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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. Repeating Putin's disinformation as seen here and carrying the water for his proxy, Trump who continually damages our democracy through the Big Lie, is clearly supporting Putin. All the way up to providing aid and comfort.
  2. Murdering innocent people in a sovereign state is the new pro-life stance.
  3. That ought help the suicide rate. . Such a compassionate Party.
  4. Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko
  5. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/memory-b-cell
  6. If you're going take that sentence and interpret it that way you have way too much time on your hands.
  7. Who knows what China's move will be but all we need now is for them to try reclaim Taiwan.
  8. After the images of the siege of Kyiv come out what will be the political consequences be for the Trumpist Putin apologists? It seems siding with a murderous dictator who invaded sovereign nations wouldn't play well in the court of public opinion but maybe "own the libs" is more important.
  9. Typo which was corrected. Just not in time before the grammar cop swooped in But you knew that
  10. He appears to be on a suicide mission. Dictators almost always overreach. For Putin the best case scenario is only his economy crashes and he doesn't end up Nicolae Ceaușescu 2.0. I just hope he doesn't lob the bomb first
  11. The definition of giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Anyone still or ever in this coward's corner is culpable to what's happening on the ground today.
  12. When the right-wing love fest with Putin becomes passe how long until the likes of Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Trump, and their ilk come with the line that they were always against Putin and his czarist intentions? https://www.thedailybeast.com/ukraine-invasion-by-russia-is-the-beginning-of-the-end-for-putin-and-his-friends/
  13. Imagine running to the defense of a narcissist who identifies as the American Putin and who calls Putin's terrorism "genius" and "savvy".
  14. Stefanie is complete trash. People who identify with her take are as well. Scoring political points while giving aid and comfort to Putin.
  15. This narrative will flip once Russia crosses the red line by attacking a NATO country and we send in troops to defend. Then it'll be "Biden is a warmonger". Just like the imminent invasion of Syria lie that was pushed here right after his election. But to your point. The vultures arriving here to support Putin can't give you an answer.
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