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Everything posted by 45timesbetterthanemptysuit

  1. Yep. It is my understanding that initially Schiff wanted his memo released without it being read and ran through the same channels as the GOP memo. I cant find anything to corroborate that now, so assuming it gets the same process, absolutely.
  2. Some of the bases FOB's etc are a pretty big deal, although I suspect the locals are well aware of the US presence. I have seen "Yankee go home" painted on an overpass we went under frequently. As to the majority of the bases, their locations are not secret, and while interesting, the location of the tracks just doesnt seem that critical. There is not a necessarily a great concentration of personnel in those locations, so I am not certain the significance aside from the general opec/persec standpoint. I think better intel is found via TCN's and garbage dumps.
  3. what do you think about the manner in which CNN posted that? I see you mentioned FOX news, perhaps you could provide a specific link, and give your opinion and your basis for that opinion. Then you could discuss my post regarding the manner in which CNN presented a positive poll for President Donald Trump, and why I believe they did it in that manner, and I could discuss the specific article from a FOX news link that you post!
  4. That is an odd article. I went to the linked article expecting the usual "anonymous source" but got the "person familiar with the matter", does the FBI still have leaks? Is the person Trump? Kelly? Why doesnt Wray make the statement? I believe the DOJ released a letter saying they thought the release would be reckless. I say release it, and let the people decide! (or let somebody read it that has a cold, then you can say pretty much whatever you wish!)
  5. while the facts may be true, it doesn't lend the impression that 70% of Americans viewed the speech favorably link to the actual poll This is an interesting way to present a poll that shows that 48% of Americans viewed the speech as "very positive", and 70% overall were left with a positive impression. The headline is "CNN Instant poll: Trump gets least positive reaction in at least 20 years" then in the actual poll they go back to 2007, presumably to bolster their 20 year claim. The crux of the "story" is the "least positive reaction. In 2007, you have to use all of Bush's positives to exceed Trumps overall positives, as Trump had a "very positive" rating of 48% vs. Bush's 41%. Bush did exceed him overall by 78% for Bush vs. 70% for Trump. Aside from the obviously intentional negative slant to a poll that was very good, (Admittedly no where near Obamas 1st year of 68% very positive and 24% somewhat for an incredible 92% overall favorable rating) Why not lead with the overall 70% rating, if that is the standard that you apply to the story? Personally, I am certain they (CNN) hated the thought of printing 70% favorable, and chose the 48% (less than half) to give the false impression that most of the country viewed the speech in a negative manner.
  6. VP at best. Right now I see Kamala Harris at the top of the democrats ticket
  7. Lol! Right! The Dems have been whiny petulant children for years! Al bore the first to not accept the election and the start of the glorious whine fest. Now we have had a litany of empty bone-headed ideas to subvert the duly elected President. I have loved the last year, both for the exceptional presidency and all of the outstanding gains our country has realized, and to expose just how funny and deranged a sizable chunk of hilarity voters are.
  8. I would guess everyone here knows about opensecrets. I looked up 7 pages. I suppose I could make a chart. The one shown is meaningless with regard to demonstrating any favoritism the companies listed may or may not have towards republicans. It shows 27 years of political contributions to the Republican Party. Now if it were to show the democratic contributions also, then it would show any potential historical favoritism toward one party or the other. That, of course, doesn’t reflect on President Trump, but may reflect on the republicans now, but once again, is meaningless without including the contributions made to the democrats
  9. You should step away from Maddow! Keep watching the news! They are investigating this too! I think we will see real Russia collusion soon!
  10. You should look at their donations on open secrets! You might learn something. I stopped at Walmart. They all really really liked hillary! eta they liked jeb too! They donated to jeb pacs though!
  11. Woah! Isn’t that a list of Clinton foundation donors?
  12. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/22/sessions-orders-doj-review-after-report-obama-administration-gave-hezbollah-pass.html well lets all hope this leads to a special investigation led by a team of Trump supporters that has no limits in direction! It would be so good and cathartic for this country to expose just how corrupt the community organizers regime really was! Between this and the Uranium 1 investigation it promises to be an even better year than last! Happy Holidays!
  13. How many after you discount anyone affiliated with Allred and that weren’t paid? If only Trump were wealthy or famous before he ran for election, then perhaps they may have been inclined to come forth sooner.
  14. The problem is, I do pay attention. As soon as Gloria Allred gets involved I know it is a BS political stunt.
  15. Yep, that was bad, as was his comments regarding married women. I think the Clinton campaign selected the “grab em” quote because it was more easily spun to be an admission of a serious sexual assault. My life, the things I have seen, experienced, and the context in which the statement was made leads me to believe that he was talking about consensual acts.
  16. Thats an interesting interpretation of what you said. It sure didn’t sound like that the first time. Too bad your naive version of reality precludes your ability to accept the existence of groupies in the traditional sense. Odd that you allow such a generous definition of what you said, but find it inconceivable that someone that has seen groupies first hand (heck I even know someone that once was a groupie, she thought it was awesome?) would believe that Trump was talking about what they allow celebrities to do.
  17. https://www.politico.com/interactives/2017/obama-hezbollah-drug-trafficking-investigation/ The obstruction to the DEA investigation is appalling. A drug ring that sold cocaine in the USA, that funded the terrorist organization Hezbollah. 1 billion a year, weapons trafficking to Syria and Iraq, ties to Putin. All to appease Iran
  18. I am waiting for you to clarify what tragedy you wish to happen to someone in my life
  19. I helped elect President Trump, as did many former Democrat friends that I have.
  20. https://www.geekwire.com/2017/boeing-ceo-dennis-muilenburg-unveils-300m-initiatives-response-tax-bill/ I just can’t get tired of winning!
  21. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/20/fifth-third-bancorp-unveils-bonuses-minimum-wage-hike-after-tax-bill-passage.html its already working! What a great day and a great year!
  22. That is a hilariously low standard of “proof”
  23. Show any evidence whatsoever to support the assertion that Trump became a Republican because they are easier to fool.
  24. It is so heartwarming that you hope someone in my life gets ...raped? Assaulted? Perhaps you could be more specific about exactly what malady might happen to someone in my life that would make you happy.
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