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Everything posted by Redreign22

  1. I was ran off this board for lobbying for Frost to replace Riley his entire first year. I even emailed all the brass at UNL. Posted my reply from Perlman. Some members came at me pretty hard for it. I didnt post for a year. I just stalked anonymously. ; )
  2. Hes got to pull the trigger. Riley is creating apathy by the minute. His lack of give a damn and complete loss of answers is spreading thru the team like a cancer.
  3. Really? I thought the refs were against them most the night.
  4. He is way to savvy to say anything to anyone. Hes playing chess with Moos while Riley plays checkers.
  5. Anyone know the balance of the general athletic fund? I mean how much donwe have? I know its more than most but it would be nice tonhave stats to throw back at people.
  6. I dont think winning out saves Riley. I think Frost has an assurance in his back pocket for weeks now and can just focus on finishing strong.
  7. They hear us everywhere they go. But they see us and they see half empty stadiums. At this point they know the best way to get most fans back on board and feeling optimistic is to bring in Frost. As long as they dont over think it. Moos has a paint by numbers solution to the current debacle.
  8. I suspect as much for some time. But if you are correct your my new best friend.
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