff Sims might just be the guy he was at GT. Sometimes a change of scenery doesn’t help.
  2. 17/10 in the ACC, but not being a homer - the secondary’s in the ACC are not the same as the B1G. ACC has had 4 4000 yrd passers the last 2 years. Good QBs pick that league apart. Maybe slightly dramatic, but he might struggle reaching that 1:1 ratio playing a full B1G schedule.
  3. Sims career to date against FBS teams. 7-18 record, offense averages 22 points/game. He’s scored 42 TD and turned the ball over 33 times. And that was in the ACC. Expecting him to be more than a 15 TD/15 INT guy, with a decent ground game, seems like pipe dream.
  4. To make matters worse, we’re paying Satt a top 5 OC Salary, 1.4 Mil. Really hope we’re not just paying Rhule’s buddies. 1.4 mil could have bought us a hell of an up and coming OC.
  5. Offense is gonna be a a “Year 0” type of experience all season. Satt had shown flashes of good and flashes of bad. Then you surrounded him with an offensive staff who has very little experience at this level (Most Experienced is Martin who was a HS OC last year). We opted for the grow and develop route, as opposed to the “win-now” type of staff that Wisconsin put together.
  6. Lotta season left. So far looks exactly like last season.
  7. Maybe Donnie could be a decent OL coach. I also don't think he's brought in one out of state recruit since he's been here - I'm skeptical he can upgrade the talent in that room, which is obviously an issue.
  8. We just offered an OL grad transfer, he tagged Rhule and Raiola. Theres a chance Raiola is retained...
  9. Ohio St is his dream job for obvious reasons, that's no secret. ND because how important his Catholic faith is to him. I was speculating that maybe he would consider another midwest blue blood.
  10. Maybe Fickell realized OSU and ND have coaches that are doing well and are younger than him - so his chances at a midwest historical blue blood are few and far between. Come on Fick.
  11. Schaefer at 247 seems to think there is some real smoke behind Bronco Mendenhall.
  12. Monken is a fantastic coach. The risk is coaching at Nebraska is nothing like either of his HC jobs, massive risk. Might take time for him to figure out coaching a B1G school, recruiting at a B1G school...people are not going to be very patient.
  13. Trump has the loser stench now. They'll fall in line behind DeSantis.
  14. Damon B. on the other site mentioned the Board of Regents is meeting for a special session today.
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