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Everything posted by DefenderAO

  1. If everyone on the planet woke up tomorrow and said, "I'm not taking fentanyl today," does it start jumping into them and killing? If everyone in the world woke up tomorrow and said "There's no way I'm shooting someone today," there may end up ___? accidental shootings due to negligence but not near what we see now. You are indeed on to something. People exist and sin natures are real. We've been corrupted since the fall, and our brokenness leads to chaos on the earth. Taking away guns, legalizing all drugs, banning alcohol etc doesn't solve the real issue. It's a people problem. Wholly reform the mental health system, look to rehab and reform some/many who are in need, and know evil exists and always will...
  2. Like now, the rightful focus then had nothing to do with inanimate objects, but people.
  3. You’re saying my words against moral relativism, and that there is objectivity in truth, has hurt people (you said yourself you need no pity; I do not pity you. Commend? Yes.)? Just because you perceive I unknowingly embrace moral relativism doesn’t make it so. I liken it to a city on sand. America, or humanity moving away from a way of life or belief system didn’t make the old way right and we just move to a new correct. Take the 10 Commandments. I suspect there’s at least one you agree with. Maybe more. I believe they’re all relevant, we fail at many of them daily. The point of them is we can’t live up and there’s a reconciliatory way to make us whole. Sociopathic people have hurt people. I believe moral relativism has been much of our country’s decay. I believe Jesus at His word, and I do not feel hurt or wronged if you believe Him to be a liar or lunatic.
  4. I disagree with moral relativism as much as you might disagree in the legitimacy of the Bible or Jesus. I carry no judgement. If me adamantly believing something different than you is judgement, then tell me how you’re not in judgement. Disagreement is not judgement. Do you agree or disagree the mental health system needs reform to address the sociopaths that kill innocents?
  5. You’re certainly fun We should introduce more of these mass shooters to a reformed health system that effectively helps them through their life journeys.
  6. Phone typo. Yes. I don’t believe in luck. I wish you peace. I don’t pity you. I stated that. I commend you as a dad. I won’t apologize for what I believe or whom I believe in. I will apologize for how it may come across at times. And I’m grateful my shortcomings don’t have the final say. Your reminder of the golden rule was convicting. I appreciate it and do wish you well.
  7. True joy is reconciliation with our creator. You may disagree, and I’m good with that fact. I’ll say it again that I do indeed wish you grace with what you’re navigating in life.
  8. I believe no one is exempt of wrath as we’re all broken. I believe Jesus at His word as legitimate, not a liar or loon. And I believe He accomplished everything to cover all of our messes. I’m keenly aware I’m no better than anyone. I’m grateful there’s forgiveness and grace through that. I wish you peace with whatever you’re navigating, and, like you, grieve the loss of innocents.
  9. I'm satisfied with the Well I've come to know. I hope those that find justification in a mass shootings find a perspective, and path, that isn't tragic. The well they drink from is not mine.
  10. If this projection materializes, I'll be disappointed. Fickell would've made Wisconsin nationally relevant before Rhule (would we ever hear the end of "we hired the wrong guy"?), Huskers are projected 5th best in the conference (USC), and CU and Coach Prime would be insufferable.
  11. At least in the Orlando shooting some years back. It was a pathetic display.
  12. Reminds me of the "Christians" who were saying the gays shot in a bar were receiving God's wrath for their lifestyle. Terrible.
  13. Thankfully the good guys had a weapon commensurate to the bad girl and dropped her very quickly. I haven't seen the most recent data of a rifle preventing a crime, but I'd look to home invasion stats as a start. Punished could have been put differently. It isn't nothing where a law-abiding citizen could once do something and now cannot (not being able to purchase anymore). If the additional forms, or scrutiny, effectively stops these incidents I'm very game to discuss. It seems as if the latest shooter was already being watched and this happened. How?
  14. Good thoughts. Thank you for the time. I believe you would not subscribe to a dystopian Minority Report reality, so there is inherent holes and risks to not overly infringe on personal liberty while aiming to become more safe. The four points you raised may gain ground if there was future-proofing they don't slide into a more slippery slope. Such as #2 where only Federally approved doctors, appointed by a gun-loathing administration, can evaluate and approve ownership. I agree on the last point not being realistic on multiple fronts.
  15. Certainly. We can now agree that people can carry a personal "truth" that both differs from another's and is incorrect.
  16. An earnest question. What would you tell Holocaust survivors, some of which I have their direct or indirect perspectives (wife's side), that think about disarmament and its consequences everyday since coming up from WWII ashes? As a potential pre-empt, to say that would never happen here. What people in world history had advanced knowledge of their future slaughter while they remained armed? If they were never never armed to begin with, would it have made any difference as democide commenced? This is not rhetorical as there are more able historians here than me.
  17. Glad you make that statement. What one chooses to think of Him doesn't make it true. If one believes He is a liar, another a lunatic, they might find common ground. If He is who says, legitimate, then He cannot be a liar or lunatic. If He is a liar or lunatic, he cannot be legitimate. And, He cannot be just a good guy, He said He was God. Your agency allows you to believe whatever you want. It doesn't make it truth.
  18. I'm not against educating, training, and arming procedures. But then we're just one psycho teacher away from that being a nightmare. What's a policy that doesn't punish the law-abiding who will never do anything harmful (roughly 13.5 trillion chances to happen this CY and 13.499999 trillion times it did not) and keep them out of the hands of people who a. don't follow laws and b. have sociopathic tendencies?
  19. The latest mass shooter was dropped by an AR-15. The good guys were able to end it quickly. A pistol would not do that; more difficult at range with greatly reduced stopping power. Sadly, when seconds matter the police are minutes away. If we could Thanos-snap AR's away, who still keeps them? Police and .mil only? With no snap and hard confiscation attempts, would the criminals abide or care?
  20. Can you clarify your last point? Some might not follow...
  21. Jesus' contention is He's that standard. Focusing on the rules or laws is weightiness. He says He offers freedom from those things. He's either a lunatic, a deceiver, or legitimate. He can't be a special prophet and not one of the prior three. He walked around saying He was God. Our free agency allows for choice on which one it is.
  22. I believe they were there to show inadequacy, in principle, which was fulfilled through Jesus (perfect life, death, arose). They were never meant to save and do zero for fixing us today. They were stated, yes, but no one could keep up with their burden and weight. They were God's standard, and the Father met the standard through the Son.
  23. Some in the Christian faith have tweaked your second thought and would say God is dispensational by nature, is outside of time, but reveals Himself differently to us throughout time. I'll use a analogy that isn't perfect - my four kiddos are all different in personality and season they're in in life. I try to be consistent and fair to all of them. I love them all the same but also love their uniqueness and passions. When it comes time to discipline or celebrate, it might look differently based upon the child's likes, dispositions, actions etc. I'm the same dad at the core with some immovable positions (it is not okay to disrespect mom), it just may look differently based upon season, circumstance, or child.
  24. Good data. The income one isn't surprising as they are not inexpensive at the higher quality. Then you look at options like Night Vision and thermal etc. No surprise.
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