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Everything posted by LAHusker

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I could of sworn I read an article around spring practice time that basically said that Keller would throw to whatever receiver Grixby was guarding at the time? Either way, I don't think this topic would have ever been started if most people were satisfied with his play last year. Guess we'll have to let the coaches who make the big bucks make the decisions.
  2. I think some full-on shots to Booty early could be a huge momentum maker for our team. Get him out of rhythm and let him know the defense is for real.
  3. Yep, let them all talk. No need to take a guy too seriously who wears more makeup on-air than most women.
  4. IOWA-Idiots out wandering around...sorry, I know that's old, but it's very appropriate for this thread.
  5. So that's 2 TD's, a field goal, and a safety. Close enough for me.
  6. I can always count on you for a ray of sunshine in an otherwise negative world. Totally, this is a good site to come to if you're depressed and need a lift! What... you don't enjoy coming to talk Husker football? Are you sure that's what you meant? I love talking Husker football, just seems at times a lot of negative comments on how the team's progressing, coaching, or if someone starts a thread that's not interesting enough, etc., etc.
  7. I can always count on you for a ray of sunshine in an otherwise negative world. Totally, this is a good site to come to if you're depressed and need a lift!
  8. I'm glad he's happy in Lincoln because it's a different world from where he came from. Looking for great things from him this year!
  9. Ya, that was a great play, sucks that we couldn't finish that drive.
  10. Christ! I may have to rethink this whole "Mark May is an idiot" thing... Nah, he's still a tool. I am sure he's waiting to turn coat. I agree. His compliments are like backhanded ones. It is usually "Well since nobody else is good in the North and Missouri is unproven I guess I will go with Nebraska." Give me a break! This guys has been a joke since he started on TV. He should be on QVC Today a fan asked the question, why does Mark May have a huge man-crush on Pete Carroll, it was sweet! His reply was that his dentist is a USC fan....guess that explains it.... Only thing I learn from my dentist is that I don't want to go back in 6 months
  11. Remember, it's "THE" Ohio State University. 95 Huskers, best team ever-period. I was at that game against Florida, but just recently watched the TV version. Man, talk about big, strong, and fast players, plus phenomenal depth. Just glad we have this type of tradition to talk about, some schools would kill just for one of our championship teams.
  12. When will Brent Musberger retire, hopefully soon.
  13. With an improved offensive line, I know this year he'll definitely live up to his pre-college hype. Man, this guy doesn't need to break tackles, he just makes everyone miss!
  14. Thanks for the site. I also found a cool t-shirt on there as well. My wife has the ucla version. It's not always easy in a trojan/husker household! I had that chick last time I was in Talahassee. No joke! Her name is Meagan. Nice, very Cameron Diaz-esque...
  15. Thanks for the site. I also found a cool t-shirt on there as well. My wife has the ucla version. It's not always easy in a trojan/husker household!
  16. I doubt Callahan will bolt to the NFL as soon as we have more success. He wanted to return to the college game by choice, if he hadn't, I'm sure he could have gotten a job as another head coach or assistant in the NFL after being at Oakland.
  17. Love seeing our team on the tube!
  18. Very true. Callahan could have kicked him off of the team and there still would be people out there not satisfied. Some programs buy their player's parents a huge house and that seems to be ok. Whether we're on top or the bottom, the media still seems to be anti-husker.
  19. I don't want to burst your bubble but a little geography lesson will be needed. Pasadena, site of the Rose Bowl and losses to UCLA & Texas, is a suburb of LA. Its about 45 miles NE of USC. It would be like Nebraska playing in Omaha, just closer. Hardly far from home. That leaves two losses on the last play of each game, with one in overtime. Hardly the data to make a, "Hey, dudes, they're vulnerable away from home argument." Pete Carroll's resume: Nation's winningest active coach (65-12) 84.4% in six years at USC Ranked in the AP Top 10 for past 56 games 24 wins over AP Top 25 teams (average 4 per year) Produced 3 Heisman Trophy winners, 25 All-American first teamers, 32 NFL draft picks If you're looking for week points. You won't find any. But you can beat them. Line up and play great football and hope they have an off day and you win. These "secret formulas" for a win are crap. Dude, you're the one who needs a geography lesson. Pasadena is more like 15 miles from south central. Do you have an issue with my statement or my typo? God forbid should anyone have a typo. Yes, YOU ARE RIGHT, its 15 miles not 45. I have made that drive so many times before, the first one was to the 1975 Rose Bowl where UCLA defeated No. 1 ranked Ohio State, and many, many times since. You would think I would remember to double check such a crucial piece of data for my argument. That 30 extra miles completely invalidates EVERYTHING I said. That extra 30 miles certainly would make any person feel a long way from home and totally insecure. I have been driving in LA since 1972, oh God how could I have overstated this. Oh God! Yup, I stand corrected this definitely qualifies as an "away" game. Since you are making the point, the computation error would also invalidate my analogy of my comparison to NU playing in Omaha. Thats a whopping 60 miles from NU, making the Huskers go an extra 45 miles! They probably would feel like they were falling off the edge of the earth. (The earth is flat you know). Next time I give distances, I am going to check my GPS for validity and spell check is obviously no help. I bow to your superior geography knowledge and driving experience in LA. Beside, I only have a minor in geography, you must have a masters at least. I knew I should have gotten my masters in geography not history. Now I will tremble every time we have to travel more than 30 miles. You guys have discovered our weakness. Now, I am terrified of coming to Lincoln. I want to change my prediction, NU 31-USC 10. Somewhere there's a USC message board that misses you...or maybe not. We all know you're a closet Husker, not to mention having too much time on your hands, so go ahead and buy your dream retirement home in the great city of Lincoln and vaporize. And make sure your wife keeps you away from the computer.
  20. I don't want to burst your bubble but a little geography lesson will be needed. Pasadena, site of the Rose Bowl and losses to UCLA & Texas, is a suburb of LA. Its about 45 miles NE of USC. It would be like Nebraska playing in Omaha, just closer. Hardly far from home. That leaves two losses on the last play of each game, with one in overtime. Hardly the data to make a, "Hey, dudes, they're vulnerable away from home argument." Pete Carroll's resume: Nation's winningest active coach (65-12) 84.4% in six years at USC Ranked in the AP Top 10 for past 56 games 24 wins over AP Top 25 teams (average 4 per year) Produced 3 Heisman Trophy winners, 25 All-American first teamers, 32 NFL draft picks If you're looking for week points. You won't find any. But you can beat them. Line up and play great football and hope they have an off day and you win. These "secret formulas" for a win are crap. Dude, you're the one who needs a geography lesson. Pasadena is more like 15 miles from south central.
  21. He's been given a reasonable deal, so let's move on. If there's another slip-up, then I think most fans would agree that he would need to go. So let's hope for a great season without any serious injuries.
  22. Just another media story trying to create any kind of drama for the north division. Huskers by at least 2 touchdowns. Daniels is sacked 5 times and picked off at least once.
  23. I doubt it will be a blowout. I know everyone tries to be realistic regarding this topic, but I see it cross the line into negativity towards our team too often. Yes, we're not at where we want to be as a team yet, but it seems like no one has any faith that we can win a big game, everyone gives KSUcks and other no name teams a better shot than us, including some of our own fans. The team deserves a positive attitude from all of us if we consider ourselves true Husker fans. There's no way we'll just see screens/iso plays to lucky all game, if that was the case, then why did we get Keller in the first place. The key to this game is to throw booty off rhythm. Even in last year's game, they weren't really able to run at us all that well. We just couldn't cover their receivers and put any pressure on the QB. If we can do that, I think we have a decent shot at them. Never underestimate the home environment, along with some good midwestern humidity. That will test their conditioning no doubt.
  24. I think this score is pretty accurate. They may stick with us through the 1st half and part of the 3rd, much like Colorado did with us last year, but by the 4th, it'll be all Big Red.
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