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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Lyndsey Graham, Susan Collins, Joni Ernst, Thomm Tillis and McConnell say hi. And there is this https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thewrap.com/lincoln-project-ads-priorities-usa-experiment/amp/
  2. Heck, now that I think about it, $100 million In total wealth should be sufficient to live off of for a lifetime. The rest can go to society.
  3. Why waste our time with a wealth tax? Let’s just cap wealth at $1billion. More than enough to live on and that would help society more than just 2%tax wouldn’t it?
  4. So instead of a wealth tax, let’s just have all those, like the tweeter you posted, who say they would pay their fare share or those like Gates Buffett, etc...Hollywood celebs who think they should be taxed more go ahead and give more voluntarily and stop taking deductions. Should raise quite a bit and then the rest of us can be left alone to abide by current tax law.
  5. Oh I See, people think it’s so so important but they won’t do it willingly. Again, nothing stops the rich talking heads who complain they don’t pay enough in taxes to proactively give their money to government. No enforcement necessary. The rest can pay what is legally thrust upon them Bill Gates says he should be taxed more. Ok, well write a check for the difference. Why does it have to enforced.
  6. Your absolute is demonstrably false, but if you would like to prove it, I’m all ears.
  7. And I’m asking why the true believers don’t start this now and try to get public support based on their actions not words? Let’s get this started NOW. Legislation takes too long. or at the bare minimum let’s get them to at least quit taking deductions. Your thoughts on that ever happening? Wouldn’t be charity
  8. It’s weird but I actually respect politicians like Harry Reid and Schumer more than people like Sasse because at least you know what they are all about whether in public or private. Sasse loves to be holier than thou in speeches yet will accept any political help
  9. Agreed. Still waiting for him to disavow Trump’s primary endorsement
  10. Now ask if they would RECOMMEND releasing a tax return under audit. Pretty sure that’s the case Trump makes but he can speak for himself.
  11. People use Trumper as a derogatory term to suggest one can’t think for themselves
  12. Yes I am a Trump supporter. Not a Trumper. I just don’t support his post election stuff.
  13. It’s not BS that he is currently under audit. Your golden media, NYT reported on it in Oct
  14. That’s factually incorrect. But of course you already know that.
  15. Corrupt how? and I have said he isn’t the best vessel to promote the policies.
  16. Whether I think it is a bulls#!t excuse or not doesn’t matter. It’s the excuse he gave from the beginning and people like you never believed it. IRS could end the audit immediately and therefor end his excuse.
  17. Because he hears things outside his echo chamber and doesn’t like it so tries to get it banned.
  18. Careful now, you may be told that your account is actually archy1221, just posting under a different name.
  19. Annnnnndddd, instead of a wealth tax that I’m sure with have loopholes, everyone in favor of a wealth tax coukd just voluntarily send 2% of their wealth into the treasury with zero loopholes in the way. BTW...for all those who want to “pay their fair share crowd”. How many currently take deductions on their taxes to pay as little as possible??
  20. Ummmm...voluntarily sending money, outside of the taxes one owes, into the treasury is a thing.
  21. @Enhanceyour a mod here correct? Want to set @knapplcstraight on this So he can quit making unfounded accusations? Or are we just gonna keep rolling with it?
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