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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. BTW…these variants of concern are not originating from the US.
  2. Let me then throw it back to you and say what exactly is the FDA waiting for? They make the rules and can change them in extraordinary circumstances. No law that I am aware of is keeping them from approving the vaccines. Those aren’t the people we are talking about which we all very well know.
  3. Because the FDA doesn’t regulate tons of other things in their lives outside of food and drugs. When prominent Scientists and Doctors in this field say it’s a problem and news story after news story say it’s an issue, I will tend to agree with it along with anecdotal evidence of speaking live with people about it. This is especially true for parents getting kids vaccinated. FDA approval is very important in that aspect.
  4. I always took DeSantis’ criticism of Fauci being all the lockdowns and restrictions and not the vaccines unless you have heard different and DeSantis has critiques Fauci for vaccines.
  5. You can read the thread and figure it out, at least you should be able to anyways. Yes, sounds like something I would have said. A+ on your research project! Yep Well I assumed everyone already thought I was the smartest
  6. I think you underestimate the value of the FDA fully approving the vaccine for some people.
  7. Why, one has nothing to do with the other. Though the coozy idea seems childish in my opinion.
  8. Or me talking to my wife when I know I’m in trouble for something I did
  9. I agree, but two or three posters on here think it doesn’t matter. They believe it’s just semantics with the FDA
  10. Huh….I wonder who else on this forum has been saying this too and who else has been poo pooing it saying it didn’t matter.
  11. At what? He’s never been anything but a vaccine advocate
  12. Ummm ya. I responded to your post where I said said kids and Covid do not present a problem outside of extreme cases and you told me to talk with Dr. Cobia. Therefor, you make it sound like the article was speaking about kids dying which it wasn’t. People responding to another is a back and forth
  13. It didn’t mention a big past problem of kids in schools which is what we were talking about
  14. Oh, prob why I never heard of her. Don’t really look at FB anymore. Was it child patients or adult a patients because one of the perpetual lockdown posters brought her name up during a back and forth on kids/schools and Covid not being a serious issue for kids outside of some extreme examples
  15. https://www.google.com/search?q=united+kingdom+covid+cases&client=safari&hl=en-us&ei=zoH4YL_8CpS2tAa89p_4CQ&oq=united+kingdom+covid+cases&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyCAgAELEDEIMBMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADoECAAQRzoKCAAQsQMQgwEQQzoFCAAQsQM6BggAEAcQHlDMK1iURmCPT2gAcAJ4AIAB3QGIAfsZkgEGMC4xNy4zmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
  16. Kids have never been an issue in Covid outside of a very small fraction.
  17. Cases and deaths are decoupled in UK and Isreal. We should expect the same
  18. Yes, someone with there eyes open to the information. What a refresher.
  19. I wonder if you will get the same scorn from @BigRedBuster for your thoughts as I got?
  20. We obviously agree on very little, but I am in agreement here. It will be an unfortunate end if it comes to this though.
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