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Everything posted by Decoy73

  1. They could totally charge double for their tours with promises of seeing a blabbering orange man screaming "this is so unfair!".
  2. Anyone see why Trump shouldn't just be sent to prison next Jan 21st? Me neither. Maybe Speaker Pelosi can see that he gets a nice cell at Alcatraz. That way she can keep a good eye on him from Pacific Heights.
  3. Yes it was. Doesn't make me feel too good though. That's for sure. You bombard some people with misinformation enough times and eventually they will believe it. The number of gullible, uneducated and generally stupid people in this country cannot be underestimated. I even know several "smart" people who are Trumpers. They're not immune from this either. The actual damage that social media is doing to this country also, cannot be underestimated. People just don't care about the truth and I just don't get it.
  4. Senator Sasse must think we have sh!t for brains. Good God. Just admit you were scared like all the other GOPers. Romney is the only one in the whole Republican Senate with spine. I will admit, though, that I hold Senator Sassee in higher regard than Senator Fischer. I honestly believe she is pretty much clueless about everything.
  5. “Yeah, I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I'm working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too, I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.”—Peter Gibbons
  6. I agree, but are enough of those people in Wisconsin, Florida and other swing states?
  7. What’s Kulinski saying about who should get the Democratic nomination?
  8. I agree with this plan but they should do it pretty soon before people lose interest and to give time for legal challenges from Trump. What can be gained from this? Getting sworn testimony is paramount. That way Trump and trumpers in Congress will have some questions to answer and can’t hide behind the “Trump just was investigating corruption” BS narrative.
  9. Sounds like you needed to vent. Glad I could help. if you want to believe Bloomberg = Trump, go ahead, but I doubt many will agree. I agree that Bloomberg certainly isn’t ideal, but at least he’s admitted mistakes he’s made. job one is defeating Trump. I don’t see a “progressive “ doing that now. Maybe I’ll be wrong. If Bernie gets the nod, then I will support him and pray that I was wrong about this.
  10. Barring any major scandalous revelations, I would indeed be among the shocked, but in a good happy way.
  11. He is definitely not a shorter version of Trump. I still can’t hear you.
  12. I used to feel that way, but time heals. Unless the bombshells keep steadily coming out in the next 10 months, what’s known about trump now won’t matter as much to the easily manipulated come November. If the candidate is someone else, I hope and pray I’m wrong, but I’ll be preparing myself for another four years of trump.
  13. Bloomberg will out-advertise Trump and that matters. Many people are easily manipulated and tend to have short term memory. That’s partially how Trump got elected in the first place.
  14. Hate to be the “bold prediction “ guy, but....Only Biden and Bloomberg can defeat Trump. It’s sad and unfortunate, but I truly believe this. Disagree?
  15. But the senate is not doing that. If you go by some of the statements from Senators, they are ignoring the whole guilty vs not guilty question. Some, like Lamar Alexander have essentially said he’s guilty, but the “crime “ doesn’t fit the punishment of removal so they will vote to acquit. Acquit should mean “not guilty “ and I know Trump will view it that way, but in the interpretation of many senators (at least some who have the courage to talk) acquittal essentially means, Yeah he’s guilty, but removal is not warranted—so he’s Not guilty.
  16. Attention all Constitution experts. I have to get your take on something that’s probably splitting hairs, but bugs me nonetheless. If the House has sole power of impeachment, doesn’t the fact that when Senator’s stating that their duty is to determine if the allegations are”impeachable “ essentially diminish the power of impeachment from the house? In other words, they are not really “jurors “ if all they do is reaffirm or in this case disaffirm the House’s decision. Jurors hear the case, consider the evidence and then decide if guilty or not guilty. As opposed to whether the crime fits the punishment. I get that with impeachment there are numerous dissimilarities from a traditional criminal trial, but I feel the term “juror “ is misused here. This, plus anytime a senator or anyone says what Trump did was not impeachable, they are undeniably wrong. Only the House can impeach and impeached he was.
  17. Lamar just cemented his legacy in a very poor way. Regardless of which side you are on, I don’t know how anyone could agree with his attempt at justification.
  18. 2 weeks over the holidays and you think the courts would have cleared up any subpoenas? Oh boy, you clearly have very little knowledge about how the courts work. I’m afraid your continual use of falsehoods and your apparent general knowledge deficit of the subject matter has caused me to lose interest in continuing this little debate. You can have the last word if you wish, but I am finished discussing this with you.
  19. Going to court likely would have taken months to resolve and they simply didn’t have that kind of time. You know this to be true. To address your other point. Executive privilege was NEVER exerted. So that deflates your argument about that. Look, if you are ok with a government where the president is not held accountable for not in any way complying with legitimate congressional requests without having to go to court , then that’s your deal. If you’re also ok with the president leveraging a foreign entity to help him politically, again that’s on you.
  20. Check out the Lincoln Project. I feel some of the posters here can get on board with what they are going for--mainly defeating Trump. https://lincolnproject.us
  21. Leaning towards letters. But I will first give them a chance to respond to the media as to why they chose to not call witnesses or convict. I’ve decided that if I’m going to complain about their performance then I should give them an opportunity to justify it.
  22. Not looking good for witnesses. Looks like the cowaRds may have won this round. But the fight isn't over. We'll see though. Apparently Lamar Alexander is announcing tonight if he will vote for witnesses or not. That will likely answer the witness question. I'm already preparing my letter to Sasse and Fischer.
  23. I was going to say “capitulate “ is much too big of a word for Trump to use.
  24. It’s really not hard to imagine why Rand’s neighbor just decided to beat the sh!t out of him one day.
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