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Everything posted by carlfense

  1. ^^^Looks like John Ellis Bush will be running after all. Great. I was hoping to be able to choose between a Clinton and a Bush.
  2. We may have helped create this specific problem but the roots of it go back a long ways. Ultimately it's a Middle East problem . . . but many of them have more in common than different with ISIS. (Saudi Arabia in particular.) But in general, ISIS is massively overhyped. They are far more adept at messaging than they are at fighting. That's not to say that they would be easily eradicated but rather that they are really only successful when they're filling a vacuum.
  3. Absolutely not. To both but particularly to the latter which is utterly laughable.
  4. According to the CIA's own records torture did not work to gather good info. How do you think any crime is ever solved without torturing? Do the same things on a bigger scale. Torture doesn't work.
  5. Here is the full report. I'm only about 1/4 of the way into it but it's well worth reading! http://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/files/serve?File_id=7c85429a-ec38-4bb5-968f-289799bf6d0e&SK=D500C4EBC500E1D256BA519211895909
  6. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/12/trial-by-cash/383631/?single_page=true
  7. W. was for it. Obama is (maybe!) half-heartedly against it. The battle lines are drawn. Throw in the always amusing "put a boot in their a$$" crowd and you get this pseudo-discussion.
  8. And so you become the monster you were supposed to be fighting. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Sully paraphrasing Nietzsche
  9. So much for American exceptionalism, eh? You really should stop and think about what you're saying here. You can stop and think when that knife is at your throat. As for me, I still don't care!T_O_B Whose knife? The terrorists'? Or your barbed wire whip? You probably have beers with the a$$holes who spit at me when I got home from Nam. T_O_B No, sir. Hardly your fault that you were sent there. I would like a word with the politicians who sent you there, though.
  10. Growing up in rural Nebraska and hunting and trapping 150+ coons per year while in high school . . . I can say with a high degree of certainty that this didn't happen in the order that Gangwish claims. Although with fur prices where they are I'm not sure why he'd bother . . . Okay...I kind of thought it seemed odd too! How do you think it went down? Sees coon. Grabs wrench. Hits/kicks coon. Gets bitten. Finishes the job. Lots of trouble for a $5 coon. probably about $25 in the hole after he buys fur permit Unless he just takes it to the one guy in the area who actually bought the permit . . . this sounds illegal. should you be discussing this so brazenly? I have a permit. Strictly on the straight and narrow.
  11. Growing up in rural Nebraska and hunting and trapping 150+ coons per year while in high school . . . I can say with a high degree of certainty that this didn't happen in the order that Gangwish claims. Although with fur prices where they are I'm not sure why he'd bother . . . Okay...I kind of thought it seemed odd too! How do you think it went down? Sees coon. Grabs wrench. Hits/kicks coon. Gets bitten. Finishes the job. Lots of trouble for a $5 coon. probably about $25 in the hole after he buys fur permit Unless he just takes it to the one guy in the area who actually bought the permit . . .
  12. Growing up in rural Nebraska and hunting and trapping 150+ coons per year while in high school . . . I can say with a high degree of certainty that this didn't happen in the order that Gangwish claims. Although with fur prices where they are I'm not sure why he'd bother . . . Okay...I kind of thought it seemed odd too! How do you think it went down? Sees coon. Grabs wrench. Hits/kicks coon. Gets bitten. Finishes the job. Lots of trouble for a $5 coon.
  13. I can say with a high degree of certainty that this didn't happen in the order that Gangwish claims. Although with fur prices where they are I'm not sure why he'd bother . . .
  14. Nah, the constitution only matters if we are talking about freedom to be christian. And keeping tax rates low!
  15. So much for American exceptionalism, eh? You really should stop and think about what you're saying here. You can stop and think when that knife is at your throat. As for me, I still don't care! T_O_B Whose knife? The terrorists'? Or your barbed wire whip?
  16. So much for American exceptionalism, eh? You really should stop and think about what you're saying here.
  17. Damn lefties. What a RINO. Real Republicans condone torture.
  18. http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/republicans-torture-report-jonathan-gruber-hypocrisy/
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