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Omaha fan

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Everything posted by Omaha fan

  1. Lots of smoke and no fire. The vote did happen, I was wrong about that, I believe Green. Have heard nothing about which specific measurable parameters must be met to play in the spring. I’m guessing warren doesn’t have those parameters and goal posts set so that they can use any excuse they can to cancel spring. Have heard nothing about if spring happens, when and how will it happen and what specifically will it looks like. That sends a terrible message to existing and future players. All of that uncertainty isn’t going to help kids stAy in or want to join our conference. Have no clue what is supposed to be better in January than what it is now. Add in all the normal flu deaths we have that can be blamed on covid.
  2. I disagree. What makes sense is going forward until you have enough data to cancel. Right now we have no clue how widespread the infections will be within the teams. We already know that college kids aren’t at risk to die or for long term health problems. By aggressively trying to play a season, the sec, big12 and acc all proved they are very passionate and serious about playing, the big10 and pac not so much.
  3. He did so by aggressively lobbying for cancellation of the season and railroading the decision. Ohio state is leading the charge now it seems. I’ve never had crow, doesn’t look appetizing at all. Lol
  4. Lots of evidence shows you are wrong about this. Day has been very vocal about it. They aren’t going to let even an asterisk national title season be taken from them by an inept commissioner without a fight.
  5. Sean Callahan reporting that path to playing is ongoing with playing indoors in January https://mobile.twitter.com/Sean_Callahan/status/1296165796499148802
  6. Playing with Ohio state leading the charge picking up quite a bit of steam right now. this might be over just yet. Will be interesting if the talking heads including Desmond Howard apologize to Nebraska for all the shade they tossed our way. Why does this guy sound so much more credible than our multi million dollar a year league commissioner?
  7. We travel in different circles then. When I see my kids heading off a cliff, I feel compelled to offer my input. Most of my friends and my financial support in college for their kids come with strings attached, grades etc If I felt strongly that my son was in grave danger of dying or permanent injury like warren seems to think, I would probably step in. I choose to be the parent rather than the friend in those situations. you want to ride a motorcycle, piercings, tattoos, get bad grades no problem when you are 100 percent on your own dime. When I’m subsidizing you and your own money could have went towards your tuition, books, insurance, cell phone instead of those things , that’s not going to work , a handful of strings attached. Same for if I see you heading off a cliff. if warren is leaving the decision open to his son based on his sons personal needs and intellect, why not let everyone else’s son to make their own decision too?
  8. In today’s transfer portal students rights climate, perfectly reasonable to float the idea kids should be able to transfer now.
  9. Yes I’ve had kids in that age range. Yes you have to give them room but if I’m paying their way or even contributing and I fear for their safety, I’m going to call it. If he thinks our kids are in mortal danger enough to cancel the season, I’m guessing he feels his son is in mortal danger as well. while I’m paying your tuition, helping with expenses, cell phone, insurance etc: no piercings, tattoos or motorcycles. After that you’re on your own
  10. His behavior clearly shows he views this as a stepping stone to the nfl and is taking all the steps to insure that happens from a pr perspective. why else would he not consult other conferences about what they were doing or state his intentions to them? So he could get the glory of being first. Same for his extensive get out the vote and racial initiatives. All to build his nfl resume
  11. Incompetent -Poor communicator-said nothing to convince anyone of his position-No enthusiasm- no passion- no charisma Weak and bumbling, embarrassingly bad. That all resonates from someone who doesn’t believe in what he is selling. He made sure to mention George Floyd and other racial issues, when the issue at hand is how can we play and if not, why in great detail did you council not to play? appreciate the honesty of the op
  12. Omg Must have been set up prior to the conference, no questions. What a joke. Is this guy going to be given a pass by the main stream media? looked like cnns cuomo interviewing biden or trump being interviewed by Hannity on fox
  13. Several reliable sources reporting that warren was the one advocating for no fall season, the words were “railroading” with no vote. More information will follow I’m guessing as the emperors clothes start to be called out for what they are. would be consistent with the Vikings fans that called him two faced. Would also be consistent with him being a very poor decision maker with one rule for the public and another for himself. Lots of data pointing to him failing miserably at this from so many angles. Hoping all the details come out.
  14. If warren feared for his own son, why not hold his son out? Make it a personal decision not to play? his personal decision has been to allow his son to play, while banning a couple of thousand big12 players from playing or having the freedom to make the personal decision not to play im amazed at the amount of leeway warren is getting.
  15. There are domed stadiums : detroit indianapolis st louis minneapolis play at hawks
  16. It’s the job of the conference to develop the protocols. If you have 14 different sets of protocols how do you insure that the visiting schools are safe? Every away game would come with a completely different set of processes if those programs had one. this is a perfect situation for when the conference administrators lead, instead of having 14 totally separate sets of protocols and processes. So you let 14 different schools invest in developing all those protocols instead of the league developing one for all 14 teams?? Since one would assume the league would have lots more access to information from other leagues about how they were handling the problem. but now we know warren wasn’t doing that. Not sure why anyone but warrens mom would give him cover on this.
  17. Sorry, that wasn’t my intention, I apologize if you were offended by that comment. Im guessing we grew up in different places and in different eras. I didn’t grow up in the micro aggression era, if we were trying to get after someone we were overt about it. Don’t get your panties in a bunch where I’m at just means don’t fret about it. where I’m from that wouldn’t be considered a personal attack, but you like all of us are entitled to how you feel. Won’t happen again, my apologies.
  18. With Warren silent for the last 8 days and new momentum for a new season being seen from multiple sources including a Milwaukee newspaper. Which teams are most likely to be in or out? Seems like playing still has some legs https://www.jsonline.com/story/sports/college/uw/2020/08/18/revised-big-ten-football-season-could-begin-january/5602516002/ In descending order : Ohio state- legit national title contenders- consistently said they want to play Nebraska- led the charge, unity of purpose. Bad taste in mouth from last 3 years- need positive traction penn state- franklin has them on the move in the right direction, top 10 program, always in iowa- consistently said they want to play. Always in. wisconsin- legit top 15 program, been quiet, but looks like they’ve never been on board with not playing. Not sure, seems like a silent commit. purdue-Brohm and company have been frustrated and a bit vocal. They are on positive territory under Brohm and want to move the momentum forward. michigan- harbaugh wants to play. Mixed signals here. They can’t let Ohio state play and get left behind. But very liberal campus. Tough call. below this line- very tough to call indiana- great season last year, better Recuiting, conservative state. They are on the move Michigan state - new coach, down season, woke campus. Probably not. Easy calls from here on down illinois- parents and kids want to play. Some momentum from last year. Don’t see it happening. minnesota- great season. Too woke, fine with letting their area burn to the ground. no chance northwestern- nope. They think they are Chicago ivy league maryland- no chance rutgers- no chance
  19. Yes it’s my guess Warren wanted to be the out front leader hero on this covid cancellation thing to cement his spot as the next nfl commissioner. Why not wait until we get more data from what happens once schools open and full contact practices begin? Why not wait to see what other conferences are doing. Makes perfect sense now. According to several non league sources he had zero coordination and contact with the sec, big 12 and acc about what he was doing. They were caught off guard on both his rescheduling and the cancellation. All so he could be the first one to declare the season over. Why else would he go from revising the schedule to canceling in less than one week just because the Mac announced they were cancelling? So he could beat all the other power 5 teams to the punch. He wanted the glory of being the first power 5 to cancel. Just like he wanted all the pr for doing his rock the vote and social justice warrior initiatives- to be out front to add to his resume for the nfl. Not a fan at all .
  20. Some kind of glitch, unintentional. don’t get your panties in a bunch
  21. Read this warren has kept the coaches completely in the dark. That’s why they are doing their own conference calls without him and guys like Brohm are coming up with spring football plans read this- it tells it all in detail https://www.google.com/amp/s/saturdaytradition.com/big-ten-football/moving-forward-is-kevin-warren-the-right-person-to-lead-the-b1g/amp/
  22. For those not convinced that Warren has totally botched his tenure so far as commissioner, I highly recommend you read this https://www.google.com/amp/s/saturdaytradition.com/big-ten-football/moving-forward-is-kevin-warren-the-right-person-to-lead-the-b1g/amp/
  23. According to several sources now, warren did lead the charge to cancel football with one credible source saying he railroaded the decision with no vote. He’s not paid to be just a ballot counter, he is the thought leader of the league
  24. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/it-is-unclear-whether-big-ten-presidents-formally-voted-to-nix-2020-college-football-season/amp/ cbs sports reporting warren aggressively pushed for fall season to be cancelled. Does cbs sports count as a credible source?
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