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Everything posted by AZ4NE1

  1. What's "Crap Pound"? Sounds like some sort of poopy Chinese water torture involving a lot of squatting and some of those bars they have on the "cripple stools" in a handicapped bathroom.
  2. Mixed with water/flour to make the new Slipnot masks.
  3. What exactly are the "tought" academic standards? And are they tougher or taught any different?
  4. http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/8133208...P&GT1=39002
  5. Thought I saw it on Hack's blog thingie, but not playable. http://hackworthless.blogspot.com/ I would imagine it was taken down due to no permission granted by UNL, and maybe they've been threatening places like youtube to "take it off or else".
  6. Why would you want to end the Controversy? Controversy drives interest.
  7. How about something different before each game..Kinda like the different opening scenes in "The Simpsons" episodes. One week, you can have the pyrotechnic dept. rig up some explosives, the next week we can have it holding back a wall of water, then the dam (doors) breaking followed by the team..Then, the week after that, you could have Herbie wielding a light saber and cutting through the doors, then, the next week, you could have a dial put on the doors, and bring in a safe cracker..And , the next week.... Somethin' tells me this is going to be an especially long off-season. .... Some smartass could lock them and we could watch them struggling to let the team on the field!!! Kewl!! Then they bring out the Jaws of Life and 80k can see one in action
  8. F that, Bo isn't the head coach of any of our football teams. As far as we all know, you, Cy, are the commissioner of this fantasy league, so you make the rules. iF Cy was really in charge, do you think he would've let them hide those threads in the lounge?
  9. Me too..(9-1) I'm suddenly very freightened..I figured I'd dissagree with at least half of what any politician thought..Maybe it's just what they WANT me to think..
  10. Who are the "husjers" that you speak of? That's the official Husker fan site for the "Lispers of America Association" ...I have NU with 50 shut outs since 1970 but...since I can only count to 21 without having to borrow someone else's body parts...I may be off by one. I thought it was a movie about Basketball in Indianna... And just you keep your pants zipped up!
  11. What with the shirt (Should've been written in Arabic?) and the hand (gun) gestures, His intent probably WAS to get attention arrested. Mission accomplished.
  12. Only thing I could think of...imagine a slash through the airtanker.
  13. I still say Ozzy Osborn sounds exactly like Bette Davis after her stroke. Kashmir is one of my fav. songs..Wonder if it would get overplayed to the point I'd get tired of it..like they did to Sirious?
  14. Would we have to stay away from the downtown bars?
  15. Why would Tebow leave early? He'll be a JR next year, and doesn't care about Money..Might not even want to turn pro after he uses up his eligibility.
  16. Interesting Video clip of Former Husker great Todd Brown talking about getting heckled at the KU game by a few Husker fans. http://khastv.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=7852 Todd Brown reflects on old Husker days
  17. Whatever happened to "Mad Mike"? Probably dating myself here but I remember when I was a student, he'd be banging on a tom (drum) going from stadium to stadium trying to fire the crowd up..Seems like I read long ago the he was "invited" to leave and then went to Chiefs games. I almost forgot we had seats.
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