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Everything posted by Cdog923

  1. I thought it was an in-state miss, but I don't think Riley pushed too hard for him.
  2. https://247sports.com/Player/Noah-Vedral-84509/high-school-146140 https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/noah-vedral-1.html
  3. I credit poor recruiting. And overall lack of development. I kid. But seriously, our O-line needs big time work.
  4. Lived in both Neihardt and Courtyards during my time in Lincoln, so CPN was a second home. They demoed the dining hall earlier this month, but I'm betting some of that mac and cheese survived.
  5. I have zero problems with how Rey is being portrayed in terms of her ability to use the Force, but to be fair, though, there's about a year inbetween Empire and Jedi for Luke to train and increase his skills.
  6. In terms of TLJ, I loved almost every scene that Kylo and Rey are in together. They have a fantastic dynamic that Johnson wisely played off of. I also thought Laura Dern was incredible. I do wish they would give Poe more to do, and round his character out a bit more. Oscar Isaac is a fantastic actor who could lead a standalone Star Wars movie very easily.
  7. Like I said, we'll have to agree to disagree, under the caveat that there is still some of Luke's story to tell.
  8. We can agree to disagree; I'm not fully on board with some of the portrayals, but that's fine if you are.
  9. That's not the point, though; character progressions like that have to fit narratively with how the character has already been portrayed, which I would argue they haven't done with both Han and (especially) Luke. You can make these iconic characters vulnerable without going completely Jon Snow on them (strongest plot armor ever). "“I said to Rian, ‘Jedis don’t give up.’ I mean, even if [Luke] had a problem, he would maybe take a year to try and regroup, but if he made a mistake, he would try and right that wrong, so right there, we had a fundamental difference." http://collider.com/the-last-jedi-mark-hamill-on-luke-skywalker/#rian-johnson-disney This entire discussion should be taken with the caveat that we still have one more film to go, and we don't yet know what direction they're going to take Luke in. I'd almost bet my house that he becomes a Force Ghost, though.
  10. I do, but that doesn't mean I agree with her summation. Han is utterly broken by his ending in TFA and that's not what I wanted, or expected, for that character.
  11. I guess disrespectful might have been too strong of a word; this tweet chain from CJ Anders in this post sums it up: Also, Hamill has come out numerous times about the conflict he had with Johnson's portrayal of Luke; in an interview that I saw today (might be older), he refers to playing the character as "Jake" Skywalker as opposed to Luke Skywalker
  12. For me, I look at it two ways: Blade Runner 2049 took an established universe and treated it's characters respectfully, while also building towards the future, should they choose to make another film in that universe. For me, Star Wars is redefining their establish characters in ways that I would not have expected (or enjoyed) in order to push the franchise in a new direction, for a new fanbase.
  13. All I know is that I wouldn't stop recruiting safeties if I were the staff.
  14. I saw it on Sunday, and got a bit worried when I saw that initial reactions were tepid at best. I've pointed out what I dislike about it in the thread, but there is really some good-to-great aspects of the movie. That being said, I would have half as many problems with this trilogy if I felt like they were handling the OT characters with grace. With Carrie Fisher's unfortunate passing, I think they're going to go 0-3 in that department.
  15. I say this not as a mod, but a concerned citizen: take it to PMs, please. In terms of Vedral, he's worth a scholarship, especially if more than one QB leaves in the spring.
  16. I honestly think that might be his biggest contribution to the team, unless transfers part the Red Sea to make room on the depth chart.
  17. IMO, at TE, he's an all-conference type of talent. At LB, he's a first round draft pick talent.
  18. I'll take the guy that was an actual post player.
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