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Vince R.

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Everything posted by Vince R.

  1. I feel for the guy. It's going to be a steady hill to climb to beat out the guys who have been doing it for years.
  2. Not saying it didn't happen, but I feel that if he did, it would have leaked in real time.
  3. A few of the original visitors (King included) were planning to commit on the visit and the staff wasn't ready to accept so things were changed.
  4. 11 game starter back in 2022. Had some momentum but then played sparingly in '23. He was interested when Frost was the HC. I watched him a ton and he's just not my kind of player. I really do hope that Dwight or Jeremiah take a nice step this summer.
  5. Sorry, I meant them being a part of the equation and not being the sole reason. I don't like Ceyair Wright for this team but we will see I guess.
  6. I think Nelson and the German have thrown a bit of a wrench in some of the numbers.
  7. I know lol. It got brought up to him just a few minutes ago and he confirmed about Rahim not visiting after all. There's a ton of movement happening.
  8. Looks like his visit was cancelled as well...
  9. It's been awfully quiet since the visit...
  10. no longer visiting. May mean something with another WR prospect.
  11. Considering the lack of depth of that position and needing 4 guys healthy throughout the year, this is huge. If he ends up being someone who can contribute, tip the cap man. Then I feel a lot better going into 2025.
  12. After 13 visits, I'd sure hope so. Schaef said something this morning that I agree with. If Nebraska goes on a nice run to start the season, he's N (paraphrasing). If not, then he's going elsewhere.
  13. Are we still talking about football here?
  14. We are making moves to get him here this weekend. The staff is going to fill that position need no matter what.
  15. He's been a state of Texas lean for months. The only schools who have recruited him well and have well-detailed plans for him is Oregon and Nebraska. Both Oregon and Nebraska had made him a priority from the jump and have shown him real detailed plans on his position and day to day. The other doorknob universities show him luxury cars and downtown nightlife. Texas just recently showed him their plans for him on his recent OV. In the recruiting world and at this stage of his high school career, that's really bad and downright negligent.
  16. Tim is legit. I trust his word over most.
  17. I would recruit that position like he won't be in it.
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