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Everything posted by commando

  1. unstable idiots = Donald J Trump and his followers.
  2. good lord....i feel sorry for anyone that had to put up with her. the urge to tell her to just STFU must have been never ending
  3. trump was the guy who called for them to storm the capitol. if you support trump....you support his actions.
  4. Trump is still the same guy he has been ever since he was elected. yesterday was obviously coming our way ever since 2016. it was not a surprise. it was not a shock. it was expected. i am glad some people finally see what trump is and was and no longer support him.....but there are oh so many still blinded to the conmans agenda
  5. the question is.....what do you do when the president fires up an angry mob to storm the capitol? the 25th? impeachment? or just continue letting the crazy old dips#!t continue being president because the f#&% your feelings crowd would be hurt if he was removed from office?
  6. if it wasn't trumpers doing the damage (ha) why didn't any of the pure at heart trumpers not stop the antifa and BLM people from doing the damage?
  7. a lot of the far right sights are saying yesterday was a practice run.
  8. i jsut woke up.....how did 4 people die? when i went to bed last night they were reporting only 1 dead.
  9. apparently trumps twitter account has now been blocked. i remember twitter saying that they couldn't block the sitting presidents twitter. maybe he really is a private citizen already
  10. lol....a trumper from town was at the rally today. he claims that it was BLM that did all the violence. LOL.....there is nothing they can't try to blame on someone else. i saw trump flags, confederate flags, don't tread on me flags, but no BLM flags.
  11. is it possible the 25th has been enacted? or maybe trump resigned? i don't know if pence has that power if trump is president. maybe i am wrong.
  12. the worst thing you can do is let a conman lead his followers into acts of violence with their lies.
  13. since you and Trump are the arbiters of truth...maybe you could detail for us with evidence, not hearsay, about all the election fraud?
  14. not really....the president wasn't inciting the violence.
  15. watching fox news. they are calling this insane and also referred to trumps insane tweets. the romance is officially over between donnie and fox. we will see what tucker and hannity have to say tonight. i expect them to glorify dear leaders fight for america.
  16. this is the day so many of us anti trumper knew was coming. he is not going away peacefully. this is what he and his allies want. it is sedition.
  17. watching trumps speech. he truely believes the senate is going to overturn the election
  18. it feels like the far right has been planning for their revolution for awhile now. they have their base fired up and ready to go.....all we are waiting for is the firing on fort sumter.
  19. do i have this right? Donnie is claiming the he and his administration ran the most crooked election ever in the history of the united states?
  20. don't forget the mortal sin of plagerism.
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