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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Ummm ya. I responded to your post where I said said kids and Covid do not present a problem outside of extreme cases and you told me to talk with Dr. Cobia. Therefor, you make it sound like the article was speaking about kids dying which it wasn’t. People responding to another is a back and forth
  2. It didn’t mention a big past problem of kids in schools which is what we were talking about
  3. Oh, prob why I never heard of her. Don’t really look at FB anymore. Was it child patients or adult a patients because one of the perpetual lockdown posters brought her name up during a back and forth on kids/schools and Covid not being a serious issue for kids outside of some extreme examples
  4. https://www.google.com/search?q=united+kingdom+covid+cases&client=safari&hl=en-us&ei=zoH4YL_8CpS2tAa89p_4CQ&oq=united+kingdom+covid+cases&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyCAgAELEDEIMBMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADoECAAQRzoKCAAQsQMQgwEQQzoFCAAQsQM6BggAEAcQHlDMK1iURmCPT2gAcAJ4AIAB3QGIAfsZkgEGMC4xNy4zmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
  5. Kids have never been an issue in Covid outside of a very small fraction.
  6. Cases and deaths are decoupled in UK and Isreal. We should expect the same
  7. Yes, someone with there eyes open to the information. What a refresher.
  8. I wonder if you will get the same scorn from @BigRedBuster for your thoughts as I got?
  9. We obviously agree on very little, but I am in agreement here. It will be an unfortunate end if it comes to this though.
  10. It does make you wrong Don’t believe I’ve said that, but I have questioned to what extent they work based on compliance, how masks are worn and what type of mask covering is being worn along with questioning the study of counties in KS (which was one study posted here that I questioned because the data points made were not really what people were thinking they were showing) We are good to open. Everyone has had a chance to get the vaccine. Hospital Systems are doing well, we have more treatments that show effectiveness. Sorry you seem to be a lockdown forever type person. cases don’t really mean much with 65% of the country vaccinated. Hospitalizations and Deaths are the numbers that actually mean something.
  11. Please point to where I said it was “just ho hum”. I clearly pointed out it was a riot which is quite a lot different than a threat to democracy and our country almost went under as many here suggest. At some point quite injecting your own words to what people post and respond to what is actually posted.
  12. Will do. I’m sorry a rag tag group of rioters in the year 2021 have you afraid they will overtake the country and it will no exist as we know it. Hmmmm, I hope Russia and China doesn’t figure out how easy it must be!
  13. Careful, someone will throw a hissy fit and you might get reported by someone we all know
  14. Looks like you really don’t understand much once again. I’ve stated all who rioted at the Capital should be punished. At what point was our Democracy in question that day? When were you afraid we would under the control of those couple hundred people for the coming future? We’re you getting your Red Dawn face on in case you had to fight back against the rioters in those coming weeks?
  15. His reaction to Obamacare decision was very hyperbolic. His reaction to 1/6/21 is correct. All the rioters broke the law need punished and were wrong, but they were never going to take over the government. At best, they delayed the inevitable by an hour or so?
  16. I think Mitch has always advocated for the vaccines.
  17. All this flight research these billionaires are spending their money on will benefit mankind immensely. People getting upset about it is just sour grapes IMO. I wish they would put their money into this website so mobile users didn’t have their pages refreshed three different times while reading or writing a post!
  18. Long way of saying you were wrong again. Fauci is playing word games and moving the goalposts of what is considered gain of function research as noted by 200 scientists. NIH also indirectly funded that research at WIV through sub grants funneled through a different grant.
  19. You sure he’s an epidemiologist? Or is it possible you are quite wrong once again?
  20. Do they also get to turn away fat people, smokers, etc…
  21. Except for possibly the early NY Covid situation, none of our major Hospital systems were ever overwhelmed, including the Fall and Winter spikes. We had some rural systems that had issues for a week or so from time to time, but that was the extent of it. We all need to remember that Hospitals want to be at 90+% capacity at all times. They are designed for it, along with flex capacity during times such as Covid or bad flu seasons.
  22. Anyways, you were still wrong about patient enrollment. Just happy to be able to clear that up for.
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