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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. Long winded way of states saying able bodied childless adults probably shouldn’t have incomes below the poverty line and therefore be part of the Medicaid system. It also says those people have substantial premium subsidies in the ACA exchange. Those people have an income issue more than anything if they are indeed able bodied adults. My 18 yr old averages $16-$18 an hour after gas money delivering for Door Dash. Doing that 8 hrs a day for 6 days a week with 3 weeks off is $40k a year. This is saying that more people are enrolled in the actual ACA exchanges with substantial premium subsidies in states without Medicaid expansion than states with Medicaid expansion in those income ranges listed. I thought we wanted people in the ACA who didn’t have other insurance?? Now we are saying just put them on Medicaid?
  2. Essentially the author is trying to blame Republicans for legally challenging the Constitutionality of the Individual Mandate as Republican Sabotage. Remember my first post on this, the lack of an individual mandate has had no real adverse impact on the exchange plans in 2019 as said by the links embedded by the author. States opted out of Medicaid expansion because after three years, those states would be on the hook for the funding of the expansion. States have to balance budget and some probably thought they would have trouble doing so with the expansion. I don’t see how that is sabotage. Beyond that point, if Obamacare relies on Medicaid expansion to meet its objectives, that is a poor plan IMO.
  3. “The CO-OP failures have been due in large part to a combination of premiums that were too low, benefits that were too generous, enrollees who were sicker than anticipated, competition from bigger carriers with larger reserves, the risk corridor shortfall that was announced in the fall of 2015, and the risk adjustment payment announcements that were made in June 2016 (see below for a timeline of the closures).” Quote taken from the original posters link healthinsurance.org article. Failures due to many factors and not Republican Sabotage. “Issuers whose premiums exceed claims and other costs by more than a certain amount pay into the program; insurers whose claims exceed premiums by a certain amount receive payments for the shortfall. "We recognize that for a limited number of insurers, a lower than expected 2014 risk corridor payment may raise concerns," the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services stated in an Oct. 1 release. "We will be in close contact with those states and insurers in the coming days. We are beginning that outreach this afternoon and will continue to be available." Quote taken from link within a link from original poster. Healthcarefinancenews.com the risk corridor program didn’t even affect all the CO-OP’s negatively.
  4. I’m not, but Fauci and the other scientists seem to be arguing that
  5. They can and do transmit it, but not like other viruses at those same rates. Red Denver posted a video clip from Fauci today saying just this. I’m really not trying to make an argument or say something to be a contrarian. It is legitimately in the scientific data. And age within then childhood spectrum seems to matter some with this too.
  6. Maybe it’s the mandatory mask wearing on the school campus, combined with the mitigation policies the schools have in place, combined with the data showing kids don’t seem to transmit the virus like other viruses. Or in other words, Science.
  7. Not disputing what your friend says but how does he know that people are contracting the disease in school?
  8. I have kids in a large school district in KS and the Covid dashboard is pretty low. And that only shows total infections. Not just infections traced to school spread.
  9. https://www.npr.org/2020/10/21/925794511/were-the-risks-of-reopening-schools-exaggerated "Where you see cases on the rise in a neighborhood, in a county, we see that tend to be reflected in a school," Dickson said. "[But] we're not seeing spread by virtue of being in school” https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02973-3
  10. Not true. they are actually saying there is minimal to no spread inside the school building. They are saying school is a safe place to learn.
  11. I am literally responding to what is in your post and the links provided within said post. my response is to the first paragraph as I noted. I have also said more to come which means I will be addressing them as I have addressed the first paragraph. There are lots of points in your article and I will respond little by little instead a gigantic post. if you don’t like my response that is fine and your prerogative. Just don’t claim that I am not addressing them, because that would not be true once I’m done.
  12. All the scientific agencies are saying schools do not contribute to spread in a meaningful way. Basically the contract tracing studies are saying the kids who do catch Covid are catching in in the community and not catching it while at the actual school building.
  13. The stats on school spread tell a scientific story that schools should be open. Fauci agreed, WHO agrees, CDC agrees
  14. Out for contract tracing or out for actual infections? If your school has high spread related to schools that would make for a unique case study. Multiple studies have shown very limited spread traced back to schools. So if schools are not the problem, keep them open. hope your niece and nephew are well.
  15. He also said children do not contribute much to the community spread
  16. Just follow the science of Covid-19 spread in schools and you will figure this out. Listen to Fauci, especially his recent interviews. It will help
  17. so far I have learned that insurance companies raised their rates far greater than what they needed to in 2018. “So in a round-about way, the federal government is still funding CSR. They’re just doing so via larger premium subsidies, instead of directly reimbursing insurers.” healthinsurance.org link provided by original poster. I have learned that the smaller rate increases in 2019 were in response to insurers increasing rates more than they had to in 2017, 2018 and that the individual mandate change has not had much of an effect on the loss ratios of insurance companies, the individual market did not get sicker in 2019 from the change, and the risk pool has stabilized. I also learned that shortly after the ACA marketplace opened for business, a minimum of hundreds of thousands of people got cancellation Notices on the insurance plans they already had in place. (Factcheck.org) more to come on the other points.
  18. Well Duuude, good to know I should just jump once you TELL me to do something. knapplc said he would love to read a Republican alternative to Obamacare and didn’t think there was one so I gave him the name of the bill. I did the research for the actual name of the bill for him. I Never called @knapplclazy like you did to me. I don’t think he is lazy. I have already stated that I don’t follow Fox News much at all outside of the occasional Tucker rewatch from time to time. I’ve already stated I listen to cnn/msnbc/CNBC most of the time. Sprinkle in Foxnews during a commercial. Please try and keep up. That took you way longer than .5 seconds to find because you would have had to open a browser, type in what you are looking for and scroll through to make sure it’s actually what you wanted. That takes well over .5 seconds unless you are The Flash. I will read it and hopefully I will learn something useful. Learning is a good thing.
  19. That was my mistake in wording. We were talking about uninsured. Obamacare was meant to make sure every single American had insurance coverage.
  20. Masks work I wear one when around others indoors at stores. But this science message needs to go all the way. The same people recommending masks (GOOD), have also just closed schools (TERRIBLE) while allowing in person athletic competitions to take place (just plane stupid If schools are closed) How much damage are these clowns causing this generation of kids by denying in-person learning when the science says it’s safe. Fauci even had an interview in this subject recently. It’s astonishing how anti-science Education leadership is in KC metro
  21. The bill passed the House. https://www.whitehouse.gov/articles/remember-obamacares-broken-promises/ Yes he promised to cover every American who didn’t have healthcare and reduce costs. Here is some knowledge for ya. https://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/10/us/politics/10obama.text.html https://www.cms.gov/blog/thank-obamacare-rise-uninsured
  22. Republicans got rid of the Individual mandate. That’s not sabotage. That is righting a wrong that never should have place. Calling it a tax when it was always meant as a penalty for not buying insurance. if there is anything I’m missing than please let me know. Maybe some states not expanding medicaid??
  23. Have I read the entire bill...no...does anyone that is not a legal eagle read an entire bill ever. Have I read the bullet points....sure have....I’m not here to convince you it would be better or worse. you asked for a Republican plan, I gave you the name of the bill. You assumed there wasn’t one and and are now childishly upset that I gave you the name of the bill and not the link so you could do your own homework. Obamacare was supposed to give coverage to EVERY single American. Obamacare was supposed to LOWER healthcare costs. Obamacare was supposed to allow people to keep their doctors if they liked. Obamacare did none of the above. So no....it doesn’t seem to be doing fine
  24. You already know that in less than 5 minutes searching you can find the House Resolution, and I’m pretty sure you already have done so. I will let you decide if it would have been then Obamacare. Since Obamacare has already basically failed at many of its objectives, IMO it would have been better. No Canadian girlfriend for me, I’m married, but I see what you did there. Hehehehe
  25. The House passed a bill. Obama and your party wouldn't work with Rep on Obamacare. They allowed Rep in the room as a courtesy, but that was just window dressing. if not for McCain, Obamacare would have been repealed and a better Bipartisan plan implemented.
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