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Everything posted by FrantzHardySwag

  1. All this confirms is people on facebook and twitter are s#!tty. Which has been known for sometime. Bernie Bros exist, Biden Bros exist, MAGA Bros exist. Social media is a cesspool of these toxic, awful people. Twitter/Facebook are just places people go to confirm their own opinions, very little substance, very little news..
  2. “Company bids on lucrative deal” haha. It’s deeply disturbing because that’s the Fox News of the far left.
  3. literally from the same article. “A person with knowledge of Obama’s conversation with Buttigieg after the former Indiana mayor exited the race explained it this way: “Obama talked to Pete the night that Pete dropped out. When Pete told Obama that he was 99.9 percent of the way there in terms of endorsing Biden, I would say that Obama was encouraging. But I would also say that Obama was very careful not to be seen as putting a thumb on the scale. He and the people close to him are very careful about the optics — the 2016-style optics. Sanders and his supporters had reason to believe the party put the thumb on the scale for Hillary in 2016 and he wanted to avoid that. Obama wasn’t the driving force, but he was encouraging of people who had those instincts to rally around Biden. But he was very cautious and discreet in how he operated.” Also I don’t think your quotes prove he was some driving force convincing people to back Biden. He’s had communication with every campaign including Sanders. The article only mentioned one convo wit me Mayor Pete and it says Mayor Pete was 99.9% on his way to endorsing Biden anyways. This hardly screams some DNC plan to screw Bernie like some people like to think it is.
  4. Crazy an antibiotic can’t kill a viral infection. So smart of coronavirus to be a virus and not bacteria.
  5. I wouldn't worry too much about this, I don't think there has been any cases of REinfection (maybe a false positive, followed by an actual infection, or a return of symptoms after a short period of no symptoms). All the studies I have seen point to immunity , not sure how long that will last, but SARS is a close cousin - and it lasts 8-10 years. Scientists think immunity with COVID could be as low as 2 years - but there is an immune response. And it if it's like any other virus studied, a second infection would be far more mild in most cases.
  6. ^ This is outright false. Nothing I've read suggests this at all. Obama has been so quiet through this entire thing, and didn't want to put his thumb on the scale to sway anyone.
  7. Its estimated 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. It's naive to think every American can just have a couple months of bill/grocery money saved up. Also naive to think the people that don't have money saved up, used it on the latest toy. Also naive to think everyone that struggling to get by right now is under 50. I should have ignored it, but it pains me that there might be someone out there walking around that actually believes this.
  8. Travel ban, not racist, and necessary for the health of our country. Calling the virus the China Virus, putting out Biden slam ads of him talking to Asian people, even former Washington state governor Gary Locke, insinuating talking to Asian people is bad - yeah that s#!t is racist and unnecessary.
  9. Biden agreed with the China travel ban, so idk if that’ll move the needle. Biden has even said the ban didn’t come soon enough.
  10. “I’ve swayed so many Republicans with policy” but we won’t end up voting for the person with the closest policies to Bernie because DNC n stuff. Again if policies mean so much to these people - you’d think they’d vote for free college, expanded public healthcare, pro choice, DACA citizenship, increased minimum wage, ect. YOU CAN HAVE MANY OF BERNIES POLICIES.
  11. Polls aren’t the end all be all, but in 2016 Clinton was +2 in the polls after Comey right before the election and had 3 million more votes. So the polls weren’t really too far off. But your point remains, polls this early are usually not too accurate.
  12. She was tough on crime as a prosecutor. If that’s your opinion, I can see why you feel that way. I’d argue as a black woman, if she was soft on crime she would have never been able to reach the heights she reached. Her platform as a senator has been very progressive, but to each their own. I don’t think you’d find one Veep that everyone will agree on.
  13. Curious to why you don’t think Kamala is progressive. Her platform is not too different from Bernies, her biggest difference is Medicare for all - which she originally supported - she has since split the difference between Biden and Bernie. Her track record on vote tracking sites lists her as more progressive than Bernie (which I agree is BS), but those sites show her votes align with Bernie about as much as anyone in the senate.
  14. No, just stating 3 million more people voted for Hilary and she wasn’t particularly popular.
  15. Its huge. It’s 3 million fewer than Hilarys base, and people absolutely love her.
  16. I’m starting to think people are more loyal to Bernie than his actual platform. There is a reason things like $15 minimum wage showed up in Biden’s platform. There’s also a reason that Bernie will endorse Biden. As soon as 1 year from now we can see some of Bernie’s ideas come to fruition. It would be dumb to give all that up because you can’t get Bernies entire agenda. Vote Biden, vote progressive Senate/House candidates to keep the heat on Biden, you’re a hell of a lot closer to Bernies vision for America with that situation then you are with Trump. You know how much closer to Medicare for all we are if Biden expands a public option? That’s a much easier jump for the next president/congress/senate to make then starting over from scratch post Trump. Do you know how much closer to free 4 year college we are with Biden’s plan for free public college for families that make under 125k? There is a bridge to many of the things Bernie has proposed, why wouldn’t we take it?
  17. My 2 cents as a millennial. I like Bernie's policies, and I know many my age do. Clearly Biden aligns much more with Bernie, than Trump does. That's true for everything from a public health care option, to DACA, to gun reform, to abortion, to minimum wage, to free college, to teacher pay, to private prisons, to abortion. I care about all these things, and I care about my community. I'm not gonna burn it down to prove a point, Biden is decidedly better for me and my community so Im voting for him. People worse off than me can't afford another Trump presidency.
  18. https://progressivepunch.org/scores.htm?house=senate https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/report-cards/2018/senate/ideology
  19. Harris senate voting record scores a higher progressive score than Bernie.
  20. There what is? A tweet from Trump trying to divide the Democratic Party? I doubt many people fall for this BS.
  21. I saw it, its from Sky News - Which is Australia's Fox News. Described as "Sky News is our Fox News - completely insane, biased, conservative, lunacy." by a local Australian. I'd take anything you see there with a big fat grain of salt. Might as well quote some right wing twitter account in regards to Biden. https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/sky-s-jump-to-the-right-has-boosted-ratings-but-at-what-cost-20190527-p51rlx.html
  22. I'm sure they also have access to Biden's PET/MRI scans as well.
  23. Crunch time for Biden, needs to win over as much of Bernie's base as he possibly can.
  24. Biden said he absolutely wants Bernie a part of his campaign if he is the nom. I know people will scoff at that, and I know this is Biden just playing the game and trying to win over Bernies diehards. But it does bring up a good question, what level (VP off the table) of Bernie involvement would win over some of you Bernie or Bust folks? Is it truly Bernie or Bust, or if Biden gave Bernie a platform to maybe move forward with some of his ideas, would you back Biden?
  25. Love how you pop out two false statements and act like they’re common knowledge. Don’t forget Hoffa is buried at the 50 in Giants stadium.
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