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shagg's Achievements

Three-Star Recruit

Three-Star Recruit (4/21)



  1. if he drags this on any longer more schools are really gonna back away..can't blame rand shannon for wanting to pull the scholie offer...i'd do the same thing...it's still a team sport the last time i check....the kid's a freakin' side show....keep it up and he'll ruin his chance of getting a scholie to a school he wants to because by the time this circus ends nobody would want him....
  2. i'd like to see the player(s) that got flagged booted off the team and never allowed to played again and i want his momma and daddy arrested...and his cousins too... i'd like to see his coaches get fired....his school should never be allow to participate in football again.....LOL
  3. what do they expect?..football is played with emotion and it's physical....it ain't bowling or golf....when you're out there on that field you better bring it or the guy in front of you will kick you in the ass..i can handle a little celebration if a guy makes a big play...i'm just tired of all these rules they're trying to police...LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!!!!!
  4. they're trying to turn it into the crybaby league
  5. they're at it again, the ncaa....another propose rule(s)...this time to take away a TD if a player(s) is called for unsportsmanlike while scoring a TD....when are they gonna ever stop...take a TD away after a player scores?......crazy if you ask me....we have enough rules already....like to know what you guys think
  6. he's got that "what have you done for me lately" attitude....glad he never consider nu....it's a freakin' circus with this guy...ncaa violation waiting to happen
  7. yes, butler is a leech.... bryce is to blame also, it's not like butler held a gun to his head or anything....i just don't see how bryce needs this butler guy....it's not like he's an unknown prospect or anything and needs butler's help getting a scholarship...the kid can choose any schools he wants to....he's old enough to know right from wrong and what's stupid and what's not....where's bryce's family through all this? you figure they would talk some sense into him....all i can say is they're both drama queens (bryce and butler)....these type of people are a cancer to any program....
  8. i just can't stand coach/coaches from the nfl...so arrogant....they think they're so much better than everybody else....
  9. did clemson have a good class?.... The 12 we signed are solid. We only had room for 15 though, so we filled our needs and are looking forward to next year. According to the 'experts', it's not a great class cause of quantity, but I'm satisfied with it. We did sign a QB in Tajh Boyd. The player I'm looking forward to seeing the most is FB Tyler Shatley, check out his film if you can. He's an old school bruising back, and would be perfect for the TO triple option back in the 90's. whatever the ranking is i know one thing for sure, clemson will always be atlethic...good luck with the upcoming season
  10. little lane kiffin will fine out real quick that he's not at usc anymore and that they don't play in the pac ten
  11. c.fl.?...maybe that's just what he needs to bring him back down to earth....i'm usually not a hater but guys with this kind of attitude just makes it hard to root for him....i mean the kid doesn't even stretch with his teamates or go through training camp because he was afraid he might get hurt...not a team player at all from the sound of it....this is straight from his coach/ coaches mouth...everybody puts all the blame on his "agent", butler, but bryce and his family is as much to blame for letting this circus to continue...we're not talking about a little six year old here....not saying that nu ever had a chance or that they even recruited him, but i never want a kid with this attitude at nu ever.....guys like him is a ticking time bomb with the ncaa
  12. did clemson have a good class?....
  13. Don't bash Bryce as much as you should Brian Butler. Dude is a leech and scum. How he manages to pull the wool over on these kids and their families I do not know. it takes two to tangle...yes butler is a leech and a scum but bryce and his family are not 6 years old.....lack of character
  14. i've said before and i'll say it again..this kid is a nut case....more baggage than paris hilton....me me me me... it's all about the attention and how long he can drag it out for...this one scares me...i can see ncaa violation written over this one....we can use a guy with this kind of talent but no way do we ever want a guy with this attidude who is full of himself...
  15. sounds like he's really interested in nu....and he hasn't even seen the facility yet...i'd say after he visit our chance would go up dramatically....
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